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Everything posted by Bursar

  1. Bursar

    USB Drivers for Windows NT

    As I'm sure you're aware, NT doesn't support USB. A few companies that supply USB devices have taken the time and trouble to write NT4 drivers, but they're usually quite specific to the hardware they're supplied with. They won't work with other bits of hardware. So I'd guess you're going to be out of luck. Is there not a serial port option available for your camera? That might help.
  2. Bursar

    having trouble installing enter the matrix

    Is your system upto spec? A P3 500 (even a Xeon) sounds quite low. Maybe it's a bug in the installer due to not having a powerful enough system. And from what I hear, you're not missing much from not being able to play it anyway...
  3. Not sure if it will happen here, but at another board I was talking about a Terry Pratchett book called Nightwatch. That got cenosered because there's a kind of rude word in the middle of it No problems here though. Horrah
  4. Bursar

    Ok Win2k Gamer question

    The only thing that would tempt me back to Win2K for gaming is HalfLife. Ever since the upgrade to XP I haven't been able to play it. Mouse control is erratic, and keyboard commands aren't much better. It was flawless under 2K though. But it's been so long since I've played it now, that I'm not bothered anymore. And with HL2 finally on the horizon, I should soon be able to get a proper game under XP Other than that though, XP has has been pretty flawless for the games I play.
  5. Bursar

    Asus a7v333 & digital camera = no good

    I had something similar with my Fuji camera. Under Win2K the camera worked perfectly, with absolutely no trouble getting the thing recognised by plugging it into the USB port. Use WinXP, and the camera wasn't recognised. Tried drivers, patching, multiple USB ports, USB hub, everything. All the hardware in the PC was exactly the same. Only the OS had changed. I didn't want to go back to 2K, so I just bought a card reader instead. That installed fine under XP, so I just take the card out and stick in the reader when I want to transfer pics now
  6. Bursar

    The Truth About Weed............

    Quote: For the most part, taking ANYTHING but oxygenated atmosphere into your lungs is BAD with capital letters. True to a point, but our own atmosphere is getting so poluted, that it won't be long before it's not going to make much difference. Recently there's been a bit of a thing about 'oxygen bars'. They have these canisters of oxygen, and for some amount of money, you can get a shot of pure oxygen. I'm sure I read that's bad for you as well. Guess you can't win! Quote: I bet that coke & heroin are not all that bad either like I heard also" & off we go into drug addiction & ruin. I'm not convinced that's a reasonable argument to be honest. It's one thing to try a bit of weed, but moving to herion is a completely different ball game. I never took that extra step, and had no desire to find out what it was that made people take herion. People that take these extra steps (to become junkies and alcoholics) have a problem to start with. The drugs and drink are just their forms of escape. I don't believe that drinking beer leads to drinking whiskey leads to necking a bottle of the stuff a day. Personally, I'd rather fire up a game and work my frustrations out by blasting away at everything that moves than sinking into a bottle or jabbing a needle into my arm. I think there's also a fine line between legalisation and decriminalisation. Legalisation would make the sitautation similar to that in Amsterdam. You could have registered places to buy the stuff, and to smoke it. Quality could be controlled (less icky stuff going into the manufacture of it), and the government could tax it a bit. Decriminalisation would basically mean that you could smoke it in your own home, but being caught with it out on the street wouldn't see you busted and thrown into jail for a while. We had this big thing about it in the UK a couple of years ago. It's been strangely quiet on that front for a while now, so I guess not much happened. But as you say APK, live and let live. If people want to do it, that's fine, and if they're not hurting anyone else, then where's the harm?
  7. Bursar

    Liteon 16x DVD-ROM problem

    Best thing I can find after a 30 second search is: http://www.jlms.com.tw/download.htm The file second from bottom is called D163GH5S.zip which seems a good match for your drive. There doesn't seem to be a readme file in the ZIP, but I didn't run the exe, so I don't know if it will extract one, or if that exe is the firmware upgrade.
  8. Bursar

    Post a pic of your desk

    Personally I'm more concerned about the box of tissues on top of the monitor
  9. It's not your IP address, that will simply tell the browser to try and find a web server running on your machine. It's the internal address of the cable modem. For mine, it's That's with a Motorola Sufboard 3100, so yours might be different. If you tell me the make and model of your modem, I'll have a search around for you and see if I can dig anything up.
  10. In a web browser. I can't remember exactly what the IP address is (I'm at work, and the modem is at home), but chucking it into IE shows me all the diags and config of the modem.
  11. Bursar

    What DVD Burner to get?

    True, but when I say 'I' I actually mean work So I guess that doesn't really count. I'm not going to get one for home use until the standards war settles down. Besides, I don't really have much use for one at the mo. The main reason I can see is holiday vids and so-on, but seeing as neither of my parents have a DVD player, it's a bit pointless. For my own use, I can leave the vids on the tapes. Also, NEC have a +R/-R drive available for around £100 less than the Sony drive. Speed wise I think it's the same, so that's another option.
  12. Does your cable modem have any biult in diagnostics? If I enter the local IP address of my cable modem, I can see exactly what it's doing. It logs all the activities that it carries out, including its success (or otherwise) in communicating with my ISPs network. If you don't have much documentation for the modem, try heading to the manufacturers website and seeing if they have any online manuals or trouble shooting tips. Being able to tell your ISP exactly what the modem is upto should make the job much easier.
  13. Bursar

    running antivirus program under DOS level

    Will it even be possible? Most of the 'consumer' level products from Symantec won't run on a Server OS. You need the Corp edition of their AV software to run it properly.
  14. Bursar

    What DVD Burner to get?

    Quote: What is the difference between DVD -R and DVD +R discs? Don't you think you should have found this out before you bought a drive? From what I can tell, the formats are very similar. Most DVD drives and set top boxes will read from either type of disc, so you're unlikely to run into any major problems. The DVD-R/-RW standard was created by the DVD Forum. The +R/+RW standard was (I think) created a group of competing companies. From the looks of a few sales figures (and you have to take them with a little bit of salt), DVD-R discs will significantly outsell +R discs this year. Whether this means the +R standard will soon become history is anyones guess. Of the two, I think that MS support the +R standard, which could see it being bundled into Windows. At the moment I have the Sony DRU500. Figured I'd play it safe and be able to use all the formats until the dust settles from this particular fight.
  15. Bursar

    Gigabit Ethernet Cabling

    A fair few motherboards (and I'm talking desktop boards here) come with GB networking onboard. So if you've got it, use it Admittedly the switches are still pricey, but they'll come down in time. Look at 100MB switches. They go for peanuts these days.
  16. Bursar

    Undeletable directory... Please help!

    The Windows Resource Kit comes with a few handy utils for stuff like this. They're basically ported from POSIX (IIRC), and will happily let you delete files and folders that have characters in them that Windows doesn't like. The resource kit contains a file called rm.exe and this is the tool you're after. It doesn't seem to be available from the MS website, but I'm sure you could find a version of it on the web somewhere that will do the trick.
  17. Bursar

    I have problem with INNO3D tornado tnt2 pro

    What drivers are you running? Get the latest Detonators from nVidia, as they support all of the cards. Have you alos got the latest version of DivX installed?
  18. Bursar

    Concept Cars? Ever heard this term...??

    The Hondas cockpit looks very sweet. Maybe bit cramped though? It looks like once you're in the drivers seat, you aren't going to be able to move about very much. Those consoles seem to come in awfully close. But hey, it's a concept car, so it's not like they're gonna be hitting the showroom any time soon
  19. Bursar

    Windows 2000 Startup problem

    Sounds like your disk may have died But before jumping off the nearest bridge, there are a couple of things you can check. Firstly, is the drive still recognised correctly in the BIOS? Have you done anything inside the PC recently? Maybe it's just a loose IDE cable. Do you have a spare disk (or PC)? If so, try hooking your drive up as a slave and seeing if you can read it that way.
  20. Bursar

    CPU Temp.

    Quote: Thanks Bursar... how about 5v then? Is it possible to run the fan @ 5v? and how would the wiring be for 5v? It is possible. Just run the red wire on the fan to the red wire on the molex, and the black wire from the fan to the black wire on the molex that is next to the red one. However, it's possible that 5v won't be enough to start the fans, and they'll sit there jittering. If you give them a spin by hand to get them going, they should keep turning, but that's hardly practical. If you want to run them that low, your best bet is a baybus so you can switch between voltages. That way you can apply 12v to the fans to make sure they all start, and then turn them down to 5v.
  21. Bursar

    CPU Temp.

    The 7v trick is dead easy. Your fan will have 2 wires on it, a red and a black. When it's plugged into your PSU, the red fan wire connects with the yellow PSU wire, and the black fan wire meets the black PSU wire. All you need to do i move the black fan wire so it connects with the red wire on the PSU side. The fan will then be running at 7v
  22. Quote: Can you imagine the what the World would be like if Microsoft was to do that. Actually, I can't. And I do have a fairly vivid imagination...
  23. Bursar

    CPU Temp.

    It is a tad on the high side, but not high enough to cause a major panic. But it also depends on how accurate the reading is. It's not unheard of for the thermistors to be out by 10&c! You could always run your case fans at 7v instead of 12v. You get less airflow, but significantly less noise. Is your PSU in such a place that is sucks up heat from the CPU and exhausts it out the back? If not, it might be worth having a rear exhaust fan running at 7v, and that should help to bring the temps down a little.
  24. Bursar

    Strange message at startup?

    Don't forget to also check your machine for Spyware. Get Ad-Aware and run it over your system to check. Don't have a URL handy, but a quick search should turn it up.
  25. Bursar

    Remote Access Programs?

    For the price, VNC can't be beat. Free is always the best price