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Everything posted by In2Deep

  1. It is not Nvidia, I think it is the mobo. I run W2K with nvidia and a fic mobo and no probs. My buddy runs Nvidia card in Win98 with asus MB and same problem as described. So even in Win98 with stable drivers the issues happen with the P5A motherboard. Check www.geforcefaq.com it has a topic line related to the P5A.
  2. In2Deep

    UT won't run on Win2K

    I have athlon 700 with Geforce2 and it runs sweet (50-75 FPS average). I had trouble on initial install but reinstalled and it is fine. I am using the 413 patch for UT. Try changing your AGP aperture size and might want to kick it up to 128MB of ram on your system.
  3. In2Deep

    Geforce2 Memory Dump

    I have an Elsa Gladica Geforce2 GTS and after playing for a bit in W2K I sometimes get a blue screen saying Memory Dump and then my computer shuts down. Does know what causes this. Athlon 700 - FIC motherboard Aureal Sq2500 Sound 160MB Ram
  4. In2Deep

    Computer REstarts itself

    I just spoke with someone who thinks the issue may be motherboard related. I am using an FIC SD11 motherboard. Can anyone help with this?
  5. In2Deep

    Vampire The Masquerade and W2K

    Activision updated their FAQ for the game. Go to Activision.com and go to support of Vampire for PC. They address the error message issue - not sure if it works though. I installed through Win95 and am not about to uninstall it to rely on activision just yet. ------------------ One can not be betrayed if one does not have any people
  6. In2Deep

    Vampire The Masquerade and W2K

    Could not install under W2K. Installed under Win95 and now it plays in W2K. Whatever!! At least it works. ------------------ One can not be betrayed if one does not have any people
  7. In2Deep

    Adding an O/S

    Can a second O/S (WIN95) be added to W2K after install. I currently have W2K as my only O/S, but I realized I lost the ability to use some software (some games and my cd burner software). Can Win95 be added without having to reformat and lose everything currently? ------------------ One can not be betrayed if one does not have any people
  8. In2Deep

    Vampire The Masquerade and W2K

    I have had Win95/Win 2000 on different partitions since my first install of w2k. If you only have one partition currently You will not be able to install WIn98 without reformatting (I think that is right). There is a software called Partition Magic which can partition your one drive into 2 drives though and then Win98 can be installed. On boot you will be given the option of which O/S to choose ------------------ One can not be betrayed if one does not have any people
  9. In2Deep

    Vampire The Masquerade and W2K

    I do not think it is an AMD issue. I am running on an Athlon and could not install under W2K. I have a dual O/S so I switched to Win95 and it installed and plays fine with same Athlon processor. I think it is an O/S issue, not a processor one. Activision shot me a tech support email back saying that "Windows 2000 offers horrible hardware and driver support" and he continued to write that they do not expect a patch to make it W2K compatible. Whoever is running it on W2K should feel lucky - everyone else, get yourself a dual O/S. ------------------ One can not be betrayed if one does not have any people
  10. In2Deep

    Dual O/S

    I currently only have one hard drive running W2K. Can I add WIn95 for a dual boot computer without refomatting everything? ANy help is appreciated. ------------------ One can not be betrayed if one does not have any people
  11. In2Deep

    Vampire The Masquerade and W2K

    That is the same error I get. I have to go to task manager and shut down the setup program which is not responding in the background. I wound up just installing WIN95 and dual booting now just to play this game. It better be good. Athlon 700 Viper TNT2 Aureal SQ2500 160MB ------------------ One can not be betrayed if one does not have any people
  12. In2Deep

    Vortex2 SQ2500

    W2K recognized and installed drivers for my Vortex2 with no problem. However, I can't get surround sound now. I have tried both the standard MS drivers and the W2K beta drivers from AUREAL. Both have the same result - no surround sound. Any help is appreciated. Athlon 700 on FIC SD11, TNT2 V770, 160MB ------------------ One can not be betrayed if one does not have any people
  13. In2Deep

    which driver is better for tnt 2

    I can't speak for Quake, but I run the v770 TNT2 for UT in W2K and I have no problems. I am using the 3.78 drivers. Since I have began using W2K I have not had one fatal exception or program crash. If you can stick it out a bit longer for them to release more fixes I think it will be a much stronger OS than Win98.
  14. In2Deep

    Alien Vs Predator Gold

    Anyone try running AVP Gold in Windows 2k yet? I get through intro movie and then get kicked to desktop and game quits. Let me know if you have had any more luck than me! Thanks ------------------ One can not be betrayed if one does not have any people