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Everything posted by psklenar

  1. Does anyone remember the old IMagic Game's "Great Battles" series? There were three games - "Great Battles of Alexander", "Great Battles of Hannibal" and "Great Battles of Caeser" and eventually they were released in a single boxed set as well. If anyone recalls these games, has anyone tried, and been successful, at installing them on a W2KPro system? I've tried installing all three but the installer gives me an error message that reads: "This program requires at least Windows 95". I've tried setting the compatability mode of the "setup" program, but it must kick on another (or more than one?) program since I still get this error. Thanks,
  2. Please see my posting over in the Games section: How to config n/w for AOEII over Internet? This is my first attempt to run an application that uses a "non-standard" port since I installed a D-Link DI-704 Broadband Gateway (aka: Router ). Not working. After taking a look at my other posting, can anyone give me any ideas as to how I might correct this problem? Thanks, ------------------ pat---- home: psklenar@email.com work: psklenar@uhc.com
  3. Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by whoisurdaddy: Have your tried the method I posted? Look at your other post.</font> Thanks, I did see your posting yesterday but didn't get home until late last night. And today's going to be no better unfortunately. I've made arrangements with a friend to test it saturday morning. I'll be sure to post my success or failure here. Again, thanks for the idea! ------------------ pat---- home: psklenar@email.com work: psklenar@uhc.com
  4. I hope someone can give me some guidance here. I tried to do an "across the internet" game of Age of Empires II: The Conquerers with a friend (he was on W98) this afternoon. I have a D-Link DI-704 router (aka: Broadband Gateway) between my PC and the cable modem. I did a search of the MS Knowledge base and determined that I needed to configure the DI-704's firewall to allow traffic on port 47624 to initialize the game and ports 2300 - 2400 during the game. I did so. However, my friend and I were never able to get the game to work. I know the "problem" was on my side since other friends were able to connect to him. Does anyone know whether AOEII requires any additional ports, beyond those mentioned in the MS KB, opened up under W2K? Any suggestions as to what I might look at in attempting to diagnose and resolve this problem? I'm going to post a link to this posting in the Network section as well, just incase someone over there might be able to help. Thanks, ------------------ pat---- home: psklenar@email.com work: psklenar@uhc.com
  5. psklenar

    How to config n/w for AOEII over Internet?

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by clutch: So you did forward those ports to your PC (the one that you game on)?</font> The D-Link DI-704 doesn't seem to offer that option ... at least not obviously. HEnce I kind of assumed (I know, dangerous word ) that any/all PC's inside the firewall would see the port requests come through (or be able to get out themselves). Hmmmm ... Maybe I'll give D-Link Tech Support a call tomorrow ... Anyhow, thanks, ------------------ pat---- home: psklenar@email.com work: psklenar@uhc.com
  6. psklenar

    Printer sharing on home LAN

    Okay, I've got a home LAN (behind a D-Link DI-704 broadband gateway - aka: router & firewall). I've got a W2KPro workstation as my main system and two laptops - one W98 and one WNT4. I've got file sharing working among them just fine. However, I've got two printers hanging off the W2K box that I can't seem to access from the other systems. Problem seems to be that "The Server doesn't have the appropriate drivers availalble". Okay, so I do some more digging and finally found where I could configure the shared printers to support both WNT4 and W98 ... unfortunately my system then requested the "Windows 2000 Server CD" be installed!!! Argh!! Is there any way for a W2k workstation to share a printer with a non-W2K workstation without having the W2K Server CD??? Thanks, ------------------ pat---- home: psklenar@email.com work: psklenar@uhc.com
  7. psklenar

    Printer sharing on home LAN

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by clutch: I had the same problem. I think this will help. ...</font> Thanks Clutch! That looks like it should handle it. I'll try it out tomorrow night (too tired now ). G'night, ------------------ pat---- home: psklenar@email.com work: psklenar@uhc.com
  8. psklenar

    iMagic's "Great Battles" series

    Has anyone been able to install any of these games under W2K? The installer software fails with a message that W95 is required. Thanks, ------------------ pat---- home: psklenar@email.com work: psklenar@uhc.com
  9. psklenar

    iMagic's "Great Battles" series

    Has no one tried these games under W2K? ------------------ pat---- home: psklenar@email.com work: psklenar@uhc.com