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  1. Gothic

    Sharing CD drives in Win2k

    I have done this and no one can browse to the CD drives.Hard drives are fine but no CD drives. They can see them but they are have a red "X" on them.
  2. Gothic

    Sharing CD drives in Win2k

    I have a Win2k machine at the office and 4 Win Me machines on a network together. I have the "guest" account enabled on the Win2k machine and everyone can see and share files fine but no one can access the CD drives on the Win2k machine. I created a new share for the hard drives but the CD drives sharing properties is not the same. There is no "new share" option. can someone please help me and tell me what I need to do? Thanks
  3. Gothic


    First off....I cant thank you guys enough for ALL the help...MANY...MANY...THANKS!!!! My problem was I could not get Quake to install. I would put in the CD and run setup but at the license screen I would get "DOS QUAKE WILL NOT RUN ON NT" then it would boot me back to desktop.Then I tried the APCOMPAT.EXE thing and selected the DEICE.EXE...BOOM!!! IT WAS THERE I then installed GLQUAKE and got flashing textures unplayable to say the least...Today I got the new 5.16 drivers....ahhh....perfect...never looked better. B.T.W. 94.2 FPS in Quake III Arena at 800 x 600 on a GeForce DDR,PIII 600,128 RAM...A 10 FPS increase over WIN 98 SE...Who said WIN 2000 is not for games?
  4. Gothic


    I was thinking about that...Retail Quake 1 dose not install....It just inflates to a folder and you dont need the CD after that....cool I will try that THANKS!!! P.S.Where might one find a "CRACKED" version....what is "CRACKED" about your's?
  5. Gothic


    Can ANYONE please tell me how to install Quake 1 on W2K... I have 1.06 Quake CD and when I try to install it,says DOS WILL NOT RUN ON NT!!! I read of ppl playing it in this fourm and saying it runs great I really miss good ole Glquake sometimes...ANY help would be a blessing.