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Everything posted by kei

  1. kei

    Samba problem.

    When I try to map a samba share on my win2k machine, I'm getting this error: "The mapped network drive could not be created because the following error has occured: The account is not authorized to log in from this station". What's up with that? Is the problem on the Win2k side or on the Linux side?
  2. kei

    Win2k locking up

    I have Windows 2000 Professional final installed, with a TNT2Ultra graphics board, latest nVidia reference drivers. This setup has been working fine for 4 months now, but recently some major problems started to appear. After playing 10-20 minutes of Asheron's Call (or any other 3D-accelerated game), the computer simply locks up. Please note that I'm running my computer with the case open, that the three fans inside (power supply, cpu and tnt2u) are working properly, and that the TNT2u isn't overclocked, so an overheat problem shouldn't be possible. I've tried to change video drivers (using Creative's latest drivers now) and shutting down about every non-mandatory service (someone told me some service could be causing problems ), but the problem persists. Any idea what to do? I'm getting pretty desperate here