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Gambler FEX online

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Everything posted by Gambler FEX online

  1. Gambler FEX online

    Force win2k install on PC 20MB RAM

    it took 3 hours to install, but its actually up and running! I have two HDs, one 2GB and one 405MB, I put a 120 MB swap file on the 405MB harddisk and I got much less HD activity. Well, it boots, and I can run VNC (cute little remote desktop control program) and Roger Wilco server, so the project was a success! Thanks for the help, DOS Freak! [This message has been edited by Gambler FEX online (edited 10 October 2000).]
  2. Gambler FEX online

    Force win2k install on PC 20MB RAM

    Al right thanks for the directions DosFreak, I'm now installing it. Its a 486 with an P75 overdrive, so I guess it IS a pentium yhen. Ok well I wonder how far Ill get hehe a friend of mine has a lot of old ram Ill see what i can get done it is for a little Roger Wilco server you see, so me and my brother can talk to each other when we play Starcraft and such
  3. Gambler FEX online

    X-Gamer 5.1

    Any websites that has it in stock and ships world-wide? thanks you
  4. Gambler FEX online

    X-Gamer 5.1

    Blaster Shop, is that what you are talking about SHS, well they dont have it. Schoolgirl Yeah I got to this page whith lots of links, I mean lots of it it was like four screens of just links man and every link had a bunch of images. I didnt know there where so many japanese schoolgirls, man almost as many as the schoolgirls in kina, but then again that country is much larger. Ok any other sites with schoolgirls err I mean a x-gamer 5.1?
  5. Gambler FEX online

    X-Gamer 5.1

    I cannot find Jap at www.resellerratings.com or www.jap.com and www.jap.net is a domain seller company. Help me please! NJot even Jap search on yahoo all I got was Jap schoolgirls hehehe anyway any other sites? I cannot get x-gamer in europe and I need to buy it in US and ship it overseas to norway
  6. Gambler FEX online

    Force win2k install on PC 20MB RAM

    yes yes me too oh it has 20 mb not 8 so how do I do it? how do I force it install? I tried setup /? to see what options where there but nothing to force it install
  7. Gambler FEX online

    Force win2k install on PC 20MB RAM

    Well, how do I force it then, just for fun? I guess I can get my grubby little rat-claws on more ram but not yet. The PC is right now equipped with win95 and connected to my PC and to my brothers PC and it would be fun to have a real stable OS on it ) Ok more ram I have a 16MB chip and a 4MB chip, Ill ask my friend see if I can have his RAM from his old 486 (he just got a new PC)
  8. Gambler FEX online

    Live!Ware 4. When???

    No nonono if liveware 4 came with the new 5.1 cards it would have said so all over Creative labs homepage and news sites and I dont know where. CL uses too much resources on marketing monkeys we have waited 3 months now for SMP compatible drivers but nope not yet, dont expect LW4 anytime soon trust me
  9. Gambler FEX online

    X-Gamer 5.1

    Jap, what is their URL?
  10. Gambler FEX online

    Can't install Whistler 2257

    I am also an Expert yes wait for beta 1 Sorry jdulmage I couldnt help it. Anyway, I thought it was like this, if the detection hangs the computer and you restart the installation it checks the log and see where it stopped, skipping that part?
  11. Gambler FEX online

    Live!Ware 4. When???

    I dont know I dont think so no not that soon Remember they have probably not even started on Liveware 4 yet because they are waiting for DX8 to get done, now it is RC0 we shall see, but dont hold you breaths. Listen, they said probably November for a fix of the SMP issue, do you really belive in that? we shall see....
  12. Gambler FEX online

    hahaha s.hitey windows2000 - no more slow games 4 me

    DavidNewbould really ticked you guys off hehe but he is right you know most games-sites do still recommend windows 98se (not winME) for gaming. firingsquad is one, I belive I saw it over at anandtech and sharkyextreme too,. The also mentioned win2k/whistler is the future, and for those of you who can, get a copy of win2k and dual boot and make sure the hardware and software developers know if there is any problems. We must get ready for Whistler, it is due next summer! WinME have problems with liveware and SB Lives (haha) so it is not yet suitible for gaiming, myself have tested it and it is no good I will install win98se again for dvds and Rollcage 2. DVDs skip and rollcage 2 drop samples all because of bad drivers from Creative Labs. Tanks for letting me rant I loved you pity party THC really made me laugh
  13. Gambler FEX online

    limiting the system cache

    Well, now that Rambus have turned the RAM marked up-side down, the SDRAM prices are 60% higher. As in 100$ instead of only 40$ I might be buying anyway since I really feel how I need more ram now that I gave 128 to my brother, I have now "only" 256 left. It sounds a lot maybe but the way I use my PC I quickly found out I really need what I had, 320 MB. Disabling services is something that can be done, go to www.arstechnica.com they have a very nice guide on it.
  14. Gambler FEX online

    WinDVD 2k hangs

    when I run it, it hangs! win2k pro. Asus P2B-DS dual P3 CuMine Geforce 2, 6.18 drivers. Gladiac
  15. Gambler FEX online

    WinDVD 2k hangs

    What exactly did that program do??
  16. Gambler FEX online


    Yes drivers are the main problem, then old games. With time new games are out and so are drivers, so next summer everybody will be win2k'ing, right? My main problem for gaming in win2k is crackling with any audio hardware accelleration enabled. You see I have a SMP system and a SB Live and with their current drivers that set-up causes crackling. CL have confirmed the problem and Im waiting for a fix. Until then I must dual boot to winME And AC3 out through the SB Live is also not possible, this time because of the DX7 built in win2k.
  17. Gambler FEX online

    Whistler 2257....

    MY oh my so it does exist, well please give us some screenshot when tyou are done downloading!
  18. Gambler FEX online

    Whistler discussion

    Yeah jdulmage, I agree whistler really is promising so far. Why no fading menus and skinning in 9x? well for stability reasons. Now that we have the rock-solid completely bug-hunted base with true pre-emtive multitasking so now it's possible to add lots of cute stuff Yeah, DOS is dead, and now win9x is seeing it's latest days. Get ready for ConsumerNT aka whistler! muahaha ... but I hope Creative LAbs continue to support SB16 emulation in their drivers, for those good old DOS games like doom and x-com. Never know when we want a little nostalgia moments back.
  19. Gambler FEX online

    Why the secrecy???

    I belive Stickmanrockin is right. Even thought you, jdulmage, have a friend that says Micro$oft is very against leaks, that is only their official attitude. Anyone can leak such betas in the company, even bill himself, and no-one know about it was a deliberate leaking. If something is done and Micro$oft don't like it, like people showing screenshots of it in reviews, they would have acted. Like www.the-ctrl-alt-del.com (must love that domain eh?) they posted a beta build of DX8, but then got an email from Micro$oft to close it. So they did. Anyway, Stickmanrockin I'm sure you'll find the OS, I usually comes by it every know and then when lurking around FTPS and FSERVEs on efnet. You've just had bad luck until now.
  20. Gambler FEX online

    Quake 3 and SMP

    So... anyone got it to work with one of the latest reference drivers from nvidia?
  21. Gambler FEX online

    Glide wrappers in WIN2K

    what is the stablest and best Glide wrapper to use in win2k? I have a very common setup of Intel chipset and nvidia graphics card (Asus BX + geforce2) Mostly using reference drivers.. I wanto play Rollcage Stage 2 in Windows 2000/Whistler but D3D don't work, however Glide rendering DOES work on voodoo cards at least!
  22. Gambler FEX online

    Glide wrappers in WIN2K

    Thanks for all the links- I guess Ill be fooling around for a while now testing. i only want one game, the ultimate game, Rollcage 2, to work in win2k If you have not heard about this game, please go to http://www.3dfiles.com/games/rollcagestageii.shtml and try it. But youll have a hard time buying it because it is no longer in production! I warez'd it, thats how I got it
  23. Gambler FEX online

    Is Windows ME Realible I would like to hear form users

    If so, it will be crack3d soon enough, and you can enjoy it For Free like you are now doing with windows me For the original question, is windows me more reliable? Nope, it is not. For all my experiences till now with it, it's even more unstable because of the extra features (system recovery and animated help pages) 9x is evil, please if you have chance dual boot something win2k and make sure your game developers and hardware manufactorers get to know if something is not working. We must do what we can so Gamers finally can enjoy great stability (no need to reboot), true pre-emtive multitasking (smoother FPS) and real 32-bit operations (better performance). But first we need drivers optimized.
  24. Gambler FEX online

    Brought to be by the letters, W, H, I, S, T, L, E and R

    hehe all of us is pretty hyped about Whistler hehe
  25. Gambler FEX online

    Need to deny Guest access to Drives

    Oh, well how about un-mounting HD partitions except the NTFS ones? That way they wont have access to fat32 Can it be done?