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Gambler FEX online

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Everything posted by Gambler FEX online

  1. Gambler FEX online

    Whistler 2257....

    J_Pro, yes Opera is a browser, that is right. I use it because it is excellent for pr0n surfing. I use it only for pr0n surfing. Super-fast, all those 30+ windows in a single window, crtl-shift-click and the link downloads stealthy in another window behind the original. Great for lots and lots of thumbs, just ctrl-shift-click-click-click-click etc. Did I mention it is fast? Other than that, yeah Eddi, it sucks. Use IE instead. Nice pics BTW Yes, OPTIONS I would like more options for custimization and such.
  2. Gambler FEX online

    Glide wrappers in WIN2K

    I dont have any creative TNT or TNT2. I have a TNT card but thats from canopus. The games dont need much graphics processing power, they just need to be able to run!
  3. Gambler FEX online

    Whistler 2257....

    I'm using it full-time now. Why you ask? well I can't get the satelite tuner software to work in win2k, but it does in both 2250 and 2257! It's been half a year since I have used my satelitemodem. Man do I love this OS, even it is only Alpha heehee Though I get BSOD every now and then with Opera 4.01. Probably the skinning feature.
  4. Gambler FEX online

    Coppermine in old BX board?

    I have an old ASUS P2B-DS of an motherboard and am saving pennies for hopefully a CPU upgrade. Can I stick one of them new coppermine in this thing? And two even? I can barely afford in a month a brand new P3 800/100 coppermine SLOT-1 CPU. I guess I at least need bios upgrade, my P2B-DS is a late revision. Can it work? OR am I shooting for stars? thx
  5. Gambler FEX online

    Coppermine in old BX board?

    oops double post [This message has been edited by Gambler FEX online (edited 25 August 2000).]
  6. Gambler FEX online

    Coppermine in old BX board?

    Okeydokey, I had a slight overclock at the beginning (112 fsb) but now I took it down to regular speed. Works fine yay! I'll try clock it up to 106 or something but I didn't know overclocking could cause bluescreens. Probably the L2 cache that dropped some bytes in their high speed. Uhm is anybody reading this?
  7. Gambler FEX online

    Coppermine in old BX board?

    I slapped them in, booted up, and BSOD. damn. Turning off Lv2 Cache made it work, Im now in Whistler typing this. I'll try a BIOS downgrade from this 1013 beta 03 bios to the one that was reported successfully.
  8. Gambler FEX online

    Coppermine in old BX board?

    They have arriwed I goes down to the postoffice and picks it up Stay tuned
  9. Gambler FEX online

    Coppermine in old BX board?

    OK I guess that's it. It's printed Rev 1.06 on my motherboard and the multiplier goes all teh way up to 8.0x If I can I'll set the FSB to 112 (the highest it can go) and run them at 896. Performance vice it should be not only because of higher clock speed but also since coppermine have on-die cache right? How much does that count?
  10. Gambler FEX online

    Coppermine in old BX board?

    Thank you fgor the information it was very useful. Score Baby! My motherboard revision is R.06 and according to Asus graph it supports the CPU I want, the 100MHz FSB slot 1 version. OK all I have to do now is find someone with same revision motherboard as I to be certain?
  11. Gambler FEX online

    Whistler( I have the links)

    Whistler is really nice, it boot faster it has no more of that ugly 3-d look and is skinnable. check it: http://home.c2i.net/aka_mecha/whistler.jpg Now the menus have shadows too, you just gotta love it! Oh, this is not my desktop, its a friends and I'm posting from hes computer JFYI.
  12. Gambler FEX online

    Software for a RAM disk in win2k?

    I have 256MB and sat 10MB to IE cache. It loads at startup I dont think it can be manually mounted. Maybe in a later version. Every 2 hours and when I shut down it saves the 10 MB to C:\ till next time I reboot
  13. Gambler FEX online

    WDM and CL

    I read this post from SHS over at creative live newsgroup: -------------------- No it not a mistake Here the diff is NT4 & Win98 base off LEGACY DRV But Win2000 is diff set of drv call WDM (Windows Driver Model). From what i was told. 1: Win2k DX7 is not support at this time, so no Communication is made to Kernel CSA Library, WDM CODEC Class Device Drv. 2: This where LW4 come in so I was told I guest we have wait & see, anyway the LW4 is for WinME & Win2000. ---------------- I didn't understand much of number 1, is he saying CL don't properly support DX7 accelleration in win2k?
  14. Gambler FEX online

    WDM and CL

    Ah, so it was DX7 all the time then... till now I was sure it was win2k driver module and it needed an update with SP.
  15. Gambler FEX online

    Software for a RAM disk in win2k?

    OK done, hmmmm faster browsing and HD much quieter, you should try it!
  16. Gambler FEX online

    Software for a RAM disk in win2k?

    IE cache ram disk? interestind, I might try that!
  17. Gambler FEX online

    WDM and CL

    AC3 Passthrough? You mean if CL correctly developed their drivers to support win2k's DX7 in the correct way, they would be able to make AC3 passthrough possible?
  18. Gambler FEX online


    TWO fans should blow IN, ONE fan should blow OUT.
  19. Gambler FEX online

    New ADSL is COOL!!

    ONE MEGABYTE downstream is incredible, oh my god. At school we had 256kbyte downstream/upstream but you beat that with four times as much! I guess it's some kind of VDSL, and you live less than 6000 feet from the central? OpticFreeze, How far are you away now that they changed Phone circuit?
  20. Gambler FEX online

    Quake 3 in SMP mode

    If you dont give quake3 realtime, it will freeze.
  21. Gambler FEX online

    Hope nobody was waiting for Dungeon Keeper 3

    Me too
  22. Gambler FEX online

    Another game company saying no to Win2k

    I am a betatester and MSN subscriber, so go to ****. Anyway, winME is an OS based on technology from the eighties, while win2k is based on NT. New Technology, that is. Get it? It's just better. No wonder XBox will be based on win2k, and then the PC too is ready for consumerNT.
  23. Gambler FEX online

    New ADSL is COOL!!

    How far away are you from the telephonecentral? I am about 10000 feet away, and cannot get the service until a bit later and probably at a lower speed. Is this really true, or just marketing monkeying? According to http://www.adsl.com/adsl_tutorial.html it is theoretically possible with 6.1Mbit/s, so then 384kbit/s (as I can afford) should work right?
  24. Gambler FEX online

    New ADSL is COOL!!

    Talk about lucky b*tch! I have been dreaming of this thing for years, and you get it before you know what it is! whaaaaaa! anyway, with a little luck I will get it before christmas. I cant wait cant wait cant wait etc. (Have ISDN modem, expensive and I must log on every time I want internet)
  25. Gambler FEX online

    AC-3 Passthrou with SB Live! in W2K

    I don't think that tech support knows really what is going on. Its already stated that SP1 did NOT enable passthrough possibility, and that means no AC3 out until SP2 which won't be out until january.