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Gambler FEX online

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Everything posted by Gambler FEX online

  1. Gambler FEX online

    Another game company saying no to Win2k

    Not only must game developers get their acts together, but also hardware manufactorers. The SB Live don't work well on SMP enabled systems so I must boot to winME whenever I wanto play Alien VS Predator. Only way to get no crackling/skipping and quad sound. Let the hardware manufactorers also know they must get drivers ready!
  2. Gambler FEX online

    I need *any* car racing game that runs under NT40!

    Need for Speed 2
  3. Gambler FEX online

    Best Email programs?

    Using Eudora Pro 3.0 no problems.
  4. Gambler FEX online

    Best Email programs?

    Using Eudora Pro 3.0 no problems.
  5. Gambler FEX online

    nVidia buys Aureal

  6. Gambler FEX online

    SP1 for Win2k Released Tomorrow

    It's out now anyway, in case you wanted to know. Dosn't look like you wanted to know though. sorry to have bothered you, bye
  7. Gambler FEX online

    LiveWare! Driver update for win2k.

    ftp://ftp.ctlsg.creaf.com/Creative/drivers/sblive/lw3drv.exe Tried them, still crackling.
  8. Gambler FEX online

    Rant About Win2k

    Listen, games nowadays almost always use SSE and 3D!Now for their T&L commands. You have a Celeron, which do not have SSE nor 3D!Now. Which means, your framerate in worst cases will be 40% lower than another system with SSE and same CPU speed. The geforce2 helps, with its onboard T&L hardware, but ONLY for games that support it, which is only _one_ that I have seen so far. In the future this will change, but for now, no SSE no speed.
  9. Gambler FEX online

    Liveware 3.0 for Windows2000: Where the hell is it?

    Yes.... If customers don't speak up the companies won't do anything. It is important to make sure they know there are a lot of users having trouble with win9x (unstability no smp etc) and _need_ win2k support.
  10. Gambler FEX online

    Memory Errors Win2000

    This is a software bug, not faulty memory. If your memory is broken, the computer hard-locks. I get this error on certain programs too, but my games (quake3 and dungeon keeper2) which requiers lots of memory i/o run stable and have never crashed once. If you check the message more carefully, you will find the _read_ word has ".
  11. Gambler FEX online

    2 GeForce2 or not 2 GeForce2...that is the question?

    With my old TNT I was able to play expendable in win2k when it was in beta. Later I got a G400, and it still today can't run that game in win2k. It was also very unstable and unbereably slow in certain games. I also have a Voodoo2, that one never have had any real win2k drivers. until now I guess.. Today I own a geforce2 (gladiac) and all I need to say is I play Dungeon Keeper 2 in win2k with AA on, and it is very smooth. This is with 2x2 (or 4 sample) AA and high quality mip-mapping. Quake 3 is stable and fast (72 fps in 1024@32 bit HQ etc). nvidia is the only company that has NT OpenGL SMP support for their graphics cards and I believe that says a lot about their driver support. ATI and Matrox are still struggling with their OpenGL ICD and 3dfx have never had anything else than a Glide Call port. I have not seen any voodoo5 benchmarks in win2k yet, anyone else? They won't support SMP I know but I don't know about performance.
  12. Gambler FEX online

    Liveware 3.0 for Windows2000: Where the hell is it?

    Have you guys any idea how tough it is to convert an entire platform? This move-consumers-to-the-NT-kernel isn't done over night you know. Moving all applications and all games and all hardware to a completely new system requires a total re-write of everything. Back in the days of win95, that is. Since then, developers have gotten their chance to make sure the applications they make can work on NT. But NT didn't support the crucial game API (directX) so game developers that needed those could not get their games working on NT. So far we only got applications working on both the NT platform and the 9x platform. Now NT have gotten DirectX 7.0, USB, power management Plug and PLay etc etc. Manufactorers have done well with their hardware so far and NT is ready to let developers get their games working on it. Right now, this day, I can burn a CD while I play mp3s with winamp and playing quake3 online with smoooth FPS. Ok, so I have a dual p3-450 and 256 MB ram and a geforce2 but the very fact this is possible with beta drivers and beta DirectX 7.0 base proves what incredible win2k ALREADY is, and a pointer to what Whistler will become.
  13. Gambler FEX online

    Liveware 3.0 revisited...

    They could have leaked it.
  14. Gambler FEX online

    LIVEWARE 3 FOR WIN2k News update

    Seems like this is it, good timing with 3dmark 2000 v1.1 and dungeon keeper patch v1.7 Both of these programs now work very nice in win2k
  15. Gambler FEX online

    satellite internet in win2k?

    Great, then I can assume it is because of my dual P3. It gave me the wierd error message now as it did two months ago. I also have been in contact with a person (sales person or actual developer) from Korea, and got the win2k drivers from him. I'll tell him about this.
  16. Gambler FEX online

    satellite internet in win2k?

    I have the KISS SatDem card, and an EON satelite internet subscription. But I cannot get it to work on my dual p3, its drivers install fine, but the tuner program is giving werd errors and locking up. I havent had the card in my machine in two months now, waiting for an update. I saw this topic here and I guess Ill try it again tonight. this time I have a nother graphics card, and win2k is also freshly installed.
  17. Straight to the point, I get these results in 3dmark 3000: 2368 KTriangles/s with T&L hardware 2622 KTriangles/s with SSE optimization 2095 KTriangles/s with D3D software In win98 the scores are normal, around 5000KT/s This is my hardware: Asus P2B-DS 2x P3-450@504 256MB ram Elsa Gladiac win2k of course. The Isle Of Morg demo is really choppy, boxer and firetruck demo also quite choppy. In win98 Islo Of Morg is much smoother. What is wrong with my setup? I have tried both the 5.22 drivers (elsa latest release) and leaked 5.30 drivers, but same result. Also, my previous G400 max I got same low SSE optimized results (2800) in 3D mark. What is wrong, is it win2k or my computer doing this? Quake 3 seems fine, I get around 70 fps in 1024@32-bit with max textures etc.
  18. Gambler FEX online

    Need a little help, low T&L software/hardware performanc

    Yes, the t&l hardware in the geforce is hardware limited, so it is as fast as it is. No slower, no faster. the SSE in a P3 is very fast in a 733e cpu while a lot slower in a 450 katmai cpu. That is an argument to optimize for geforces T&L, you can push the scenes to the limit and know it will run equal on all PCs with a geforce. However, my problem is that no matter what I enable in 3dmark 2k in win2k I never get any more polygons/s with one lightsouce than 2300k. dark reign and isle of more is rather choppy in win2k because of this, and I wonder if someone know if it is win2ks fault or the nvidia detonator 2 drivers fault. I've tried elsas latest and 5.30, Ill try some other versions too and well see.
  19. Gambler FEX online

    Rollcage 2, wher e to buy this game?!

    I have looked in various on-line resellers and local stores but none of them have this game in stock. It is either not there, or it is on backorder. Does anyone know of a online store that have this game in stock, so I can buy it? The demo is very nice, I really want this game!
  20. Gambler FEX online

    Rollcage 2, wher e to buy this game?!

    That's a shame, they even added EMBM support for matrox g400 cards!! rats... Oh whell, I'm off now to search for the TFL ISO release
  21. Gambler FEX online

    Need a little help, low T&L software/hardware performanc

    Well, dark reign gets a little choppy when the scenes turn complex. It seems games can't use P3's SSE? The t&l P3 SSE results are just the same as the software d3d results. I tried affiniate 3dmark to one cpu and give it high priority, but no difference. Seems so far it's either win2k or the geforce2 drivers, the boxter demo and the firetruck demo is choppy too. In win98 it is smooth.
  22. Gambler FEX online

    Rollcage 2, wher e to buy this game?!

    Bump! ... this is such a good game, why is it so har dto find?
  23. Gambler FEX online

    Quake 3 on Win2000 w/G400MAX

    I second that. I have dual p3 and a g400 max and it is smooth and fast. It's faster in win98 because the win98 opengl ICD is more optimized, but still it is very nice in win2k. I play it very often. You may need to rename a opengl.dll file in you quake 3 folder, or install the latest win2k beta drivers for your g400 max. http://www.matrox.com/mga/drivers/latest_drivers/home.htm also visit the Matrox technical support forum for more help http://www.matrox.com/mga/tech_supp/forum/agree.htm
  24. Gambler FEX online

    Liveware 3.0 for Windows2000: Where the hell is it?

    Same here, using the driver that came with win2k insted of the win2k liveware 2k. Games was unmstable and popping and crackling, so I vent back to the basics. my SB 1024 is the only thing left to not have good drivers in my system, even the G400 MAX have good drivers now! Dual P3-504 Asus P2B-DS SB 1024 G400 NAX 256 RAM Kenwood TrueX 52x SCSI Modney tomorrow I hopefully will come back from the store with the Elsa Gladiac!!! Yes your system is impressive! Mine is watercooled
  25. Gambler FEX online

    blast-er sound

    I remember I got blown away by the increase in audio quality. I had a awe 64 as you and I upgraded to a Sb Live 1024, eax too is very nifty in some games.