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Gambler FEX online

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Everything posted by Gambler FEX online

  1. Gambler FEX online

    Will Win2k Gameplay always be slower?

    I especally remember drakan loading save games much faster in win2k than in win98. 15-30 secs in win98 while only 1-3 secs in win2k.
  2. Gambler FEX online

    If you can give me your opinion Win2k gurus :)

    Yep, it's the hardware drivers that needs to get out of beta. - G400 max just got new bios but needs new drivers (latest are over 4 months old!) - Creative SB Live as someone just said, very bugged drivers and few features (no s/p-dif passthrough) I'm going to ditch this g400 card, hardware is nothing without software and Matrox has never had good enough driver support for a gamer like me. I'll probably buy an Elsa geforce2 card, it supports sMP in quake 3.
  3. Gambler FEX online

    Rollcage Stage 2

    Mail the developers and beg them to release a patch that makes it work. There is no excuse, win2k supports DX7.0 All game developers should make their games run on win2k NOW, so we will be prepared good for Whistler! The Dark Reign 2 crew is a good excample: "Windows 2000 Dark Reign 2 fully supports Windows 2000 (in fact, all the programming team runs it.) If you are having issues with Windows 2000 running DR2, we suggest you make sure your hardware is completely compatable with Win2k, and that you have the latest drivers for all your hardware. If you are still having problems, submit a bug." I found this at the bottom of this page: http://www.pandemicstudios.com/dr2/beta.htm
  4. Gambler FEX online

    quake3 and smp

    Driver 3.78 have reputition to be best SMP compatible,
  5. Gambler FEX online

    Best Sound Card for W2k

    SB live drivers for win2k is very buggy now, new drivers will hopefully come mid-june. It is a shame creative sued aureal but it is also a shame quake3 only supports a3d and not directsound3d. I hope id will make a patch that supports eax 2.0 when it comes and if it has wavetracing.
  6. Gambler FEX online

    I just quick-formatted the wrong HD!

    Any way to recover it? It was a fat32 partition and quick-formattet to a NTFS partition. It happened in the console during win2k installation. I was on d:\ and typed "dir" O.K. It was the partition/HD I wanted formatted, so I typed "format /q d:" and it did it. Then I typed "dir" again, and all the files where there! I got the awful feeling something was wrong and typed "e:" and then "dir" and message appeared "File not found!" Incredible, I pressed the up-arrow button to check that I _really_ typed d:, and I had. Delicious, how could it format the wrong letter?! Any program that can revert this quick format? norton? partition magic? etc? Thanks! *sigh*
  7. Gambler FEX online

    I just quick-formatted the wrong HD!

    Felix, I tested File Scavanger but it did not find any files. Also it says it won't recover any fat volumes only NTFS volumes, but I have a fat32 quickformatted to a NTFS. Is there a version that can recover fat32 HDs?
  8. Gambler FEX online

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    Thanks a lot for that link, nMan. The other taskbarmanager was shareware, but this is freeware. Very nice!
  9. Gambler FEX online

    Lw3 for win2k any idea when??

    Well they delivered the drivers on-time, but they where very buggy! I expect it was because they where not really ready but it was due out so they had to release them, buggy or not so buggy. I guess I hope they hold the liveware 3.0 for win2k back until it is properly tested. More waiting, but not so dissapointing as last time.
  10. Gambler FEX online

    Where to download elder reference drivers

    I want to test my geforce2 with i.e the win2k 3.76 driver. Anywhere I can download "old" reference drivers? I heard not all drivers are as good in quake3 SMP
  11. Gambler FEX online

    SB Live S/P-DIF output question

    I heard the SB live s/p-dif output voltage level is +/-5v (TTL level) instead of s/p-dif standard of +/- 500mV level. I found this out very late, and by then my receiver has been broken (skips and beeps when I play off DTS source). If I buy a Hoontech s/p-duf addon card or a sp-dif addon card from Creative Labs, will either of them have correct s/p-dif output voltage? Or do they just pass through the original signal? Thanks!
  12. Gambler FEX online

    SB Live S/P-DIF output question

    I mailed hoontech.com and they said their add-on sp-dif brackets for the SB Live! has the standard +/- 500mV level s/p-dif output.
  13. Gambler FEX online

    plz....Dungeon Keeper 2 don't run on w2000

    Since I like windows 2000 so much (stability and task manager) I am in on this boycott.
  14. Gambler FEX online

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    O.K Alex thank you for the link! It was excactly what I was after tylau, Are you talking about the service pack 1 patch? It will around 62MB size when it is done, for you to download. The service pack beta available for msdn members contain the update file and a folder with all files loose I belive
  15. Gambler FEX online

    Win2k and some DOS games....

    The good old and original X-Com - Terror from the Deep works almost fine here. It is no sound and it jumps back to the desktop when I click at certain things. Dune 2 and dune 1 also work, the first one with sound if I use SoundFX 2000 (soundblaster emulator) Other than that, I don'tknow.
  16. Gambler FEX online

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    Flat buttons? I would love to have flat buttons on the taskbar. I saw this first at a beta of Whistler, it is very nice, and much cleaner. not just cleaner for the taskbar, but actually for the whole desktop. At least I think so! Here is a screenshot of flat buttons (with fading): http://home.c2i.net/aka_mecha/2223_0019.gif [This message has been edited by Gambler FEX online (edited 17 May 2000).]
  17. Gambler FEX online

    Windows 2000 Service Pack 1

    That don't sound too bad, but do any of you know if this service pack fixes the famous dual-head problem with matrox G400 graphics cards? There has been one a too many angry customers because of this
  18. Gambler FEX online

    Detonator win2k 5.16!

    Yes, I too wonder about SMP performance in geforce drivers. please tell us about it, Ronin! My specs: Dual P3 500 katmai (no cats though) asus P2B-DS 256 MB/pc100 matrox g400 I wanto buy the geforce2 rather than a voodoo5 because in past nvidia has given excellent openGL and SMP support for the NT platform. My current G400 have very poor opengl and no smp support from Matrox
  19. Gambler FEX online

    Detonator win2k 5.16!

    If I use this driver with a Hercules Prophet II, can TV-out work?