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Gambler FEX online

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Everything posted by Gambler FEX online

  1. Gambler FEX online

    Diskeeper 6 server finish in one pass

    But why doesn't it finish the job in one pass, or at least two or three? I've run it like 10 times and it only moves half a file or something every time! And my friend has never been able to get his HD fully defragmented! There are no pagefile on the drive, its the system drive, and there are 28% space left. My friend has a laptop and he got the pagefile on the drive since its the only partition.
  2. Gambler FEX online

    Fancy search gone

    Maybe you switched to classic win2k search mode? you can switch back with tweak ui for xp or some other tweak program.
  3. Gambler FEX online

    27.xx, new drivers old problem (starship troopers)

    Still Starship Troopers locks up with black borders top and bottom. I havent tried final fantasy 8, but I kinda doubt its fixed. Sorry to say it, but my die-hard trust in nvidia is beginning to soften.
  4. Gambler FEX online

    Diskeeper 6 server finish in one pass

    Doesn't Diskeeper analyze the disk first? I had 5.4 some times complaining the drive needed a chkdsk.
  5. Gambler FEX online

    New Audigy Drivers Not New

    Quote: I consider WHQL certification a GOOD THING. Not so fast there.. I have had WHQL drivers both giving blue screen and hang on game exit. Nothing can beat a good bunch beta testers.
  6. I enable the notification area icon for my CNet Pro200 PCI and winamp skips and jerks a little. not too much but enough to notice and ruin the listening experience (pun intended). It doesnt always happen, right now I enabled it and winamp is playing and all is well, but just a minute ago I also enabled the icon and it jerked; I disabled it again and all was well. Is it a known problem with my hardware? Computer installed as: MPS Multiprocessor PC Asus P2B-DS (Bios 1013 beta 5) 2x P3-800@824 Hercules Geforce 3 ti (drivers 21.83) Game Theater XP (drivers 3.02, 4047) Logitech Mouseman WHeelmouse USB Also, my mouse stutters while this happens. I enabled the icon now and it was fine for about 20minutes and then suddenly the music and my mouse started stuttering. I disabled the icon again and it stopped. Really wierd.
  7. Gambler FEX online


    My brothers computer just got an bsod today, a first in a few days. Some time ago it had been bsoding a lot and I narrowed it down to defective RAM, and thought now it should be stable but nope... It only happened once, I rebooted and it has been fine since. Anyone know what it could be? Here's the error: stop error trap cause unknown dumping physical memory System Specs: Abit BE6 with latest bios Matrox G400 Max using 5.72 SB Live Player 1024 Intel PCI Pro 10/100 or something network card
  8. Gambler FEX online


    No files, only a some numbers 0x00000012 (0x000000,0x000000,0x000000) ...or something like that.
  9. Gambler FEX online


    I tried unistalling the HPT366, but at next boot it automatically installed them again (they appear as two ide/scsi controllers). Then I tried deleting their .sys and .inf file, and at next boot i "succsessfully" had it asking for drivers. However, no matter what I chose it re-detected it and asking for drivers again. So now they are installed but disabled, and I still experience BSODs at boot. Any suggestions? I reported the BSOD to microsoft so we'll see what they have to say.
  10. Gambler FEX online

    List the problems you have had with XP :) :)

    Quote: that fukin dog ms ditches the assistant in oxp and put the fukin dog in winxp WTF? Use TweakUI 2.0 for windows XP to change back to win2k search mode: (its in Explorer and at the very bottom) oh and btw dont forget to report back to microsoft that the search dog gotto go, at least so they dont add garbage like that in future windows products. http://register.microsoft.com/mswish/suggestion.asp
  11. http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=no&am...orldnet.att.net
  12. Gambler FEX online

    For those interested in Diskeeper? Version 7.0 is now releas

    If you notice the threadstarters post date, its november Anyway, I thought this was important, but didnt wanto start a new thread. Maybe I should have after all?
  13. Gambler FEX online

    5400RPM or 7200RPM

    I have a 75GXP and it hasnt failed yet. However I also had a 60GX, which developed the dreaded high pitched noise after only a few weeks. I returned it to the shop and they exchanged it for a western digital after testing it. I have also read reports of old Maxtor drives too developing the noise, so I guess I would advice a western digital HD.
  14. Gambler FEX online

    Need KB Article Q282401 - Xp Install on < 64mb ram

    Here's how its done with win2k: Open the txtsetup.sif file and edit the RequiredMemory line to whatever value you wish. I hope that's correct. Been awhile since I did it. Have fun. it may be the same in XP
  15. Gambler FEX online

    OpenGL games lock on exit.

    Quote: Well you can always run cs in d3d or standard because i everyone i talk to on cs gl really only for people who wallhack and stuff like that For some, OpenGL is sharper and much faster. The reason opengL is much better then direct3d. OGL is developed by SGI for years and is much more advanced than D3D. Its originally for advanced 3D programs, but is used by Carmack for a reason; take UT for instance. As an Direct3D game it cant get any more than 50-80 FPS while the same system can get up to 200 FPS in quake 3 (which is OpenGL based). Add to that that quake 3 has far superior graphics and SMP support. Now THATSs quality. Ok sorry for that but I really fancy good quality stuff.
  16. Gambler FEX online

    D3D is screwed up when using 2 cpus

    In what way is it screwed up and what games? I too have some problems... but most games work well. Starshiptroopers hangs in the menus and FF8 has garbled up textures and menus. Red faction, UT, quake3, sacrifice, evolva, mdk2 and giants works perfectly well. Reason I post is my system specs are like yours: Asus P2B-DS 2x P3 Hercules Geforce 3 ti 500
  17. Gambler FEX online


    Now that you mention it, yes I did install the drivers for the HPT366 controller! There where no BSODs before that... I will uninstall it and see, I dont use it anyway. Thanks for the pointer!!!
  18. Gambler FEX online


    What hardware specs you have?
  19. Gambler FEX online

    List the problems you have had with XP :) :)

    Windows explorer forgets the windows size. I open my computer and set the size, close it, a few hours later i open it again and its back to the default size. Any way to change the default size? Would help me a lot.. Then when I exit openGL games and their res/color depth is different from the desktop computer hangs. Asus P2B-DS 2x P3 800 Geforce 3 ti 500
  20. When I change resolution to for instance 640x480, all my program and explorer windows gets resized to that size too. How can I prevent this from happening, i.e have them left alone and be big - and out of reach if nessesary? I use the TV out fetaures of my graphics card, you see...
  21. Gambler FEX online

    OpenGL games lock on exit.

    Just add me to the list. I've tried various drivers from 14.xx to 21.83 and 23.xx. Same problem all over, if I exit quake 3 or half-life blue-shift and the res and color depth differs from my desktop my computer hard locks. No BSOD, it hangs while it redraws desktop. Definately issues in my videocard drivers. System specs: Windows XP Pro Asus P2B-DS 2x P3 800 Hercules Geforce 3 Ti 500
  22. Gambler FEX online

    WinXP Start UP

    Give us somehardware specs. Test your memory with this app:
  23. Gambler FEX online

    Default explorer window size

    Can I change the default explorer window size? All I want is when I open my computer or my documents it is a wide rectangle (700x325 pixels) instead of a big square. Opening and setting the size and then close it does work, but only for some time. After a few days XP has forgotten it again... That's why I wanto change the default initial size! Thanks!
  24. Gambler FEX online

    Default explorer window size

    At least im not alone. Please report it to microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/support/Feedback/default.asp
  25. Gambler FEX online

    URL open in _new_ window

    When I open a URL shortcut I want it to open in a new window, is there a way to do this?