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Gambler FEX online

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Everything posted by Gambler FEX online

  1. Gambler FEX online

    URL open in _new_ window

    Wow it worked thanks! who would guess that would fix it... ;(
  2. Gambler FEX online

    XP forgets explorer window settings

    THC you mean file -> close, right? I have tried holding ctrl and closing the window by clicking the red X but it still didnt remember. I have also tried deleting the cache and set the windows again but still it forgot. Win2k has never forgotten like this the 2 years I have used it so yes I would say its a bug. And since you guys have the same problem I dont think its my system/programs that does it...
  3. Gambler FEX online

    XP driver for 3com USB ethernet adaptor 3c19250

    I tried the KLSI driver suggested for win2k but no go. Any suggestions? When will 3com release XP drivers? thanks
  4. Gambler FEX online

    XP-What do you think of it now?

    I switched because of two things: looks and explorer refresh. When I delete a file in win2k, it takes half a sec for it to go away and when I empty the trash in win2k it takes one sec for the desktop to be available again. in XP both is instant! But I have three problems so far though: 1. Exiting openGL games causes the PC to hard lock (no bsod) 2. Starship troopers dont work 3. Explorer forgets windows sizes/settings (really annying )
  5. Gambler FEX online

    Minamize to the System Tray

    Even better, how to make a program automatically get minimized to the system tray when it starts. That way I could have my eudora email program automatically start with windows and get minimized to the system tray right away. There it could stay checking my email every 15 minutes! Great huh? Yeah I have tested some email checkers but none where any good to use I thought
  6. Gambler FEX online

    Exit quake3: freeze

    Most of the times I exit quake 3, the systems hardlocks, without even a bsod so I cant see whats causing it. It started in RC1 and is still there in RTM (2600 pro eval). I have a geforce 2 gladiac and have tested most of the latest drivers, including 14.70. Anyone else had this problem? Where can I report it to nvidia?
  7. Gambler FEX online

    AA icons for your applications

    Even with shadows!
  8. Gambler FEX online

    Help!! FF8 + XP = No Work!

    start - run - type regedit and press enter. now goto: Hkey local machine - Software - squaresoft inc - final fantasy vii - 1.00 under there thers a REG_SZ key. double click it and change the value to your current CD ROM drive letter, i.e D:
  9. Gambler FEX online

    Final Fantasy 8 and geforce2 no compremendo

    The game runs fine, but the graphics are all garbled up. I have tried 21.81 and 21.83 but dont feel like going through the older drivers. Anyone else having problems? What board and what drivers?
  10. Gambler FEX online

    Final Fantasy 8 and geforce2 no compremendo

    Just tested with 22.80 and ...same results.
  11. Gambler FEX online

    Switch user screen flickers

    When I press windows-key + L and enter as another use, the screen flickers like it is changing the res. Ok if I had different res between the two users, but I dont. I have the same 1152@32bit in 100Hz on both users. So why does it flick the screen? System info: Elsa gladiac geforce 2 (21.83) Asus P2B-DS 2x P450 GTXP
  12. Gambler FEX online

    Lego Creator

    Couldnt have said it better myself. What about "run in compatibility mode"?
  13. Gambler FEX online

    will these games work?

    I cant get diablo to work.
  14. Gambler FEX online

    AA icons for your applications

    Wow thanks guys! Up next is resource hacker and maybe max payne. Then I'll take a look at ICQ and game theater XP control panel. Windvd should be fairly easy too (just a cd and some film tape). Its now updated with lightwave hub and audio galaxy icon.
  15. Gambler FEX online

    Internet Explorer Crashes every time in XP

    Listen, I do not think it is XP. If the computer dont work well just take it back and ask them to fix it, if they cant demand your money back. I dont know what laws are where you are, but here in norway we get our money back.
  16. Gambler FEX online

    New GTXP drivers 3.01 findings

    Ok, they are finally here. Please post your findings so I can send this thread to hercules and they hopefully will look linto it. Here is my findings: 5.1 speaker mode: crackling and popping in speaker test - didnt bother testing games 4.1 speaker mode: speaker test ok! game: Max Payne overkill reverb and weak bass Turned off Sensaura 3d sound effects (isnt this what we are paying for?) overkill reverb vanished but no sound from rear speakers in either speaker test or max payne. Weak bass in max payne. This isnt good enough hercules. Once I get a new audio car
  17. Gambler FEX online

    New GTXP drivers 3.01 findings

    It said it for me too, but I think these drivers are compatible with the older 5.1 GTXP, just choose 5.1 instead of 6.1 in the GTXP control panel. However I am running regular stereo no as I've been doing for the past three months
  18. Gambler FEX online

    XP + Ati Radeon= slow

    Its all in the drivers. OpenGL games can be faster in XP with my geforce 2 at least, but Direct 3D is a little slower. In your case its the drivers that hold you back. Wait for new (which may never come since ATi obviously is working hard on the Radeon 8500 drivers) or ditch your card and get a 8500 (still buggy drivers so bevare) or a geforce 3 ti 200/500
  19. Gambler FEX online

    DetanatorXP Driver comparison?!

    I installed it, turned off vsync in both opengl and direct 3d and clocked the ram and chip a little up, and I managed to exit quake 3 4 times before it locked up! I also set my AGP aperture size to 256. Close but no cigar. oh well.
  20. Gambler FEX online

    Game Theater XP problems

    if I choose 5.1 speakers setup and test it, the sound is skipping a lot and crackling a little. In games, sounds are repeating, and there is no center/sub or even rear channels in some cases. I have tried a lot of things, even re-installed windows 2000! SMP disabled, ACPI off, ive taken all cards out of the PC and same results. Anybody familiar, or know a fix? I am trying to review this card, and I really dont wanto leave the win2k page with "major problems, waiting for next drivers update?" thanks
  21. Gambler FEX online

    DetanatorXP Driver comparison?!

    yes I have open GL lockup problems, what would powerstrip do when I install it? would I need to do something special? BTW geforce 2 gts and computer hangs right after exit of quake 3 and half life.
  22. Gambler FEX online

    SB Audigy Platinum and Windows XP (full version)

    Me neither. The audio fidelity on their SB live series was very colored. My GTXP huge difference. I just hope the nforce sounds as good...
  23. Gambler FEX online

    Game Theater XP under Win XP/2K

    New drivers will be out in end of october. If they dont fix your issues, return your card. that way hercules will get to know it hopefully and get a lesson learned. hardware is nothing without drivers.
  24. Gambler FEX online

    MAJOR driver issues in Windows XP

    Yes drivers are scarse. I too have a gtxp and its barely working as a stereo card... At least they are working their butts off because winXP is the next big thing. Everybody will use it in a year and that means companies must shape up no more oh its only for business attitudes!
  25. Gambler FEX online

    DetanatorXP Driver comparison?!

    The only one I can use, my GTXP dont whine with these drivers...