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Gambler FEX online

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Everything posted by Gambler FEX online

  1. Gambler FEX online

    Final Fantasy 8 and geforce2 no compremendo

    Thanks, but it had no effect on the problem. Have a look for yourself: Its definately a drivers issue. I whish there where some sort of way to bug-report nvidia wait ill just send it to info@nvidia.com as ususal.
  2. Gambler FEX online

    Final Fantasy 8 and geforce2 no compremendo

    I've already applied that patch and it works fine in win2k...
  3. Gambler FEX online

    Windows XP and gaming

    I too have had a few problems. Quake 3 and half life hangs the system when I exit them, final fantasy 8 has garbled up textures and starhip troopers locks up. So far I think its the drivers for my geforce 2 that needs optimizing.
  4. Gambler FEX online

    PPPPLLLLEEEAAASSSEEE Help me with XP Networking......

    Are you using a beta version of XP? I remember my system would lock solid when someone tried to access it, and then i had a beta.
  5. Gambler FEX online

    OT: GDI objects

    You familiar with XP's task manager? Ctrl-Shift-Esc. Under View, select columns, add GDI objects to the list. THen sort by GDI objects. Is anything using a ton fo GDI objects? The more GDI objects a program uses, the slower your system will be. Well written programs should use fewer than 500 GDI objects. My ICQ uses 1271 GDI objects 8)
  6. Gambler FEX online

    Unreal 2 Alpha

    There's nothing new there, only bigger maps.
  7. Gambler FEX online

    3com networkadapter

    Can I vote for a CNet 200PCI? It automatically installs in XP and no startup delay like "hooking bootstrap IRQ 15.2 Just get the regular version and not WOL version, unless you plan to use it.
  8. Gambler FEX online

    slow game performance

    I am using official XP drivers and my PC freezes when I exit openGL games. WHQl drivers from creative gave diablo 2 gamers BSODs and crackling in SMP systems. Just stick with what works ok ;( duh
  9. Gambler FEX online


    Get a job and get cable so I can upload some pr0n to you.
  10. Gambler FEX online

    slow game performance

    But it was OK in win2k right? Try different drivers the 8.xx is supposed to be the best for TNT cards. Is it only D3D what about OPenGL? I am not a computer wiz try contacting nvidia info@nvidia.com or the makers of your card.
  11. Gambler FEX online

    Tnt2 Ultra !! Support It!!!

    He's from Canada so that would be 75 canadian dollars I think.
  12. Gambler FEX online

    Shutdown problem

  13. Gambler FEX online

    Detonator 4 and Refresh Rates??

    miku's advice worked great for me.
  14. Gambler FEX online

    Quake 3 Frezzing!!

    All I can say is i have problems myself too. When I exit quake 3 or halflife (both openGL) the computer locks up, no BSOD just freezes. I have a geforce 2 and have tried plenty of drivers 12.xx 14.xx 11.08 08.xx and the det 4 Direct3D games works fine. I think its a drivers issue not worked out yet, make sure nvidia and id knows about the problems!
  15. Gambler FEX online

    Best Defragger for WIN XP ???

    Im using diskeeper 6 server, works fine just dont do a MFT defrag or boot-time defrag!
  16. Gambler FEX online

    Herc GTXP

    BTW I use digital out. I've used my GTXP as a stereo-only non-3d sound card so far I plan on getting a nforce mother board (maybe from asus) and send my GTXP back.
  17. Gambler FEX online

    Ne1 with winXP devilsOwn - read this

    The site is down???
  18. Gambler FEX online

    how to change to APM PC

    The reason my computer wont turn off automaticall when I shut it down is because it was installed as "MPS Multiprocessor PC" I got the advice from asus tech support to change it to APM Multiprocessor PC" however I have a hard time doing so. Even though I choose "choose the driver to isntall" I still dont get anything else than these options: MPS Multiprocessor pc Standard pc Is there a way to force my PC to a APM PC, either by doing it in device manager or during install of XP?
  19. Gambler FEX online

    how to change to APM PC

    I did I upgrade and chose ACPI multiprocessor PC and now it works fine! Thanks!
  20. Gambler FEX online

    WDM Drivers for W2k and WinXP for SantaCruz

    And hercules! My GTXP is pretty hopeless.
  21. Gambler FEX online

    IE 6.0 Sucks???

    Over here I.E is starts up pretty slow sometimes, and some website like team xbox' forum is very slow to browse (going from page to page) http://forums.teamxbox.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=12 here, opera is faster. Its wierd since I have 2x P3 824 and IE is integrated into the OS... Im using XP final.
  22. Gambler FEX online

    Exit quake3: freeze

    tweaked is right, XP is too new. My AGP setting has always been 2x, as my motherboard cant go higher. The problem lies with the graphic cards driver so please contact nvidia info@nvidia.com and report bug.
  23. Gambler FEX online

    Starship Troopers

    When the menu appears (after the intro movies) there is no cursor and there is big black borders at top and bottom of the screen. I can alt-tab out of the game. I have tried these reference drivers for the videocard: 07.58 - crash 10.80 - black border 11.01 - black border 12.41 - black border 14.10 - black border - crash 21.81 - black border - crash Specs: WinXP final Asus P2B-DS 2x P3 800 Elsa Gladiac geforce2 GTXP 320 ram
  24. Gambler FEX online


    In comparison to a geforce 2 it is 20% slower, a geforce 2 MX it is 20% faster. It gives CPU a little boost with DASP. It has 4.2 GB/s memory transfer rate (twice as much as regular 266DDR) if you use two identical DIMMS Audio, its better then anything currently available, including audigy. with DD 5.1 encoding yay!!! combine this thing with a geforce3 and 1.4 GHZ thunderbird and you got the ultimate gaming rig, thats for sure! I plan on buying it. Just gotta see if there are any problems.
  25. Gambler FEX online

    ACPI question

    How do you change to MPS?