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Gambler FEX online

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Everything posted by Gambler FEX online

  1. Gambler FEX online

    Win XP beta 2 and Hercules Game Theater XP

    They are working on DX8 drivers, most likely, but we wont see it in a while. Hercules dont have the best driver team... I want an nforce with its nvidia audio DX8 compatible. So far what I've read it works great in win2k + DX8 and besides its tech used in xbox that has to have bulletproof DX8 and win2k drivers hehe ok enough xbox but I really belive in nvidia and drivers support. my geforce2 has worked much better than any other hardware I have had under win2k. gtxp, ati, abit emodulator (no rear channel audio), hercules thriller 3d (they never updated the drivers as long as I had the card - for one year!). hardware is nothing without software (read:drivers)
  2. Gambler FEX online

    Game over, MS / XP wins!

    If microsoft pushes something at us with windows, all we can do is accept. Where else can we go? All my games and programs only exist for windows, i.e I dont have a choice. If MS desides people have to rent their OS on a monthly basis, all I can then do is comply and pay that montly fee. What choise do I have? none. I guess hopefully linux will take off enough that games and programs will be equal supported on both platforms. I really like XP but the WPA might be te beginning of something very bad, and in the end we dont know how far microsoft might go and linux might be our only hope. Yes I advise everybody to crack their XP when they buy it and not let microsoft know their hardware. WPA is wrong.
  3. Gambler FEX online

    geforce 3 and tv-out in winxp?

    Anyone used a geforce3 in winxp and tvout? How did it go and which brand do you have? Im planning on getting a geforce3 but not quite sure yet I need good TV out capabilities!
  4. Gambler FEX online

    geforce 3 and tv-out in winxp?

    Is TVCC2000 a 3rd party program and where do I find it? Can you resize the picture so it fits your TV?
  5. Gambler FEX online

    geforce 3 and tv-out in winxp?

    Go here and download TV Tool http://come.to/tvout And tell me how it works!
  6. Gambler FEX online

    Your geforce3

    How does it tv-out work in win2k/xp? 1. both ntsc and pal 2. can I rezise the picture to fit my tv, with either drivers or 3rd part softw 3. what brand did you have
  7. Gambler FEX online

    geforce 3 and tv-out in winxp?

    Can you resize the picture so it fits your tv?
  8. Gambler FEX online

    12.41 Detonators released (officially)

    How about manually editing the .inf file and remove the HZ rates you dont use? Be careful to go any higher than 85 with your gaming refresh rates as some games dont like it (evolva and starship troopers). I have everything set to 85 except 1024 there I have 100 and also 1152 100 (my desk resolution).
  9. Gambler FEX online

    Noisy soundcard

    The soundcards from Hercules seem to have great problems in winXP. I hope they sort it out quickly enough.
  10. Gambler FEX online

    Low disk space alert

    How do I disable it? It's nagging me all the time, im using 2486 for the moment.
  11. Gambler FEX online

    Low disk space alert

    Gambler slaps low diskspace alerter around a bit with a large trout Let's see if that works!
  12. Gambler FEX online

    Low disk space alert

    I take that back, its still there!
  13. Gambler FEX online

    Where do download RC1

    use mirc and join #winbeta on efnet.
  14. Gambler FEX online

    IE6 animated loading logo is so crap!

    What would be cool would be an ability to use a custom animation with an alphachannel, so it would merge seamlessly with the background color just like the icons. Hmm I think ill post this at winxp official newsgroup.
  15. Gambler FEX online

    ICS and win2k

    it was the darn cable
  16. Gambler FEX online

    Network Prob

    to give external computers access to your shared printers and folders, you have to run the network setup wizard, found in network connections. Just specify "other" and then first option. now your computer should be accessible from win9x and win2k
  17. Gambler FEX online

    The search dog gotta go

    he is just using up valuable space, and he's ugly too. I used to have my windows like this (long), but now the search dialogue is not immediately available. I have to sroll a lot, then choose what to search for, then discover I cant type anything and then resizing the window. I dont of course use HTML enabled folders because of the way my explorer windows are sized. Listen, it would be much better to have it the old way it was with win2k, just with an addition: it remember where you searched last when launching it form the start menu (in my case, all harddrives). When lauched from an explorer window, it just searches from that current location. Simple and easy, making this more complex to supposedly make it more easy is NOT the way to go, less is more.
  18. Gambler FEX online

    Low disk space alert

    The tree is there, but no DiskSpaceThreshold key. However there was a "size" key I tried set to 99 and so far i haven't seen the alerter yet. great
  19. Gambler FEX online

    2505 RC1 MUCH better than 2495

    That sounds nice. I hope my issues are gone too (bsod when watching any movie with media player and forgets dialup password after reboot)
  20. Gambler FEX online

    Windows XP upgrade

    windows xp is stabler, is a modern OS, pure 32-bit, pre-emtive multitasking (see modern OS). win9x is evil, get it outahere 'nuf saids
  21. Gambler FEX online

    BSOD when watching mvovie

    I get BSOD when watching movie with windows media player in winXP, in all the builds I can remember I have tried. Even now with the 2486, I have this hardware setup. It works well playing MP3, midi or wav, just not any movies. Movies in games work (Baldurs gate 2 for instance).. Geforce 2 2x p3 700 asus p2b-ds either sb live or a GTXP dont matter anyone else encoutered this or am I the only one?
  22. Gambler FEX online

    BSOD when watching mvovie

    yes those terminologies or what they are called are confusing if you dont know what they mean. bsod is short for blue screen of death, which there are no escape from. your computer is hardlocked and you have to press the reset button.
  23. Gambler FEX online

    Low disk space alert

    System restore is already turned off, yeah maybe I can set the swap size smaller, now that I've downgraded to 256ram (ask hercules). Do you know how much must be available on a drive for Low Disk Space alerter to go off? I belive it is some kind of % valuecan it be 20? Thanks anyway
  24. Gambler FEX online

    Shouldnt the Hercules game theater XP work with winXP???

    This is what I did to get it working perfectly, at least stereo mode: After install winXP, dont boot in safemode boot normally go into device manager and right click crystal fusion blah blah (first in the list of crystal devices) choose properties, driver, update driver, install from a list, browse, point to original CD that came with GTXP. then when its done you have to disable sensaura 3d sound processing and mp3 hardware accelleration playback also, you dont wanto have more than 256MB ram or else it wont work (sound distorted) I had to pull out 128 MB ram to get it work
  25. Gambler FEX online

    I just some bad news about 3dfx and WindowsXP

    You seem to miss the most important thing for an OS is compatibility and hardware support. There are tons of voodoo users out there that will have problems when they upgrade to winXP. It is vital for an OS to install seamlessly and support the current hardware out there. Win XP is a very important OS, and efficiently locking out all glide and 3d support (and 2d?) for a brand of very popular card (voodoo 2) is terrible. What will they do, go out and buy a geforce? what if they dont know how to upgrade their computer? what if they've never been inside their computer? what about the glide games they love so much? Microsoft have been very nice to nvidia to let them develop XBOX so I feel nvidia should be nice to microsoft and work together with ex 3dfx employees and get glide working in winXP. It would mean day and night for many, many users out there!