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Gambler FEX online

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Everything posted by Gambler FEX online

  1. Gambler FEX online

    Big thanks to the NT Compatable crew

    Same here. I've gained a lot of help from both forum and the compatibility list. Things like how to get my soundcard working, hacking games to get them work and other tips. Great site, but Im sure SHS'n co already knows that. enough buttering up i know some people hate it
  2. Gambler FEX online

    isdn card for win2K

    I have the ISA version. If you want an USB ISDN modem eicon makes that too, and has also excellent drivers for win2k. I would guess all of their cards are fully supported in win2k, but i have been wrong before so. At least the ISA and USB I have had a great experience with Also why im getting a geforce 3 instead of any ati/matrox cards. drivers are everything.,
  3. Gambler FEX online

    isdn card for win2K

    I too vote for Eicon. Both win2k and winXP has drivers for it, so its installed automatically when you install the OS.
  4. Gambler FEX online

    Desktop shots

    Give me your desktop shots with version number. Dont forget to thumbnail and if you wonder how just press pring screen and paste it in your faveourite image editor.
  5. Gambler FEX online

    New SBLive! Drivers

    Weren't they certified? Why would microsoft put up buggy untested drivers anyway? Is it because winXP is beta and they wanted it to get tested?
  6. Gambler FEX online

    NFS5 Porsche + Windows XP

    Yes well at least its like the with theolder games, I have heard of problems with the NSF 3 game maybe. Take Dungeon keeper 2 for instance. it wouldnt work in win2k at all until it was patched up to version 1.7
  7. Gambler FEX online

    Poll: Which game is better in your opinion?

    I just played a little Serious sam and x-com enforcer and they where boring to say the least. Doom 3 will be a real hit, because they use new tech and everything will look incredible. We may have another era of Doom!'s plain shoot everything find one key but it will be great because the graphics are revolutionary
  8. Gambler FEX online

    Poll: Which game is better in your opinion?

    I must agree with bladerunner, even though I have only played diablo 2: very boring after I played it through with paladdin. I never started with any of the other characters which - in reviews - where coined as making the game very replayable and lots of hours of fun. No thanks same story same quests hack'n slash. It was fun, but only with one character. Ok end of my rant looks like i have to take a closer look at baldurs gate 2.
  9. Gambler FEX online

    NFS5 Porsche + Windows XP

    I dont think so. Escpesially NFS series has been a strain on the NT platform, simply because they are compiled with 9x. They need to be recompiled with NT code and patched up, that would fix everything. It is very hard and maybe impossible for microsoft to add old 9x code emulation support and make it work on every system and every game. If you contact the game developers and let them know you wanto move to a more stable OS maybe they will get their acts together. this is as far as i have understood it...
  10. Gambler FEX online

    Logitech Mouseware in XP?

    I see. I am curently waiting for winXP to become final so i can demand support from logitech. Good thing its not far now
  11. Gambler FEX online

    WIN2K + games at startup

    Yep, they added win2k compatibility to the game later on, which I am very pleased of. If only others would do the same hmmmm would be nice to play UFO enemy unkown again sigh
  12. Gambler FEX online

    Logitech Mouseware in XP?

    The only reason I dont use winXP as primary OS is it dont support my mouse (mouseman wheel) so I cant get any good accellertion in quake 3. If this new build of mouseware works then yuppie!
  13. Gambler FEX online

    Sry, but where can I download Whistler beta?

    So, jdulmage has become a troll. oh wait, what have I done! (now, I am also a troll) oh well
  14. Gambler FEX online

    win2k soundcard situation - what do you do?

    There are NO 100% working sound cards for win2k. This is slight conserning because WindowsXP which is supposed to replace the 9x codebase is not far from release. An OS is nothing without hardware support (read: DRIVERS) so hardware manufactorers better shape up quickly. For those who doesn't know it yet, Win2k is the bridge to get consumers to the stable NT codebase, so there is no excuse not to have 100% perfectly running hardware on windows 2000! No, it is a plus, and shows support for the future. No-one said it was going to be easy but they have already had a year to get drivers done and today I am not impressed. Go demant future support from your hardware manufactorers, and let's make a nice and quick jump to NT.
  15. Gambler FEX online

    Game Theater XP problems

    Update! http://home.c2i.net/aka_mecha/gtreview/ I have sent the card back to the store and they will test it. I hope they find it is broken and send me a new one! Time will tell, I really really hope they find it broken, and it works as advertised when I get it back! Yes, it's audio fidelity is really that mutch better then my reference x-Gamer 5.1
  16. Gambler FEX online

    Game Theater XP problems

    The win2k default installed drivers do work with SMP, even on my system with SCSI. However, they are very limited and if you go into Play properties, and choose options -> advanced controls an click the advanced button you will see the bass and treble sliders are all the way down. Those drivers dont have any bass, and if you turn it up it crackles. Update with the live ware and you get good drivers, but most probably SMP problem.
  17. Gambler FEX online

    Game Theater XP problems

    Thanks for the reply! Now I can maybe track it down by trying to install win2k withouth DX8, and boot it with only one CPU. Maybe there is some incompatibility with DX8 (the drivers where pherhaps developed on DX7). Any other Game Theater users please post what games you play, what hardware you have and if any what problems. BTW I am one of those having problems with SB Live + SMP [This message has been edited by Gambler FEX online (edited 21 February 2001).]
  18. Gambler FEX online

    Game Theater XP problems

    What games do you play with it, and what CPU/motherboard do you have? I tried this card in my brothers PC but exactly same result! here is my findings so far: http://home.c2i.net/aka_mecha/gtreview/problems.html
  19. Gambler FEX online

    What would happen if....

    you post brainsoft, where very nice! But in the end you failed as you wrote: "Are your eyes brown, or are you just full of sh!t?" Be an excample, not an educator. Monkeys follow, they dont think twice about things (reflect about things, philosophate gettit?). Children, and many adults, are just like that, monkeys that follow other people. Every wonder how a nice boy can get corrupted and become a gang member and get a habit of stealing and pushing drugs? He meets other older boys, and do what they do. They follow (or aper, as we say it in norwegian, just like ape, gettit?) the "tradition" of the older gang members. That's why it goes on and on and never stops. Until someone wakes them up, the parents, that is... Im sure jdulmage is a very nice fella, and may for all I know be better than all of us in many, many things. he might even be superman for all I know but the point is, be a nice excample for him and dont trash him back just because he has an (probably unconsious) habit of getting tired of newbie posts or posts he thinks stupid. Wake him up, ok, but do it with a excellent example (good attitude, very polite and nice) and he'll learn. Everybody is like this. They need to wake up from LOTS of things, lets take an excample for the rest of you guys, ever heard this phrase: Quotes are silly **** . All you ever need to know is this earth has given you life -take care of it in return. Woke you up huh, where have you heard that before and if you look around youself, can you find anything that would teach you just that? TV commercials, films, books, parents, anyone?
  20. what is is with this stuff?? If I boot with 16 bit color I can see the drop shadows but there is no alpha blending on the icons. If I then change to 32 bit I get back the alphablending on the icons. Now, if I restart again and it boots with 32 bit colors the icons are alphablended but the drop shadows are gone! And also, the fading animation is noticably jerkier/slower. It seems there is some alphablending accelleration problems with my geforce 2? geforce2 7.17 or 6.49 drivers
  21. Gambler FEX online

    2416, alpha blended icons, drop shadows, color depth

    YEs, good explination Hit, though a little complex for a novice person (like me). Anyway what it is used for here is making the edges of icons anti-aliased, by merging the edges with the background. Here is an example: I just made it now with PaintshopPro. But the problem is with my graphics card I belive. The card (a geforce 2) also has problems with stardocks windowsFX, which adds shadows to windows. WindowFX dont work with geforce2, so... Hardware accellerated alphablending dont work with a geforce2 in 32bit it seems, if I boot to 32bit color the fading menus are slow. if I turn back to 16bit they are still slow, but if I BOOT to 16 bit color the fadings are fast, AND with shadows. If I then (while still in whistler) change to 32bit color mode, the icons gets alphablended and the menu fadings are still smooth. I belive it is in the drivers of my geforce2, since other people its fine with (one from my ICQ contacts) and it works with old drivers (5.30 reference). [This message has been edited by Gambler FEX online (edited 09 February 2001).]
  22. Gambler FEX online

    Discussion an 2416. Anyone tried it yet.

    I have problems with a few games, with both 2416 and 2419. Giants freezes and drops to desktop if I press escape (maybe a dialog box I cant see?) and Oni the mouse is very laggy. Diablo 2 works fine though, but thats not a 3D game (at least not a real one)
  23. Gambler FEX online

    Computer Wallpaper

    The gold petals stretched!
  24. Gambler FEX online

    Windows Whistler to be Windows XP.

    Well, it is skinnable.
  25. Gambler FEX online

    Whistler on games !

    It really depends on what games you usually play and what hardware you have. Many old 3d-games will never run on win2k, and old 3d-hardware never might have gotten real DirectX 7/8 drivers. Tough issue, I think i see lots of people dualbooting win9x and whistler in the future, in hope for a better (both stability and good looking windows. New games will run excellent though, as they are mostly these days developed on win2k systems!