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Gambler FEX online

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Everything posted by Gambler FEX online

  1. Gambler FEX online

    Voodoo5 and 2416

    I too have many problems, it seems this is bad builds, we'll wait for beta 2 or a better build.
  2. Gambler FEX online

    x-box and the controller

    Hello! check this picture out: http://home.c2i.net/aka_mecha/real.jpg ok here is what I have to say, the controllers + dial (up-down-left-right) is concerning me. If they are not a real + but more like an o with dots (hope you're following me here) it's hard to hit left without touching up or down or hold up or down withouth dipping to left or right. The Nintendo has a +, the playstation has a + but for instance microsofts controllers (and gravis/logitech controllers too) has a o (circle) pad! This is just my experience so far, but I just wanto warn you dont be surprised if you find the controls a little difficult in certain games when the x-box is out. Epilogue: I have Bomberman for nintendo. if you remember it, good, I can go on with the story. It was easy to run around the square corners to hide from a bomb with the regular nintendo controller (+ pad), however I wanted to play with my friends too and bough more controllers (cheapo ones with some wierd 0 pads). I played with those a lot when playing with my friends and moving around corners got much harder. I had to do a clear and swift move. right and down simple as that however with the new cheap controller with the o pad I very often touched right and right+down resulting in just right+right. I now have a Microsoft sidewinder pro and are having great difficulties in games like Final fantasy 7/8 and rollcage 2. Going through menus and choosing attacks quickly is impossible because I have to be careful and make sure a left dont become a left+up and then I cast attack on my own team instead of the enemies. Thanks for reading
  3. Gambler FEX online

    SBlive Liveware 3.0 and Whistler

    Works for me, using beta 1 and x-gamer 5.1(with new liveware 3.1) if you post system spec maybe we can find pattern?
  4. Gambler FEX online

    New Version of Whistler?

    Hey, I also whish for a new build of whistler, a one that dont have the mouse jerkiness. Playing games like quake 3 is impossible, it skips so much when looking around. Also a Logitech Mouseware version would be great, so I can have mouse accelleration in games (especially quake 3). If this was to happen, whistler would become my main OS again.
  5. Gambler FEX online

    jerky mouse movements in 2276

    Ok, back to the slow gui issue. Yes, the GUI is very slow, try rezising windows and you will notice its a little laggy. However, that was not wat I and jdulmage saw as a problem, it was the mouse that lagged at menu fadings and other things. It was NOT there in earlier builds, same GUI but not mouse-jerking (err no pun intended or something). However, beta 1 is just as slow GUI (window rezising) as any other builds I have tried with the skinning options. With the skinning turned off, it is just like old win2k. Fast but ugly imo. Ok then, I tried installing new mouseware but it refused to install.
  6. Gambler FEX online

    Moving f: to c:

    I do not reccomend it, Reinstall again to the HD/partition you want.
  7. Gambler FEX online

    jerky mouse movements in 2276

    Yes, but that's ok I dont mind, what bugs me is the mouse lagging, so it is a problem with the USB subsystem then. Cant wait for beta 2 to see how that fairs.
  8. Gambler FEX online

    A little strange sound in Win2000

    Yes, same thing here too, wacky stuff! Ok, I usually just set it to the default "empty trash" wav file, it is not so loud sound effect. you can also try to just create a new text file and rename it to trash.wav and make it the empty recycle bin effect.
  9. Gambler FEX online

    Whistler discussion

    Once whistler comes out, everybody have to install it, and then whistler and microsoft are gonna take over the world! har (im trying to say its gonna be a hit)
  10. Gambler FEX online

    jerky mouse movements in 2276

    Ok, here we are with Beta 1. Now _my_ mouse got laggy, and the fading of menus is laggy also. This happens both with a G400 and a geforce 2, in 16 and 32 bit. A little better in 16 bit.
  11. Gambler FEX online

    Mouse Problem

    Same discovery here. I install mouseware 9.0 but it doesn't activate after reboot, thus not giving me accelleration in games (e.g quake 3). It seems the controlpanel is changed, maybe it is because of whistler defaults to a Windows directory and not a WINNT directory like regular win2k. I dont really know but the mouse control panel should be exchanged with logitechs control panel, but it doesn't happen.
  12. Gambler FEX online


    how about a win2k gamers hardware reviewers site. I would like to see for instance the philips acoustic edge get tested for features, stability, performance and how it works in games. Like, can Quake 3 use it's A3D emulation and how good does it work?
  13. Gambler FEX online

    Whistler vs Win 2000 vs Win ME vs Win 98SE

    I managed to install win2k in a 486 with 24 MB ram Win2k with SP 1 and something geforce is the best if you have strong computer and lots of ram. When whistler is out, that sure is. I agree with SHS, my experience with Win95 OSR2 vs win98/se/me is it is indeed more stable. But that is just a litte, win2k and NT is so much more stable, anyway using word "stable" with win9x in same sentence should be not allowed! If you use more than one program at once and have newer hardware my experience is it's almost impossible to sit there witouth the feeling "it crashes every second now, Im sure, any minute now, right after this click" Did I tell you about yesterday when I installed win98 (again) over winME? I couldn't in the first place because the win98 setup.exe file was not a "valid win32 exec" or something. But the setup.exe file from win95 (yes osr2) did run! Ok so I installed win95b first then, after it was done and ready for first boot I got BSOD hehehe. I just booted to DOS (impossible in winME) and deleted c:\windows and program files, then I started win98 install wow it started super I can install it OK. So I did and got it up and booting. I installed drivers and ran a game. Closed it, wow error in runddll or something. I installed DX8 in ME that's why I had to go back to win98 and other things too, rollcage 2 wouldnt run with DX8. Lets just say this is tip of iceberg I HATE WIN9x I have used both linux and greeBSD and NT 4.0 and windows 2000 has their stability AND gaming opportunity and now Whistler has cum oh my I cant wait until it's finished so game developers, DVD program developers, hardware manufactorers ETC ETC ETC get things working for Whistler.
  14. Gambler FEX online

    Best Sound Card for Win 2K

    I have already tried that one, and it works in quake 3. But it isn't so goot, sounds are muffed and the CPU load is incredible. And I cant run in SMP because of the SB Live! A3D and 5.1 output, that'll do it.
  15. Gambler FEX online

    Detonator 6.49

    A little flickering in Evolva at loading screen, dvd and mpg/ram movies are a little dark.
  16. Gambler FEX online

    Best Sound Card for Win 2K

    But what about A3D? Is A3D 1.0 accelleration enough for quake 3? That's what I wanto, play quake 3 with surrounnd in windows 2000. I currently have a SB Live and it crackles heavily with my SMP system.
  17. Gambler FEX online

    Liveware 4 for Win2k: Any rumors or info?

    Since I am tired of my SB Live problems I wanto try another soundcard. Which do you guys recomend for win2k and quake 3? Thats what I mostly do, win2k and quake 3 Oh and it needs 5.1 analogue output!
  18. Gambler FEX online

    Win ME and sudden HD access

    I just installed winME, and started up Rollcage 2. Then after a while playing (second track, lap 2) the framerate got choppy. I noticed the HD was accessed in the background (not by the game).. I have 448MB ram so it isnt low ram/disk swap, I also have disabled scheduled tasks. What can it be and how to I disable it?
  19. Gambler FEX online

    Win ME and sudden HD access

    No, I didnt get this problem after turning off restore, its just when I noticed it. I have also had this similar in win98, thats why I changed to winME!
  20. Gambler FEX online

    Win ME and sudden HD access

    Ok, did so, but now I got another problem. Its 3D sound and Rollcage 2. Suddenly, when I drive, the engine audio (that goes wrooom, wrooooom) pans from front, to rear left, rear right and then to front again. Also, when the car jumps far up it bets kinda muffed. When cars pass and rockets pass the audio seem to come from the right speakers, and the right levels, but Im not sure. I mean the 1 rocket is too weak. What on earth can it be? Someone had anything similar? Thanks you
  21. Gambler FEX online

    You know what's gonna really stink!?

    Now that is a good idea. As Whistler is out, create a FAQ with the most common questions. Sooner out the better, and post a link to it here regularly
  22. Gambler FEX online

    Win ME and sudden HD access

    BTW Geforce 2 and SB Live xgamer 5.1
  23. Gambler FEX online

    My list of NTCompatible games

    No sound huh? THANK YOU creative labs for creating such good drivers. heh instead of using resources for better drivers when they got some competition from Aureal, they sued them. Nice going creative labs heh customers will get such good products in the future heh sorry for my rant but everytime I must reboot my PC to win9x just to get no crackling for games I think about Creative
  24. Gambler FEX online

    Win2k Pro and Games: Still lower performance than win9x?

    Ahem, I couldnt enable it either, but installing latest drivers made them go again. But it seems like a known issue Hey, I hope SMP is working in next drivers but it dont seem they will include it, or else drivers will have to be re-written from scratch (and not ported) and that takes time probably around late january/mid february)
  25. Gambler FEX online

    SMP - AMD and Intel

    YEs stay away from SB LIve! + SMP bad combination! Crackling popping BSODS you name it. Us SMP users have been waiting for half a year now on SMP compatible drivers but nothing yet they dont even know if next driver release will support it! thats what happens when you port win9x drivers to win2k