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Gambler FEX online

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Everything posted by Gambler FEX online

  1. Gambler FEX online

    GeForce's conflict with Win2k & AMD

    It might also be the Live! drivers, I mean they are not compatible with SMP systems and no AC3 it seems Creativelabs hasnt gotten used to win2k wdm
  2. Gambler FEX online

    UBB feature suggestion

    Have you noticed some of the long signatures containing full system specs? Kinda long to scroll past it with your scrollwheel? whell how about this Add another icon next to profile icon and when people either click on it or hold the pointar above it the usual help-message contains system specs. these specs can be entered in the profile menu. things get more tidy, you dont need to open another window to see the specs, and if you need to copy the specs just open another window.
  3. Gambler FEX online

    DirectX 8 Out - Whats the scoop?

    viewing images with thumbs plus 4.01 now causes winamp to skip, just as the image loads. bigger images, longer load times, worse skipping. Im pretty sure it's the SB Live drivers, you know creative labs and win2k drivers hehee what a joke huh? Other than that every thing's jake.
  4. Gambler FEX online

    Disk slower on WIN2000 ??

    In some things, Fat32 are fster, other things, NTFS faster. For eksample, moving a lot of small files from one HD to another, using FAT32 is faster. But defragmenting a 8GB FAt32 HD is very slow compared to the same NTFS 8GB HD, probably three times as fast. But access like that, might be because of the way win2k performs Winamp's requests. For instance, Opera 4.0 hangs my computer for a while (3-5 secs) every now and then, but in winme and whistler it never does that. I dont know this for sure though, it can either be the driver and OS too get a HD benchmarking and check what things is slower like DOSFeak said!
  5. Gambler FEX online

    Whistler is Great

    It sounds like you are running build 2276 yes? If you enable automatic log-on the "Applying Computer Settings" waiting should be gone too. Use tweak UI to enable automatic login, you can find it at www.tweak3d.com? if not email me You can also get the icons back on the desktop with tweak ui but also if you disable "simple start menu" in taskbar and menu properties.
  6. Gambler FEX online


  7. Gambler FEX online

    Mouse accelleration in Quake 3

    I get no mouse accelleration in quake 3, I have it enabled and set to "medium" in advanced pointer options. It does work fine on the desktop, but not in quake 3! I tried installing mouseware 9 (I have logitech mouseman USB or something with wheel) but it changed nothing, no accelleration in quake 3 and no changes in mouse properties. Oh well looks its up to logitech to release whistler comopatible mouseware?
  8. Gambler FEX online

    MouseWare 9.0

    Ok I thought it was time I experimented with moouse accelleration in quake3 and I downloaded and installed mouseware 9.0 for my logitech mouseman usb or whatever its name is. Ok I rebooted I could finally assign thumb button to gesture and get accelleration in quake 3 middle button :double click thumb button :back-command in IE But! next time I reboot the wheel dont work and thumb button is just performing the left mouse buttons function in quake 3! Further, in IE the thumb button is double-click instead of back-command. A top of this, when using the wheel the srolling in IE is a little jerky, higly annoying! I read http://www.ntcompatible.com/ubb/Forum3/HTML/001352.html and http://www.ntcompatible.com/ubb/Forum3/HTML/001847.html but they where old, and did not help. I also applied the reg fix but to no avail, it is just for NT 4.0 and 9x I guess I installed Liveware 9.0 on a pretty clean system.
  9. Gambler FEX online

    MouseWare 9.0

    It helped, thanks, but the jerkiness is still there, it is very strange but every second time I use the wheel to scroll ir scroolls and extra 3 lines and that takes half a sec or so to finish, so it is kinda "laggy" to scroll and I must wait longer until I can read the text and when I can it is not where I expect it to be. Annoying problem indeed. However, I found a way to "fix" the back-command button (with thumb button) issue, just load MouseWare config screen and click "ok." Try setting the thumb button or middle button to F12 or shift, and then define it in the game, that worked for me.
  10. Gambler FEX online

    Will mostly all games,software, and hardware ever work in wi

    Well then if you want your programs and games and hardware to work in this modern OS make sure your hardware manufactorers and software delevopers know you fancy windows 2000. They listen to micro$oft lying that this OS is only for business, but if they get contacted by consumers that means a lot too. If we work together, well get rid of this 9x evilness all together
  11. Gambler FEX online

    bootable CD images download

    here is my situation: I have no floppy-drive I have two fat32 partitions but none of them can be booted from I have no win9x cd to boot from. I need to make a bootable CD, and have looked around the net for how to make it, but all of them requires me to first make a bootable floppy disk then create that as an image. But I dont have any floppy disk, is there anywhere I can download such an image?
  12. Gambler FEX online

    bootable CD images download

    SHS is right, I need a win9x (dos ) boot system, so I can access DOS and install win98. win98 refuses to install from any NT OS I have CDR Win, it can make me a bootable CD if I give it a "boot image" I am now searching for sucha "boot image" on the net, based on win9x. I can make it myself with norton utilities but only if I have a floppy So what I am looking for is a boot image for CD-Rwin to burn., furthwermore I had a win98se CD original but I borrowed it away and haven't got it back yet, it booted fine into DOS or win98se Setup, just what I needed. No, my computer wont have anything to do with a floppy drive it wont boot if I plug one in, yes I have tried different kables, floppy drives, different ways of attaching cable etc no go only way out is bootable CD! I wanto play games again my SB LIVe! dont work in my SMP system, only crackles
  13. Gambler FEX online

    bootable CD images download

    I already tried that site, and all I found was a "windows ME disk image" I tried this one with CDRwin but it didn't boot from the CD
  14. Gambler FEX online

    bootable CD images download

    Oh yeah, I have a floppy drive all right, but it dont work in my PC. So since I'm using CD-RWin I thought I could just download what it needs to make a boot CD, a boot-disk image that is. In advanced options in wants such an image, anyone know where I can get it? I can use norton utilities to build it, but I dont have a floppy disk, nor do I have a copy of norton utilities!
  15. Gambler FEX online

    Whistler 2276?

    That last post there made me laugh! It first looked like grant had respondend sarcastically and told himself to behave, with a nice smile-icon at the top and everything, then I read the "edited by SHS" pretty funny hehe but here is my question, how do I get the desktop to become that nice start center?
  16. Gambler FEX online

    jerky mouse movements in 2276

    YEs poor USB support indeed, I cannot use my external USB HD and I cannot use any audio codecs other than the standard WAV microsoft codec i.e if I install Faurhauner MP3 oncoder codec I cannot use it in audiograbber or soundforge. It also dont wanto install my USB ethernet card. Very fishy, so Im waiting for a never build then, this build I cannot use
  17. Gambler FEX online

    Sb Live! and Live!Ware 4. When??

    Yuo can say that again! Im still waiting for SMP compatible drivers still 8 months after win2k release. Thought they'd learned from the SMP problem in NT 4.0 but noooooo Bunch of unsupporting loosers
  18. Gambler FEX online

    Best SCSI burner

    Last week I got my sweaty hands on a Sanyo BurnProof 3 SCSI burner, it and it is increcible. It burns at 12x and with latest CDR-Win I can enable burn-proof in win2k, and oh man does it work well! I copied like 600mb+ of files to the HD that had the files I was burning, and I got buffer underruns all the time But it just started up again all the times and the CD was completed succesfully! Great Burner, it is mostly the same as the Plextor ones, just a different name. I could only find a 12x/4x/32x SCSI from plextor, but I found a Sanyo/Brain Wave (online store said Sanyo, but box says Brain Wave) 12/10/32 Great buy, but the included software dont support Burnproof in win2k, you must get latest CD-Rwin, for now. They say they will support it in the near future but I dont belive it before I can download it.
  19. Gambler FEX online

    Force win2k install on PC 20MB RAM

    I tried to install win2k on my old p75 (486 with overdrive) but it stops complaining about not enough (32MB) ram. Anyway to force it install?
  20. Gambler FEX online

    SB Live! and no Audio from Microphone

    Ok Im trying this Roger Wilco things with my borther but I cannot get any audio from my microphone with SB Live! in win2k. It is completely silent, nothing. I have latest drivers and liveware, I have had this problem before (never been able to hear my mic in win2k). System specs: Asus P2B-DS Dual P3 CuMine SB Live! 1024 Gladiac The mic works fine in my brothers computer, it has win2k too but a SB AWE64 gold. Thanks you
  21. Gambler FEX online

    SB Live! and no Audio from Microphone

    I already tried that, and it didnt work. However, I reinstalled liveware 3.0 and now it works fine! I had some problems with audio HQ and mixer and stuff, I dont know how that got buffed up, but that made me reinstall and now it works! Thanks for replying
  22. Gambler FEX online

    Force win2k install on PC 20MB RAM

    ok you do that, but be patient it may just sit there for even two hours (and not respond) but it is just thinking. I had overdrive on my 486 and it sat there for maybe an hour just waiting. it was in the beginning on the startup let us know how it goes.
  23. Gambler FEX online

    Force win2k install on PC 20MB RAM

    Thatsit i must lay off that alcohol a little more
  24. Gambler FEX online

    Force win2k install on PC 20MB RAM

    PS the sun-glasses icon was supposed to be the "big-grin" icon, sorry.
  25. Gambler FEX online

    Force win2k install on PC 20MB RAM

    Thanks sandvic yes it felt good seeing the log-on screen after 3hours of install and 1 hours boot (ok not that long but it seemed that long) nono DosFreak I have no CD-ROM in that computer, I had all the installation files copied over LAN and on the HD and then installed from DOS. What took so timeis detecting hardware and setting up services and com+ and netwrork and all that stuff. It just stood there also one time for half an hour but fortunately for me I waited instead of reboot andit actually continued when I get ADSL this little win2k system will be a fserve server or something Yes Ill head over to ars technica and check their service disable walkthrough!