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Gambler FEX online

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Everything posted by Gambler FEX online

  1. Gambler FEX online

    XP forgets explorer window settings

    This is really annoying. Very often explorer forgets window settings, like when I open my computer, sets the size and icon view, close it and a few hours later i open my computer again and its back to default view. Also sometimes when I browse through my directories the icon view is in Tiles. Really wierd, it has been like this since RC1 if I remember correctly, and I have tried a lot of builds after that. As a last resort, is there a way to change the default window size when I open a new folder? WinXP 2600 Asus P2B-DS 2x P4 800@824 Elsa Gladiac geforce 2 Game theater XP
  2. Gambler FEX online

    Fallout2 error message on xp profesional

    Are you logged in as Administrator or a user member of Administrators? Are you sure you are Admin? sorry have to be sure, no other have replied.. Do you have SP1 and DX9 installed? (SP1 has combatilbility updates I think) The 1.02 patch? no-cd fix? right-click a shortcut to the games .exe file, select run as and use administrator. Try create another account member of the administrator group only. I've played it with and without the latest windows update files. Ive also pointed all paths to install location in fallout2.cfg. I dont have to reinstall the game either if I reinstall XP (which is very convenient). It does work at my PC so you have least a working reference. my PC: fallout 1.02 uk patch + no-cd fix winXP pro SP1 DX8.1 user member of administrators gf3 reference driver 40.41
  3. Gambler FEX online

    XP forgets explorer window settings

    Update some findings network connections folder have reset itself (forgotten). I set it up closed it and a new slot (1168) was created, but empty, and when I open network connections again its back to "forgotten state" (i.e too big space craving window). I did a test with another folder and it remebered it all right, it created a 1169. I deleted the 1198 slot but it still didnt create a new 1168 in any way. I've not had any folder/window forgotten on me for little over a week, which is incredible in my experience with this problem. I increased the number of BagMRU slots XP uses and so far it havent forgotten once. The problem seems that XP creates a Bags slot even for folders you just browse through, not just when you close an explorer window vieweing that folder. So it runs out of Bags.. I got it from here: google groups Heres the important stuff: Under the Registry Key [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\] Create a new DWORD Value called "BagMRU Size" and set it to whatever number of slots you want. Remember to select the Base "decimal" when changing the value because it's easy to forget and enter it as hexadecimal thus getting an actual number that's somewhat bigger. I set mine to 2048 and have bags numbered as high as 1167, so I'm "running out," I'll try a higher count if XP starts forgetting at 2048. I've not noticed any performance hit, but I have a fairly new PC. Even if it does, it have remembered the control panel and recycle bin for so long its much better to have to set them up twice a month than twice a day. If we only could specify what folders we wanted XP to remember... BTW I didnt find any Bags on win2k registry.
  4. Gambler FEX online

    XP forgets explorer window settings

    update: I get unexpected results, it might not work after all (explorer changes bags for some windows after a while it seems) Yes, that would be good. I did it but dont remember all keys that changed, just the one I thought important, a folder under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags I think ive found a good workaround. The short version: delete bags and as new windows saves settings in bags uncheck inherit permissions, copy them and uncheck Full control on everything (only read access left). long version 1. with regedit (start run regedit) go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags delete Bags and BagsMRU folders, dont have to restart, dont close regedit (no need). 2. Open for instance Recycle Bin (prefferably doubleclick on the desktop) Set it the size you want, listing and size of columns etc etc and close it. 3. press F5 in regedit (to refresh it). There should now be a new "folder" under Bags, probably named "1"(if its not you browsed through some folders to get to the recycle bin or somethine else. Whenever you go through a folder or close it XP saves its settings in Bags thus you get more than just the "1" folder in Bags and hard to tell which one is for recycle bin you just set up) 4. The trick is here: right click this "1" folder and choose Permissions. Click Advanced and uncheck "Inherit from parent the ....." and click the Copy button. Click OK to back to Security panel. Here uncheck "Full Control" on all Groups or user names. All of them should only have read access! 5. Thats the trick, repeat on other folders you want to lock settings to. You wont be able to even change their position so thats why this is only a workaround and not a real fix. ;( That could have been workarounded if I could set full control permissions on reg_dword that keeps the position info. its wierd I couldnt find bags in win2k registry, where is windows saving explorer setting here?
  5. Gambler FEX online

    XP forgets explorer window settings

    Quote: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\BagMRU] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags] Right-click on each one (i.e. BagMRU and Bags) and select Delete to get rid of both of them. By deleting the registry entries above Windows is forced to recreate them and in doing so get rid of corruption and bad entries, typically caused by third-party programs. I have already tried this trick, but it didnt work. I had a clean install of winXP on a vmware virtual machine and I didnt install any programs, I opened a few folders and set them the way I wanted but it forgot it aftera while. You gave me an idea with the corruption caused by third party programs, do they really have write access to these keys/settings? Why have I never experienced this in win95, win98/se/me and win2k? I have used a lot of programs and different hardware then suddenly whan I get a big bad surprise with XP it does not remember folders. If I only knew the reason. MS say they cannot reproduce the issue, but I will try to deny write access to anything but the system. Sorry for the rant ill be back when i've more results.
  6. Gambler FEX online

    XP forgets explorer window settings

    Quote: in order to do the solution i did you cant close it by the X you have to close it by the File ---> Close method holding cntrl that will save the window settings. That did not work either. Im looking for more drastic fixes like denying write permissions in the registry. I tried it and it didnt work well but I denied read permissions also and I need to restart explorer.exe so i need to test more. I use Active Registry Monitor to check for changes and got the bag that changed when I closed a rezised explorer window. It is a time and space consuming issue, in my case its worst with all those big explorer windows covering my desktop, I resize them smaller almost everytime as a reflex but randomly they reset when I open them later. The "My Computer" shortcut I have in quicklaunch has never reset itself, maybe since I use it alot. thats something to analyze if I have time sigh. conspiracy theory MS is fully aware of this issue and fixes it inthe next windows so more people will give in and upgrade. in win2k wasnt the emptying of the recycle bin very slow and hang the explorer window/desktop until it was done? I never found out why.. but it was one reason I liked XP better. BTW win2k has never ever forgotten a window size/setting on me. I wonder if its because XP saves the window status not only when you close the window but also when you browse through it.
  7. Gambler FEX online

    IE does not download all images

    It happens if I use internet through my win2k pro SP3 PC that is set up with 2 NICs and ICS. If I plug my PC directly into the SDSL modem all pages are finished. See here how IE looks: At the last screenshot you see "(28 items remaining) Downloading picture..." It stalls like that, but the window responds. It's like this on both my PC (winXP pro) and my brothers (winXP too). I am sure it is the win2k pro PC with ICS, but I'd like to get to the bottom of the problem instead of doing a re-install...
  8. Gambler FEX online

    IE does not download all images

    CristianB, I hooked my PC directly up to the SDSL modem (1mbit/1mbit))and everything was peatchy again. After not getting any replies to the boards I posted at, I did a reinstall of win2k on the "server" and now everything is OK again, pages load up quick and nice. I am sure there was some problem with the win2k PC that shared the connection (I am now again behind it in a NAT/ICS mode) that was the culprit. Why it acted like that I would like to know. It was never a matter of bandwidth/performance as none of the PCs hooked up to the ICS/NAT network was on, only my own PC and the server. The bandwidth monitor I used was also showing zero activity, and as I said it worked right when I connected my own PC directly to the SDSL modem. I think win2k goofed, it had SP3 installed maybe that can be something? It was a pretty new install, as I know even win2k is a complete mess of system files, program files and settings everywhere and a big reigstry that gets more and more complex and slow as you install/configure more programs? Then we have the double-up of system files as a "workaround" for DLL HELL. Thank you microsoft
  9. Gambler FEX online

    User accounts

    Win2k is secure enough, just make a user and give it Administrator status. My experience, my server I have been logged in as user thats member of the administrator group and no problem til now.
  10. Gambler FEX online

    Slows down while moving big files

    It seems XPs HD cache is set too high, so whenever I move big files or scans the HDs for virus, the system loses a lot of performance. It pages all the background programs and uses the memory for file cache? For instance while norton antivirus scans my drive, every time a maximize a program back up again it's very sloooow and the HD is very busy. Is there a way to change the file access cache? To make it smaller? I remembered I could make it so win2k acted like this, i.e increase some sort of file cache but I turned it down again because the system "slowed down" just like it does now. WinXP Pro Asus P2B-DS 2x P3 800 320MB Ram 3 HDs and the page file on its own partition
  11. Gambler FEX online

    CHKDISK running everytime PC starts up (WinXP Pro)

    Quote: On a similar subject - does anyone know how to get rid of that incredibly annoying 10 second wait when CHKDSK runs during startup. I have a prog that every-now-&-then causes windows to lock up, causing me to hit the restart button, & would find the experience slightly less annoying if it would just run the scan straight away, without waiting. Type this in command prompt: chkntfs /T:0 (where 0 is the countdown time)
  12. Gambler FEX online

    c drive scheduled for chkdsk almost every reboot

    I try to run diskeeper 90% of the time, it says chkdsk is scheduled to run on the drive. I reboot and let chkdsk do its work and it reboots again and im back in windows. I try to run diskeeper again, and it says chkdsk is scheduled to run on the drive. I reboot and let chkdsk do its work and it reboots again and im back in windows. I try to run di... ok get it? Furthermore, there's something mysterious going on with the system32 dir; it's only 49MB big (408 files)! And the dllcache (I just type \dllcache after c:winnt\system32 in the adress bar, then I dont have to disable hiding files) lots of files here and there are not compressed (blue). There is 1260 files taking up 158MB there, is this normal? And theres a file with only an "empty square" in the \winnt dir I tried delete it, then the \winnt\temp dir got deleted instead! I restored Temp from recycle bin and could now delete the "square file" without affecting the Temp folder. Whats going on here? I don't wanto do a reformat, and what if it happens again because of something I install? Update: I've already ran a complete "repair" process with the Win2k CD. System: Win2k Service Pack 2 (I've never installed SP2, I guess windows update did that ) Abit BE6 P3-450@504 128MB Ram (I had a 128MB faulty ram once, but this one tests OK) Logitech Wheel mouse optical with mouseware 9.41 or .60
  13. Gambler FEX online

    c drive scheduled for chkdsk almost every reboot

    It's a personal machine, my brothers to be exact. It's NTFS. When I go list files in system32, it seems all files after "e" is gone, and in dllcache\ the file listing stops at "o" (though there is a file named aaaamon.dll that is listed last, but it's first name _is_ "a") I did not choose any option to scan the C drive at every boot, and it doesnt happen every time. Yes, with C it's 4KB in each allocation unit, and there is no bad sectors. There has been a faulty RAM module in the machine, but it was exchanged a while ago. I can't understand it, and why windows can even boot when there is no files after "e" in the system32 dir No, I'm about to install SP2, we'll see how that fares.
  14. Gambler FEX online

    Diskeeper 6 server finish in one pass

    Is there a way to get diskeeper 6 server to finish the defrag in one pass? Some partitions it defrags just a little and quits. If I was to restart it everytime until it was done, I would sit there for hours... This is with the system partition (where winxp and programs are installed) so I cant delete/move any files that are very fragmented. Does the 6.0 regular (not server) version do this? How about 7.0? I am a little scared of 7.0 though: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=no&am...orldnet.att.net I have tried Perfect Disk, but didnt find it to my liking. If only diskeeper 6 would do it in one pass, I would be a happy camper
  15. Gambler FEX online

    Diskeeper 6 server finish in one pass

    About M$ and windows... (oh oh what have you done) The whole windows serie (including NT 4, 5, 5.1) is a whole mess if you ask me. System files and programs everywhere in no appearnt order, lots of settings saved around in the registry. Uninstalling drivers and some stuff may be left behind and mess things up (my brother can't play Starship Troopers anymore until he reinstalls the OS). It's a complete mess, its fantastic they managed to make it stable. There should be more constructive (or what to call it) folders that contain the drivers, and you could just delete that folder and the pointer to it and the drivers would be completely gone. Or maybe that would make the OS slower I dont know... But I do know I have used the same Eudora 3.0 Pro since I had win95, and I still have my settings and my email! This is impossible (I haven't found a working way yet) with Outlook express that comes with win2k and winXP, but Eudora stores the settings and the email and the addresses and the configuration EVERYTHING in the folder where its installed! That way I can just copy the whole folder to a backupserver (the application is rather small, 5MB) and that's it. Reinstall, reformat all I want and just create a shortcut and it's back just they way I had it, windows size, emails open etc etc. Just click "check email" and all just works! It would be nice if it was like this instead of a wizard installer that copies a lot of files, feeds up the registry, and creates a lot of useless (?) shortcuts. I don't know, but I think it would be much better even for newbies to learn how to unpack a files content to a folder, move that folder to where you want it and create a shortcut to the .exe file on your desktop. That way they would understand how easy it can work, and have much more control and feel "safe" when they do stuff because they knows how it works! It would be hard for complete newbies (old people) but I do belive a standard "walkthrough" could be set as required before anyone should use a PC. This document must not be too big, but include what I just explained to you in a super-easy step-by-step walkthrough.
  16. Gambler FEX online

    GF3 supports Motion Blur wow this very interesting

    Is that the fake "pixelshader" motionblur? then that has been known a long time, remember the tiger demo of motionblur? just some stripes behind it, awful. No, real motion-blur is when the moving parts are rendered several times and is melted together.
  17. Gambler FEX online

    Deus Ex crashes - mouse accelleration is not reset

    Deus Ex likes to increase the accelleration level of my mouse it seems, and if it crashes it wont set it back down. I've tried to restart em_exec.exe and change the mouse accellerations settings in mouse properties, but I cant get it back to what I had. This is important to me because I play quake 3 and am acustomed to one specific accelleration level there, it would take a while to RE-learn a new accelleration level, and then back again maybe. So how do I get the mouse accelleration level back? Who do Deus Ex mess with it in the first place? (yes im pissed off)
  18. Gambler FEX online

    Deus Ex crashes - mouse accelleration is not reset

    ConQueso, I am talking about both, the perfect combination I am adept to. (Even thought the accelleration is set to "high," it isnt so much on this mouse) these settings after a clean install of XP and then mouseware 9.60. I tried two reboots, one first then I adjusted the mouse acc/sens settings to the picture you see above and tried to reboot again, but still there where no accelleration. Then I ran through the Logitech Device setup wizard and now it seems to be back to normal as far as I can tell. With normal sensitivity and normal accelleration (I feel my settings are like that in a resolution of 1152) I can aim good and do 180 turns without moving the mouse to the end of the pad. I have played with no accelleration but I prefer what I use now.
  19. Gambler FEX online


    Instead of adding bloat like movie maker and annoying newbie-tools like system restors, they could make the whole system more bulletproof, more clean and less prone to exactly the problems NTGAMEMAN and me and so many others have. Im glad linux is here but it seems we need some more. Some feedback to microsoft from us pro users.
  20. System: Windows XP Pro clean install with some security updates Asus P2B-DS 2x P3 800@824 Geforce 3 ti 500 GTXP 320MB Ram check these numbers: driver = 1 light, 8 lights ------------------------------- 28.32 = 10.0, ?.? (just a test before security updates) 23.11 = 18.1, 3.7 27.00 = 9.6, 6.0 27.10 = 10.3, 10.5 27.20 = 9.6, 6.0 27.70 = 9.5, 6.0 28.32 = 10.7, 6.1 28.80 = 10.7, 6.1 28.90 = 10.6, 6.1 This is the High Polygon Count test in 3DMark 2001 SE. As you see, after 23.11, 1 light test takes a nose-dive! If we look at the 8 light test the 27.10 drivers has an interesting score. Any comments?
  21. Gambler FEX online

    After detonator 23.11, polygon performance nose-dives

    Quote: Yeah, the 29.80s are fast but occasionally give me a BSOD when changing screen modes, usually when alt+tab-ing out of a full screen game. The official ones are fine though, im beginning to wish i hadnt bought this geforce 4. (for a few reason ) Unfortunately, this is what I wanto hear I guess. GF4 is too slow to run Doom 3 (only 48M triangles/sec and two vertex shaders) and GF3 ti 500 is enough for current games up until Doom 3 comes out. Quote: hmmmm weird are the scores supposed to be small or large? wI-OSMAN- OSMAN, the numbers are Million Triangles/sec. The more the better. One Triangle is a small part of a 3D object; the less triangles an object consist of the more square and ugly it looks, and the more ugly specular lightening looks: Top=few triangles Bottom=lots of triangles A PS2 can do 60M triangles/s and the xbox does 125M Triangles/sec. I think the last number is micropolygons (polygon=triangle) but I do know DOA3 and Project Gotham has more polygons than any other video-/computergame out there. Soft round girls in DOA3: Realtime reflections on curved cars in Project Gotham: Look at that draw distance more real-time reflections even the wheels are modeled Incredible. When will the PC see this kind of graphics? when a GF5 or Parhelia (both must have fast quad vertex shaders engines) becomes the average PC. When is that? next year? in three years? And who said the PC will catch up with the xbox in 6 months...
  22. Gambler FEX online

    Which dets - 27.20 or 29.20???

    How about T&L performance? check this: Code: Driver 1 light 8 lights21.83 18.7 3.722.80 18.7 3.723.11 18.1 3.727.00 9.6 6.027.10 10.3 10.527.20 9.6 6.027.70 9.5 6.028.32 10.7 6.1 (WHQL certified)28.80 10.7 6.128.90 10.6 6.1 This is with a GF3 Ti 500 and a P3-800 in 3Dmark 2001 SE. winXP of course. Sorry I dont have results with 29.20 but you can see it's very interesting especially the 27.10 drivers.
  23. Gambler FEX online

    XP forgets explorer window settings

    Just dropping by. Please all report this problem to microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=fh;en-us;feedback if enough report it, it may get priority and it may get fixed. I have no idea what might cause this glitch, I do not thing something is broken in XP, I think it's a new feature with XP that causes this.
  24. Gambler FEX online

    Explain to me, NICs and DMA?

    This is my story: I had a CNet 200Pro 100Mbit PCI NIC in my PC and audio skippet and was all bad, even worse if I enabled network icon in notification area. Then I exchanged the Cnet NIC with an Intel PRO/100 PCI NIC from my brothers computer, and all became well! However, now my brother have same problems, only a little wors, if he set network speed to 100Mbit (I have 100mbit switch); mouse jerks and music skips. If I set it to 10Mbit, everything is OK. I hear it was aa DMA issue, but there is no suggestion the Intel NIC uses a DMA in my PC, nor in system information or adaptor properties. What is up here, do the Intel NIC really use a DMA even if I cant see it or is the cheap CNet nic garbage? What NIC would you recommend? I'm about to exchange the CNet nic for a SMC nic with realtek chip, is this a good idea?
  25. Gambler FEX online

    Diskeeper 6 server finish in one pass

    Quote: Even though you have a total of 28% free space available on the partition, all of that free space may not be usable by defragmenters as Microsoft's defrag APIs don't let defragmenters use the free space INSIDE of the MFT Reserved Zone. Diskeeper strongly recommends that you have at least 25-20% usable free space in order to effectively defragment. Anything less than that it Diskeeper can exhibit the behavior that you are seeing. In all fairness, Diskeeper V7 has been out since last fall and does a little better job than Diskeeper V6. "I have tried Perfect Disk, but didnt find it to my liking." If you don't mind me asking, what didn't you like about PerfectDisk? It seemed slower, and had squares that showed the progression, like the defragmenter that comes with windows 98/me. It also arranged the data a way I didnt like, if I understood correctly, the most used at start of drive and the less use later on the drive. The colors was also a miss, it was hard to see how files where fragmented or not fragmented. I dont know its a long time since I used it and my memory is no good, but the whole application with the menu at the left i didnt like either. I might try it again a second time and see if I have "grown" on it. it has happened before... Well my friend has a lot of space available, but can never defrag the HD. He's pagefile is very fragmented too, but for a boot-time defrag doesn't he need at least diskeeper 6? I heard diskeeper 5 messes up on a boot time or MFT defragmentation. Does speedisk defragment the pagefile online?