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About LlamaDragon

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  1. LlamaDragon

    Det 5.16 WIN2K

    Well I was just writing to say that the drivers work fine for me, but I had forgotten to try UT. So I did. And they worked. But then I exited the game and got a black screen. Stuff was still running, I told it to shut down (win-key, up arrow, enter, enter) so I know it wasn't dead, just a blank screen. So for me, at least, it runs with all my games (Halflife, Q3, UT, Sims, Messiah) it just doesn't like to quit playing I guess. Of course, this may be kinda inaccurate since I'm still using my old faithful TNT. *** PII/450 overclocked to 500 256 mb RAM Asus P2B Motherboard TNT (Canopus Spectra 2500) MX300 some network stuff and a modem some harddrives and a DVD-ROM ***
  2. LlamaDragon

    New MS Compatibility patch....

    Dunno that this will help some you, but I just installed the 5.16 detonator drivers and now my TNT loves me again. I realized there were serious problems when Quake3 quit working too. Installed the new drivers and everythings fine, except for that damn 16-bit color thing, but at least it goes.
  3. LlamaDragon

    NAT / IP Routing

    oops, didn't read the initial post real well. Nevermind... *embarassed sigh*
  4. LlamaDragon

    NAT / IP Routing

    I was trying to set up NAT on my machine awhile back (win2k Advanced Server) and for the life of me I couldn't get it to work. Found myself looking at routing tables and trying to figure out addresses for gateways and such. I followed the Windows help file, but that didn't work (surprise surprise). However, one thing Win2k has that NT doesn't is Internet connection Sharing (ICS). Win98 has it too, but it works much better in 2k. I'd recommend this for a simple network like the one you described. Using Help for setting that up is much easier and actually works.
  5. LlamaDragon

    New MS Compatibility patch....

    I thought maybe it was just a 3dfx problem, so I hopped out and nabbed the patch. Halflife demanded 16-bit mode, so I submitted. And then, sadly, when I tried to go into the game I was told that my video card, my good friend the TNT, doesn't support OpenGL. I'm still using the old 3.whatever drivers from nvidia's site, maybe I'll try the latest betas...