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About 4T2

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  1. 4T2

    NAT / IP Routing

    Sorry guys you cannot simply route to do what you are doing. NAT rewrites packets so they are "legal" on the internet. If you route a fake address you will be able to send stuff out but you will never get anything sent back to the machine that sent it. Windows NT didn't do nat with the routing you had to add 3rd party software to do NAT. I don't see why their isn't an option to do ICS (nat) with a nic in windows 2k. It is obviosly available since it is used for dialup sharing.
  2. 4T2

    Huge problem, System all screwed up.

    no there aren't any ie's running. and it isn't contained to ie either. any activex type stuff in the system won't work either. ex. network neiborhood-> show entire network = script error would you like to continue running scripts on this page? this is really annoying me.
  3. 4T2

    About opening your guest account!!

    OK guys, first off if you have any netbios sharing enabled on the interface that is public a simple nbtstat will get the user name that is loggin in. There goes your extra security by renaming the user. However it is still a good idea to rename them. And DON'T enable your guest account, your only asking for trouble. Create user accounts that the other machines have. NO GUEST!!!
  4. 4T2

    Win2k, Win98, Linux, and .... a Mac

    Sure, get a modem sharing program for one of the win2k boxes, set it up and then use the win2k box to dial out to the net and you will be able to share the conn. with all the machines including the linux and mac. some good progs include. winroute sygate not sure of the web add. but a simple search will get you that. any more questions or problems let me know.
  5. 4T2

    Huge problem, System all screwed up.

    Oh ya I forgot to ask this too. how can I make a recovry disk in win2k? rdisk doesn't seem to exist anymore. Kelly "If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem."
  6. Win 2000 pro (from a clean install) ie 5.1 (high encryption) 128MB ram Ok here is the deal, IE5 will not open a new browser when you right click. Everything worked fine for about a month then all this started to happen. This is how I first noticed this problem. After further inspection I realized that any java/activeX didn't seem to work. I remember having this same problem in 9x a few times. I could fix it in 9x by simply reinstalling ie. I have tried installing the new beta (ie 5.5) to no avail. I have also tried reinstallin my virtual machine with no positive results. I was hoping that someone has had this problem and has solved it. So far I haven't been able to find an ie 5.1 that would install on my machine. All of the ver. I dl tell me i have a more recent version already installed. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Kelly "If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem."