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Everything posted by Xiven

  1. Yeah, could be what bottleneck said. I've never actually tried installing sp-1 the other way (always used sp1network.exe).... -- Xiven
  2. Xiven

    Just for grins, where is everyone "calling" from?

    <---- it says here
  3. to be honest I really have no idea. Several others have had problems with SP-1 though. It's probably not liking some of your hardware or software, but that's about as much as I can say Was your win2k a fresh install or an upgrade? If an upgrade I would always recommend doing a fresh install, then install SP-1, install drivers. Lastly install your apps. It's a pain to reinstall everything if you don't do it very often, but it is worth it. -- Xiven
  4. Xiven

    Final fantasy 8

    No problems whatsoever. No-one else I know has had problems either. What problems have you had? Have you got the latest patch from Eidos?
  5. Quote: REPLY BY ANYONE WOULD BE NICE!!!! Will this do? Seriously though if you want help, you could at least post the specs of your machine.... -- Xiven
  6. Xiven

    Can Share files, but no internet??

    Well assuming he has set up a DHCP server then yes, I would agree -- Xiven
  7. Xiven

    disable read protect

    Yeah, but that doesn't work recursively on all files and directories. Try this instead: Start -> Run -> 'cmd' attrib -r c:\ /S /D This will take a while -- Xiven
  8. Xiven

    Advice from Win2K vets please

    I suggest that you check the compatibility lists for games on NT Compatible to find out which of your games will work. Make your decision after you have done this
  9. Xiven

    Getting rid of NetMeeting

    Well, not having a Win2k machine at work to test this on I don't know if this'll work, but: Backup the file \winnt\inf\sysoc.inf Open it. Delete all instances of the word 'hide' (leave all the commas as they are). Save the file. This will put some of the missing stuff back into add/remove programs -> Windows components. Whether netmeeting is one of these optional components I can't say though. -- Xiven
  10. Xiven

    Outlook Attachments now won't work

    Get hold of a copy of eitherWinRAR or WinAce which should both be able to handle the .rar compression format. -- Xiven
  11. Xiven

    Can Share files, but no internet??

    Yes, just put the host name as the name of the winme box and the the domain name as whatever domain you're in (or blank if none). Always works for me. Then you put the as the DNS not the DNS that the ISP gave you. -- Xiven
  12. Xiven

    Can Share files, but no internet??

    The gateway and primary dns of your winme box should be set to the ip address of your win2k server box. -- Xiven
  13. Xiven

    Customizing Win2k installetion

    You mean: Backup the file \winnt\inf\sysoc.inf Open it. Delete all instances of the word 'hide' (leave all the commas as they are). Save the file. This should add all the missing stuff back into add/remove programs -> Windows components. -- Xiven
  14. Xiven

    Can't shut down win2k

    Cool. Happy to help. -- Xiven
  15. Xiven

    Autorun Feature not working

    ...or you could do that
  16. Xiven

    Can't shut down win2k

    You can probably blame your sound card for this. Look at this thread: http://www.ntcompatible.com/ubb/Forum3/HTML/004098.html and try the fixes they mention there. -- Xiven
  17. Xiven

    Autorun Feature not working

    Install TweakUI (it's an unsupported Microsoft-made Windows tweaking util). Get it from http://www.tweakui.com Install it (right-click on the .inf file and click Install) and it'll appear in the control panel. Open it and in the Paranoia tab tick or untick the appropriate boxes. -- Xiven
  18. Xiven

    Anyone do Serious Sam yet?

    Just saw this: http://www.eurogamer.net/news.php?id=5480 Now that sucks. In fact it's downright disgraceful. I have nothing but praise for the game, but charging UK people twice what the US have paid for the game is criminal. Are they trying to encourage w4r3z or what? -- Xiven
  19. Xiven

    8-bit paletted textures?

    For Final Fantasy VIII you don't need it to pass, it's not necessary. With Final Fantasy VII on the other hand, you would need to download the TNT patch from eidos to get hardware acceleration to work. But then FF7 doesn't work on Win2k anyway.... -- Xiven tifa@ffseven.com
  20. Xiven

    Lazy Game Programmers.

    Okay, I stand corrected on the memory issue. BTW the Half-Life engine really isn't the best one to be doing benchmarking on. Try Quake 3 on your machine and his. Out of interest, how does Serious Sam perform on his machine? Lastly, as I said before, there must be something really wrong with his setup if your graphics card beats his. No amount of tweaking the settings is gonna make that much of a difference. -- Xiven
  21. Xiven

    Advanced Power Management

    I think that the BE6 should have ACPI support provided you've got a fairly recent BIOS version. You should try using that instead of APM if you can. Would mean re-installing Windows though. As for enabling APM I have no idea, sorry. -- Xiven
  22. Xiven

    Dos program, not full screen = frozen ?

    Generally, no. Usually, only text-based DOS programs can be displayed in a window. You could try Snes9x instead (windows based). The latest version of Snes9x has proper network support making it almost as good in every respect as ZSnes. -- Xiven
  23. Xiven

    Anyone do Serious Sam yet?

    The whole point of the game is not so that you think "ooh, don't those enemies look pretty" or "wow, the AI on those enemies is fantastic". The point is that you play the game and think "THEY'RE COMING RIGHT FOR US!!!!!! FIRE!! RUN!!! FIRE!!!" etc. It's supposed to be manic, not clever. That's what makes it different and that's what makes it fun (especially in cooperative ). -- Xiven
  24. Xiven

    Latest (4.29) VIA Drivers

    4.29's have been running just fine for me. That's on a KT7-RAID though.
  25. Xiven

    Looking for a "No Problem" video card

    I'd have to say go for a Matrox. For business use (unless your business is writing 3d games ), they are absolutely superb. Their driver support for Windows 2000 is very good too. [edit] Oops, didn't read your post properly Since you will be playing some games on it, the choice of Matrox probably isn't the best. An ATI Radeon might be the better choice for you. I've never had any problems with my GeForce2 but others have, so you'll probably want to avoid that. On the other hand though I had heard that the Win2k drivers for the Radeon weren't so good. I may have misread though.... [/edit] -- Xiven [This message has been edited by Xiven (edited 11 April 2001).]