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Everything posted by Xiven

  1. Xiven

    Best Motherboard for AMD Athlon if possible

    Another vote here for the nForce. Built a PC with one of them a couple of weeks ago, and it's very nice.
  2. Xiven

    WMP 9 BETA - Problems.. anyone else?

    No such problems with WMP9 under Win2k. Tried with several different video files.
  3. Xiven

    Wow! Netscape doesn't suck anymore

    Okay, here's some plain and simple answers for you since you seem to be utterly confused. Netscape 4.xx sucks because it just gets web pages totally and utterly wrong unless said web pages are constructed using tables (which is very bad practice - tables are meant for tabulating data, not laying out your website) and even then it's pretty hit-and-miss. Netscape 4's support for CSS is absolutely pitiful, there is no doubt about it. Now, quite why Netscape continues to release 4.xx versions (4.8 was released last week) is beyond me. Netscape 4.75+ sucks even more because it is packaged with: - AOL icons galore - Winamp (I already have it thank-you-very-much) - AOL instant messenger (no thank you) all in one hulking great download. And there's no option to not instant AOL IM either IIRC. Mozilla is not in any way based on Netscape 4. Mozilla is a completely new product, which has been many years in development. It uses the Gecko rendering engine which is the most standards-compliant renderer out there (although not quite the speediest -- yet) Netscape 6.x is based on various builds of Mozilla. In fact Netscape 6 is Mozilla, but with: - About 4 useless AOL icons installed on your desktop - No ability to block pop-ups (removed on request by AOL) - Java run-time environment included Netscape 7 is based on Mozilla 1.1 and as such is pretty much the same as Netscape 6 except for bug fixes, couple of nice new features etc. Didn't really warrant a new version number but what the heck. Quote: (Sheesh! lol... had to clarify it again. I do REALIZE that Mozilla USED to be based on 4.7x C/C++ code, but was wondering if its latest still is really & not like Netscape 6.x-7.x Java based interpreted stuff) No, like I said earlier in this post, Mozilla was never based on anything, certainly not Netscape 4. Quote: The reason I won't use the Netscape 6x & above IS because it is written in Java, & I had bad experiences with it also in its initial 6.0 release being very poorly done initially & I turned away from the Java based builds & stuck by the 4.7x series instead, the C/C++ built ones.. Are you even listening to me? Netscape 6/7 is NOT written in Java. Never has been. Neither is Mozilla. I thought I was pretty clear on this in my previous post but obviously not. For that I apologise. But please get your information straight before spreading "facts" about something that are, in actual fact, complete and utter tripe. Now, on a lighter note, here's my opinions on the most popular browsers... Browser roundup Mozilla 1.1 is a very nice browser. It's still not quite as solid as IE, but it's still very nice. Netscape 7, being based on Mozilla 1.1, the same comments apply, though I'd go with Mozilla over NS7 myself. Netscape 4 deserves to be buried as deep as is possible. Many web designers have finally given up on catering to NS4 users and I really can't blame them. IE6 is solid (can't remember the last time it crashed) and its standards support is pretty damned good (still needs work though). Opera is nice and fast and has the tabbed browsing and pop-up blocking features that eventually made their way into Mozilla. Very poor support for Document Object Model, though the new one in development will hopefully address this. Pretty good support for CSS and HTML standards.
  4. Xiven

    Wow! Netscape doesn't suck anymore

    Quote: I am no fan of Java created programs, but I figured years ago by the 3ghz CPU range, Java will see its day too! We're close now... nearing 3ghz Intel speeds. Mozilla (=Netscape 7 before bloat added) is not written in Java. It is written in C++ to the best of my knowledge. Except for the user interface which is written in Javascript (which if you may recall is an entirely different thing to Java (except for the name similarity and similar syntax).
  5. Xiven

    Outlook saving images as BMP ?

    Try emptying your Temporary Internet Files folder. Apparently this can happen when it gets too full.
  6. Xiven

    IE6...Mozilla...Sun JRE...MS VM... What a mess!!

    The animated sidebar on microsoft.com is Javascript not Java (2 very different things). So it's quite possible that there is nothing wrong with the java VM. As to what's causing your problem. I have absolutely no idea. Try resetting the IE security settings back to defaults (just in case you've accidentally disabled something important).
  7. Xiven

    Nothing works on USB ports in XP...please help

    Have you tried http://www.usbman.com/ ?
  8. Xiven

    Pentium 4 2.8GHZ

  9. Xiven

    Messaging across a LAN

    You be nice to those web developers y'hear?
  10. Xiven

    Some games do not go...

    Can you give us more details about your computer? What processor, what graphics card etc.. If it's an AMD processor, then a simple reg tweak may fix the problem.
  11. Xiven


    Are you using a recent build of Mozilla? (eg 1.1a or better) If not, you might want to upgrade as the mail client has improved a bit (so I'm told).
  12. Xiven

    Internet Connection Sharing NOT Working!

    Are the other computers on the LAN set up correctly? IE. in the network settings for the client computers is the Primary DNS and Gateway set to ? (the default IP for any computer running ICS) If you're using DHCP rather than static IPs, then you'll have to check that it is set up correctly.
  13. Xiven

    Messaging across a LAN

    net send is also very evil at LAN parties when people have neglected to turn off the messenger service. Some joker comes along and sends a message to the entire workgroup which sometimes has the nasty habit of causing Windows to effectively alt-tab out of whatever game they were playing... It was also used to fool many gullible people into thinking Microsoft were spying on their use of illegal copies of XP a while back IIRC.
  14. Xiven

    How to find all static IP addresses in use

    Quote: Where did he say anything about 1000 PCs? He just wanted to know... Easily missed, especially as the first sentence was a little misleading, but there you go
  15. Xiven

    Explorer like Win2k in XP?

    Quote: In Windows 2000 windows Explorer, you could set it up so that when you clicked on a file like an mp3 file or audio file it would play in explorer and a video file would show up as a small thumbnail video and you could play that in explorer also. Can you do this in XP? I cant seem to find it if you can. Yes, this would be the main reason why I do not use XP as my main OS And no, I have no solution, but if you do find one please let me know.
  16. Xiven

    How do you play FPS games control wise?

    For most games it's: W = forward S = backwards A = strafe left D = strafe right Space = jump Ctrl = crouch Mouse1 = attack 1 Mouse2 = attack 2 (alt fire) Mouse3 = use (if applicable) which is more-or-less the defaults for most games. Except in Tribes 2 where I use the default ESDF controls.
  17. Xiven

    Password expires in 14 days message w/ 2k

    You have no password on your admin account? What's your IP address (j/k)
  18. Xiven

    Why install SP3?

    Well my web view has disappeared on any folder that isn't customized and nothing I do brings it back. One good thing about SP3 though is that I can now use the new Application Compatibility Toolkit 2.5 which is much nicer than the old one.
  19. Xiven

    Win2k SP3 downloading question

    How sad am I? I downloaded the entire 130MB SP on 56k dial-up...
  20. Xiven

    wierd driver mishap?

    Hey, not all of us are on the net 24/7 Try lowering the sound acceleration (to "Basic"). Alternatively try uninstalling the drivers and installing some older ones.
  21. Xiven

    Windows 2000 - SP3 Feedback -Post here

    Noooo.. they killed my web view!
  22. Quote: I bit the bullet on this patch... oddly, the BIOS upon trying to use the LOAD.exe program to instill the new BIOS prom image said it could not find a valid one to load or something like that (and I did read it & use the load bios372.273. whatver commandline & even the /e switched one too after first one failed, std. type commandline!) I think you'll find that the BIOS that Highpoint supplies is for the PCI version, not for on-board controllers. You'd need to get a modified motherboard BIOS (with the new HPT controller firmware embedded in it). For the KT7-RAID (ONLY!!!) I use the modified BIOSs from http://www.viahardware.com/faq/kt7/faqdownloads.html since ABit still seem to be supplying BIOSs equipped with an ancient version of the HPT firmware. They have BIOSs for other ABit boards there too, just remember that they are hacked versions of the ABit originals so use with care. Quote: Having said how great they are, 1 of my 60GXPs has gone pear shaped Constant ticking and it fails the IBM quick diags Suppose ill get this 1 RMA-d but ive bought an 80gb WD SE with 8mb cache, so ill use that as the primary now Yeah that really sucks Those IBM hard drives have given nothing but trouble to many people I know (including myself).
  23. Xiven

    Advertising the chatroom.

    Quote: Just installing a chat program will not slow down your computer, and I don't see how you generalize that they all install spyware... I have used both mirc and trillian for IRC chat, and AFAIK neither of them have any spyware... Very true. mIRC is one of the most efficient programs around when it comes to cpu cycles. Also, certainly neither Trillian or mIRC contain any spyware whatsoever. IRC has been around longer than the World-Wide Web, so it's a pretty established thing. Now if you want an example of a bloated chat program, then ICQ definitely seems to have become just that IRC is so much better than ICQ though anyway. BTW, I usually lurk in the NTCompatible channel now whenever I'm online.
  24. Xiven

    Whoah, shiny!!!!!

    The image functions in PHP can only determine the size of an image stored on the same server. Realistically there is no way to do it other than using javascript since it is the client that loads the image, not the NTC web server. Something like: Code: /* Get current image dimensions */picWidth = document.getElementById("image1").widthpicHeight = document.getElementById("image1").height/* Do clever size manipulation calculations here */............/* Resize the image to new dimensions */document.getElementById("image1").width = picWidthdocument.getElementById("image1").height = picHeight all in client-side javascript. It might work (not 100% sure on the DOM stuff there and it certainly wouldn't work in Opera), but to be honest it's far more hassle than it's worth, especially when it involves modifying someone else's forum code.