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Everything posted by Xiven

  1. Xiven

    Whoah, shiny!!!!!

    I like the new look phpBB has improved quite a bit in recent versions hasn't it?
  2. Xiven

    Am I missing something here...

    Nope, didn't notice Congrats DosFreak!
  3. Xiven

    Stupidest Customer/Person You Know (Computers)

    Quote: Heard another one today. Guy plugs his phone line to the NIC (does not have amodem) and trys to connect to the internet. Of course NIC was fried as soon as a call came in I'm curious as to how he managed to fit an RJ11 plug into an RJ45 port.
  4. Xiven

    Internet Explorer...

    Don't get me wrong though, Javascript can be dead useful when used for less evil means. I'm currently running a web-based game (signups closed sorry ) that makes heavy use of javascript to make it much more usable.
  5. Cool, thanks for that Alex.
  6. Xiven

    Internet Explorer...

    I believe it's a dirty javascript trick. Try disabling javascript and see what happens (of course the page might not work without it).
  7. I have my drives on the HPT controller even though I'm not using them in a RAID array (because the original KT7-RAID can only do ATA33 on the standard IDE ports).
  8. Xiven

    Recommendations for an ftp /http server

    Quote: no MS SQL for me i will be running MySQL I should point out that at the moment MySQL does not fully support ANSI SQL (including subqueries which can be quite useful) whereas MS SQL does. Next version of MySQL will have this though (so they say). Just thought I'd let you know in case you need such functionality (though it probably won't be a problem).
  9. I have. Still using 2.31 BIOS/drivers at the moment, but when I get around to it, I'll try the new ones.
  10. Xiven

    Kind of beaten to death I know, but...

    Various stuff here that may help: http://www.ffseven.com/aboutff7/index.shtml
  11. Well you can clear it by going to: Tools -> Internet Options -> Content -> AutoComplete -> Clear Forms
  12. Xiven

    electrical power

    Quote: If you have a 5KVA or above UPS don't worry it will take care of everything and a 20A breaker is more than enough for that UPS Am I right in thinking that electricity in the US is supplied at 110V? If so, a 20A breaker while sufficient in the UK, could potentally not be sufficient in the US, because: Power(Watts) = PD(Volts) x Current(Amps) So a 900W device would draw 4 amps on 230V (UK) and 8 amps on 110V (US). When added to the other devices you have on the circuit it might overload. Just a FYI. Anyway, one way to find out is to try it and see if the breaker trips
  13. Quote: Comp B[/b] DNS = Both Shaw Cable DNS server ip's Try setting the DNS for Comp B to Comp A's IP address ( instead.
  14. Xiven

    battle of the computers

    Quote: Could be a few people, including myself, I saw mine as very long (not my fault if your attention span is limited) but so are a few others from first page onward: Brian Frank Clutch RattDawg Inferno2000 kwei Myself DosFreak Xiven (All had very long posts, but very detailed ones. Others also did, but that is purely relative term... the word long.) I'm looking for a long post by me, but I just can't find one... No I tell a lie, there's one way back on page 19. Woah, how long ago was that??
  15. Xiven

    HTML designers chk this link

    Also check this link: http://www.webstandards.org and this one: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/ BTW nice link Alien
  16. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_2069000/2069747.stm And of course, they'd only use their powers for good. ;(
  17. Xiven

    Klingon Google

    Here's a couple more BTW: http://www.google.com/intl/xx-piglatin/ http://www.google.com/intl/xx-elmer/
  18. Xiven

    Klingon Google

    Ok, I like Star Trek. Star Trek is good. But this Klingon thing just takes it way too far
  19. Xiven

    PowerPuff Girls or MIB 2?

    Oh, I thought MiB2 was coming out pretty soon here. Oh well...
  20. Xiven

    PowerPuff Girls or MIB 2?

    Heh... Powerpuff Girls movie won't be out in UK for at least a couple of months So it'll be MiB2 first for me.
  21. Xiven

    XP ServicePack

    Like I said: "The process for WinXP will no doubt be very much the same". In other words, I don't know, but I suspect it'll be very similar.
  22. Xiven

    XP ServicePack

    This page explains how to integrate Win2k Service Packs into the CD. The process for WinXP will no doubt be very much the same.
  23. Xiven

    Unable to submit result - "not logged in"

    Just a long shot, but check that your computer's clock is set correctly (could cause the cookies to time out instantly if it's wrong).
  24. Xiven

    Can you use DVD's, etc on a RAID controller?

    Usually, no. I tried it with mine, and Win2k refused to boot. In the manual that came with my motherboard, it said explicitly that it wouldn't work (but I had to try it anyway )
  25. Xiven

    XP not liking Guest account network shares?

    Try going to Administrative tools -> Local Computer Policy and making sure that the Guest account is not listed under Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Deny access to this computer from the network