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Everything posted by Xiven

  1. Xiven

    Nifty JavaScript Clock Thingy

    It's neat, though doesn't seem to work in NS6 or Opera 6 (Fine in IE and NS4). I saw some similar ones around on a javascript website somewhere. Don't have the URL though.
  2. Xiven

    free domain names

    looks like ryoko.com is taken already
  3. Xiven

    When is SP3 for win2k being released????

    Non-b0rked link (hopefully)
  4. Xiven

    Windows File Protection...

    You could try swapping the drive-letters back (in Computer Management -> Disk Management right-click the drive and select "Change drive letter and paths...")
  5. Xiven

    Geforce 3 Ti500

    I'm interested
  6. Xiven

    Final Fantasy 8 problems With geforce

    The only "fix" that I know of is to downgrade to earlier nVidia drivers (< 21.xx eg. 12.xx)
  7. Xiven

    Mozilla 0.9.8 under Windows XP

    Agreed, Mozilla is getting very good now.
  8. Xiven

    problems with geforce 2 mx

    Quote: Did you just use the auto installers? Good point. You can use winzip to unzip the .exe installers and then install manually through device manager - usually more reliable.
  9. Xiven

    ipconfig frontend

    Microsoft provide one for Windows NT (incl. 2000/XP) at: http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/reskit/tools/existing/wntipcfg-o.asp
  10. Xiven

    Geek code blocks

    You mean like this: -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCS d- s: a-- C+++ U P+ L+ !E W+++ N o--- K- w++++ M-- V? PS+ PE-- Y PGP+ t* 5+ X- R- tv+ b+ DI++ D++ G e h- r--- y? ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ http://www.geekcode.com http://www.ebb.org/ungeek/
  11. Xiven


  12. Xiven

    Tom's Hardware is becoming more biased...

    I've never had any stability problems with my AMD system, and it's a damned sight cheaper than any Intel equivalent. It does indeed "use all the features in a stable manner that it claims to have", and I haven't had any problems with my "major vendor add-in cards".
  13. Xiven

    Scheduled startup

    Quite a few new-ish motherboards have wake on alarm settings in the BIOS. I've used mine myself as an alarm call sometimes.
  14. Try this: http://www.32bit.com/software/listings/Utilities/Diagnostic/_D/31074/ Demo only works on small files, but that should be fine for you.
  15. Xiven

    Printing in IE6

  16. Xiven

    Printing in IE6

    Highlight the area and then go to File -> Print.. (do not click print on the toolbar). The option is in there to print selection only.
  17. Xiven

    New use for Active Desktop :)

    Quote: Be interested in posting your code? I'd love to see the code for the e-mail checker. Yup: http://stuff.xiven.com/activeweb/activeweb.zip
  18. Xiven

    New use for Active Desktop :)

    I've been having some fun modifying it. I've made it work in any screen res, added another news site (www.shacknews.com) and added some e-mail checking code. Thanks for the inspiration
  19. Xiven

    60Hz Refresh Rate Fix

    True, but powerstrip isn't free.
  20. Xiven

    New use for Active Desktop :)

    I love it! Only one thing though, those iframes have a minor bug that when they refresh, they refresh to the wrong url like this: <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="900;URL="> Other than that, fantastic. EDIT: Never mind, fixed it by pointing the iframes to the local copies rather than the ones hosted at outrigged.com
  21. Xiven

    Slow transfers

  22. Xiven

    Urban Chaos in win2k?

    Some more information might be helpful. How does it fail? Do any error messages appear? What are your system specs? etc....
  23. Xiven

    Urban Chaos in win2k?

    Have you got the latest application compatibility update from http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/downloads/tools/appcompat/default.asp Don't know if it'll help you though.
  24. Xiven

    New use for Active Desktop :)

    Clock is: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex6/analog2.htm
  25. Xiven


    Welcome to the fun world of FF7 under Win2k. There is no way around the chocobo races that I'm aware of other than to play it on a different OS for that part of the game.