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Everything posted by ldrews

  1. ldrews

    Diamond Supra Express 56i in win2k

    How much RAM are you using? This is a memory addressing problem. I was getting the same message while trying to run Delta Force2, once I added more memory, the problem stopped.
  2. ldrews

    Adaptec AHA-2940AU SCSI adapter

    It will work just fine with Win2k. You will have no problems if the card itself is good. I have: SuperMicro P6DLS Dual PII-300Mhz 320mb RAM Built in SCSI adapter on mobo 18gb SCSI-3 SCA HDD Plextor 32X CD ROM drive Internal SCSI Zip drive Velocity 4400 16mb video Diamond MX300 sound card
  3. ldrews

    What is it with lack of SCSI devices?

    Try the Plextor brand. Their stuff is for SCSI so you should not have a difficult time finding or using them
  4. ldrews

    IRQLess or not eqaul Bluescreen

    I was receiving this error quite frequently while playing Delta Force 2. According to Microsoft, this is a memory error. I checked the MS website and found that this eerror occurs when a program tries to write over some proteted memory. I added an extra 128mb RAM to my system this weekend and did not receive this error once. Is this a possible memory manager problem ??? System is as follows: Super Micro P6DLS mobo Dual PII 300Mhz 384MB RAM (after this weekend) 1-4GB IDE HDD 2-4GB SCSI HDD Plextor 12X CD ROM drive Velocity 4400 AGP 16MB video
  5. ldrews

    Diamond Monster Soundcard

    according to Diamond, it will not work
  6. ldrews

    Best Sound Card for W2k

    My Monster Sound MX300 works great.
  7. ldrews

    Whats the big fuss on prossessor speed

    Well said to this point. I too would agree that it is up to the individual as to where to draw the line. If you have nothing else to spend your money on, than by all means get the latest & greatest. If however, youor funds are limited than you will have to rely on the hand-me-downs from your friends. I am quite content with the system I have now. I recently upgraded from an AMD K6-266 to a dual PII 300 system. It does what I want it to do, and is quite a litte kicker in its own right. Dual PII 300Mhz SuperMicro P6DLS motherboard with dual channel SCSI 256mb RAM Vellocity 4400 16mb video card 2) WD 4.3gb IDE HDD 2) WD 4.3gb UWSCSI HDD (7200) 1) Internal SCSI Zip drive