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Everything posted by Cardinal

  1. Cardinal

    Movies: Swordfish and Tomb Raider

    Yes it's definately the beer. She is hot, but the amount of **** I am saturated with every day has killed my ability to imagine women naked. I only saw a boring character who perhaps could of had a nice body under those clothes. The movie was offensive. Yet I paid the $15 dollars to see it. So it is I who sucks and not the film.
  2. Hi all. I'll get straight to it. I have an error on my hdd that Windows 2k can not seem to repair. The error appears to be one particular file that I can not delete for some reason. I am using the NTFS file system on this drive. When I run chkdsk /f and the pc reboots and begins to scan the drive I receive this message during the checking process. deleting index entry bootex.log in index $130 of file 5 It then finished the check, and reports that windows has made corrections to the file system and please wait while the system now restarts. Then the hard drive works ferociously for a few seconds, then nothing. My pc appears to hang. I left the pc for 12 hours while I slept hoping it would eventually reboot. But it just sits there at the chkdsk prompt. So I manually restart, get into Windows without any problems and notice that this file is still there. If I try to delete the file manually, i.e in explorer or even with the DEL command at a dos prompt I receive this message. I have tried Norton Disk Doctor but that is useless. It just says there is an error in the Indexing portion of my drive but it can not repair it without a reboot. Can anyone shed any light into this annoying problem? Regards, Card.
  3. Cardinal

    Post your desktops here

    Bubsy, Why do you have Winace and Winzip installed? You don't need both do you? And I noticed you use Morpheus, You think it's better then KazaA? Nice desktop btw. You must have at least a 17 inch monitor to be using the double task bar right?
  4. Cardinal

    Post your desktops here

    Cynan got it right but I feel Bubsy's attempt was close to the mark so it's $25 each. Did I mention that is in Australian dollars? Which works out to be $12.89US (at the time of this post) and considering postal here is about $11.00 to have it sent my airmail, By the time it got there both of you would only have about $2.06 each. So lets just call it even stevens eh? I notice a lot of people are using windowsFX to get the transparent windows option. It looks amazing but unfortunately on my old celeron, I need every bit of tweaking I can get. I've gone for the functional look this time. Trying to get a little more speed out of my desktop eXperience
  5. Well, to answer your question, I could not rename the file. I received the same message, (the file is corrupt and unreadable)when I tried this. After reading up on all the available information in the Microsoft Knowledge Base about it; or rather on the error message I was receiving, I found out that I could only run the chkdsk command with the /f switch and it should of fixed it. Needless to say that did not work. I came to the conclusion with the help of some web sites I found through a google search, that I had a corrupt MFT. The Master File Table that was 22meg on my hard drive appeared to have an error in it when relating to this file. Anyway, Microsoft do not admit to the possibility of this happening so I couldn't find a fix other then to format. It's worth noting a few things. The program Inoculate IT was somehow related to this bootex.log. This problem started after a FAT32 to NTFS conversion using convert.exe from a command prompt. I'm just writing this down to let the few people who are interested know, that there is a potential problem somewhere in the usage of the MFT with NTFS 5. I am now using FAT32 again regretably. Cardinal.
  6. I am getting this message everytime I try to load up this site. Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Too many connections in /var/www/hosts/csskins/index.php on line 5 Could not connect, go bug Digital! Can people try this site and let me know if it happens to them? the site is HERE Thanks guys.
  7. Cardinal

    SiSoft Sandra 2001SE BSOD on exit...

    What evian.sys file? I have never heard of this. What is it? Also, Brian how did you go?
  8. Cardinal

    UT reboots my machine

    Harlock, the money says it's your video drivers. They are most likely the cause. I would like to help you further but you did not let anyone know what system specs you have. Please let us know what video card you have, what pc you have, if anything is overclocked or otherwise this post will most likely be ignored.
  9. Cardinal

    SiSoft Sandra 2001SE BSOD on exit...

    Brian! I had the exact same message, I'm surprised you did not see that thread as it was recent. Someone (sorry to forget who it was) suggested my ram might be at fault. And sure enough, it was the cas settings in my bios. I have three settings, cas latency etc. I had set them to 2 when the default is 3 figuring if it was stable I could pull some more speed from my system. Since putting the CAS settings back to 3 I have no longer had that problem. Give it a go. Take care Brian.
  10. Its now up to bios revision ZX. Just thought I'd let people know
  11. Cardinal

    Where have all the good "random" RPGs gone?

    Pr-man. Completely off the subject, what voltage are you running your cpu at? I once sent you a private message asking about this but you never replied....
  12. Cardinal

    Netscape probs

    Hi Bubsy If I am right it looks like some program is making a call to Netscape for some reason. Not sure what, Perhaps your htm files are still associated with Netscape. Or at least something is. You need to clear Netscape out of the registry and take a look at your file associations. Download a wonderful free program called regcleaner that works well under W2k. Get it H e r e This program will show you what things are still ghosting around in the registry and will also display your file associations. Good luck.
  13. Cardinal

    FAT 32 and Windows 2000

    Also, I don't know of any third party program that can convert from NTFS to FAT(32) without losing data. FAT to NTFS sure but not vice versa. I think you're out of luck man. Just back your data up and start again.
  14. Cardinal

    Nero 5.5 (latest ver) and EZCD 5 under Win2000

    Don't worry about the speed of ripping a track. Look at the quality. Wmp 7+ is dreadful for this.
  15. Hi, I am still confused about the use of a WINS address on a simple pc to pc network. No hub, just crossover cat5 cable. Two NICS on the gateway and one on the other. I use NAT ICS to share my cable connection and was wondering what address do I put in the WINS field? Do I just use my Static IP from the first NIC? I know I don't need to add anything into the WINS field to have the network functioning. It has been without a WINS address since I first began to share my cable connection. I was just wondering if adding a WINS address would perhaps speed up the browsing of the network. (Don't recommend deleting the registry entry as I am already aware of that) Thanks. Addenum: If it helps, I use DHCP to obtain my IP address on the cable connection NIC. The other IP is static.
  16. Ah ok. Thought as much. thanks.
  17. Cardinal

    Sound Blaster Live! & Games

    Try to search the forums the problems with the Soundblaster Live and w2k have been discussed hundreds of times. Namely because the soundblaster is a terrible piece of hardware with even worse drivers.
  18. Cardinal

    Win2k error when trying to start cs

    Try to run Half life under another compatibility mode. Right click on the Hl.exe, Choose compatibility, select either win98 or NT sp3.
  19. Cardinal

    Ie Question

    Is this with smooth scrolling enabled? Sorry to point out the obvious.
  20. This is bad. I am getting a BSOD every now and then. It seems to happen when there is a lot of work with the sound card. The BSOD is a complete system halt and results in a reboot. The error message reads as follows. STOP Kmode exception not handled Then only possible thing I can think of is my C drive is brand new. I have spoken to a few people who have had strange crashes with new hard drives. Is there such a thing as 'teething problems' with hard drives? I have never seen this error message before. As always, thanks in advance. - Card.
  21. Cardinal

    Getting this blue screen in w2k. Anyone seen it?

    Thank you Ultrix. Excellent advice. To answer SHS I had tried it at the default clock speed and still experienced it. But silly me did have the CAS set at 2. I'll adjust it and see what happens. Thanks guys for all the responses. Regards, Card
  22. I know this has been done to death but do you have any idea how many threads there are about sblive problems? I couldn't search all of them. I am after a link where I can get those latest Sblive drivers that were posted on ntcompatible about a month ago. I downloaded them but lost a hdd. Also, while we're on the subject. My pc is behaving like a 486 when it comes to playing mp3s. When I do anything else I get sound cut outs and stuttering. It's been a while so I forgot, which tricks are there to stop this happening? * I use Winamp to play mp3s. * I have tried wmp7.1 also. * The harware acceleration tab is set one back from 'full' * I am using Liveware 3 and dx 8a Please humour me guys and help another disgruntled sblive user out. I am so damn sick of this poor excuse for a sound card. Regards, Cardinal. P.S I notice there are seems to be alot more new members in the forum. This can only be a good thing
  23. Cardinal

    Sblive problems *yawn* searching didn't help.

    Devildog you lucky sod. 8) I can't wait until I can afford another sound card myself. Have not seen any place in Oz that sells the Santa Cruz though. Looks like I'll get a Hercules X-gamer. And then it will be curtians for this card. Anyone after a burnt, smashed, smeared, thrown, flushed sblive card? Let me know. Regards, Card.
  24. Cardinal

    Redirects and stuff

    Illusionist, this problem is again with your active desktop. When you boot up, the normal desktop is displayed for a few seconds until your active desktop (html page) has finished loading. Go to Display settings and disable the active desktop. You will then see the picture your friend has chosen as your desktop wallpaper. I suggest you change this to 'no' wallpaper. Then enable the active desktop again. The problem you describe about being redirected to other sites is definately a cookie problem. If you are using Windows 2000 you have two folders that contain cookies. They also both contain a file called 'index' which is not able to be deleted in Windows as it is in use. I suggest you download a free program called 'Ad-Aware' that will scan your registry and/or system for traces of spy ware or suspect cookies. You can get it H e r e Regards, Card
  25. Cardinal

    Pop up tabs

    You are using IE6 I assume. This is a feature of IE. You also seem to have active desktop enabled. Go to Internet Options in your Control Panel -> Advanced and turn this off. It's under Browser settings I believe.