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Everything posted by Cardinal

  1. Cardinal

    Question about my copy of Win2k Pro

    Pr-man. Sorry I can't answer your question about beta-3 of w2k but I am interested in how the heck you have your 566 celery running at 952! Mine is only stable at 850mhz running at 1.7volts. What have you done to get stability at that speed? Regards, Card. ------------------ My Slug. <---------------------------> Abit BE6 II rev 1.2 Celeron 566@850 mhz 13g ide Hdd SMC NIC 100mb REALSHIT 8029 NIC 10mb Riva tnt2u --> ancient SBlive 256mb ram HP 9300 CDRW Windows 2000 <--------------------------->
  2. Jesus I don't think the guy wants to become an NT buff, I think he merely is interested in swapping over the OS from which his business runs. It's not as complex as many make out. Anyone can install W2k, getting it to do what you want is another thing. It's all trial and error. Windows 2000 is a big step forward in compatibility from Windows NT 4.0. I don't think you should consider holding off for Windows XP. That will no doubt, like any Microsoft OS when it is released, have many bugs that will take time to be ironed out. Not only that but it will use the same kernel as win2k so it won't be that amazingly different. Easier to use sure, but Win2k is amazingly solid. Anyway, I definitely recommend ditching any Operating system with a '9' in it Or ME for matter.
  3. Cardinal

    Firewalls? hmm... who has actually ever been hacked?

    Firewalls. Hmmm.. So am I right in saying that the moral of this story is that they are not needed? Hehe.. Kidding. I don't know, my opinion has not been changed just altered. I am warming to the hardware firewall idea as I can agree safely that there is a sh1tload of activity on my ports. In fact on most peoples. The question remains how much of this activity is harmful. So it comes down to a matter of preference. On a network I can understand the need for a firewall, I never argued otherwise. But on a single box with no real reason for privacy It seems a little less essential. I have to say though; I had no idea how much activity there was on my connection. I'm sure most people out there will be surprised. But I guess, will they care? I am beginning to.
  4. Guys. Under my cable connection settings in network properties I have allowed tcp/ip filtering. What I do need however, is some help with which ports to allow. There are settings there for TCP ports, UDP ports and IP protocols. At the moment I have it set to 'allow all' which kinda defeats the purpose of filtering. Can anyone give me the heads up on this? What makes things difficult (for me that is) is that I have ICS sharing running on this connection. Anyway, as always, thanks in advance. Regards, Card. ------------------ My Slug. <---------------------------> Abit BE6 II rev 1.2 Celeron 566@850 mhz 13g ide Hdd SMC NIC 100mb REALSHIT 8029 NIC 10mb Riva tnt2u --> ancient SBlive 256mb ram HP 9300 CDRW Windows 2000 <--------------------------->
  5. Cardinal

    msiexec.exe always running

    Hi guys Don't hate me because of my opinion on firewalls. Anyway, I need help with a concern I have, a process msiexec.exe is always running. According to the M$ knowledge base this file is a component of the Windows installer. "The Msiexec.exe program is a component of the Windows installer. When called by Setup.exe, Msiexec.exe uses a dynamic-link library, Msi.dll, to read the Windows installer package (MSI file), apply the Windows installer transform (MST file), incorporate command-line options supplied by Setup.exe, and install the Office applications" The question I have is, why is the executable always running? Do I have a dodgy program on my system that has left this task open or is it normal? And if not, how do I get rid of this? Regards, Cardinal --------------------------------- My Slug. <--------------------------------> Abit BE6 II rev 1.2 Celeron 566@850 mhz 13g ide Hdd SMC NIC 100mb REALSHIT 8029 NIC 10mb Riva tnt2u SBlive 256mb ram HP 9300 CDRW Windows 2000 <--------------------------------> [This message has been edited by Cardinal (edited 29 March 2001).]
  6. Cardinal

    msiexec.exe always running

    Thanks guys for the response. Somehow I screwed up and had it set to automatic (duh) Fixed. - Card
  7. I just read the post about Windows XP being lame. You jumped down that guys throat for no reason. You are a pethetic immature creature for showing so little tolerance for the opinions of others. This forum is for discussion! If that lad who dislikes Windows XP wants to voice his opinion then you accept it. Rather then resorting to calling him a fag. No doubt you are a homophobic redneck with such poor knowledge of the windows NT kernel you can't wait until Microsoft releases their 'NT for kids' OS. Shame on you for being a forum wanker. You suck Eddie.
  8. Cardinal

    SBLive support and 3D Sound - as bad as Win2k??

    Yeah, I would like this hack also. Have never heard of it.
  9. Cardinal

    Am I the only one who thinks Win ME sucks?

    Ugh! As much as I hate this particular section of the forum I feel I should at least support Brian. Firstly, Haru I can respect your knowledge and many of the things you say. I won't go into attacking you once again and therefore I will let the many personal remarks you said slide. Questionarre, you call me a newbie? I welcome you to add me to your icq list and we'll discuss this further. Now JJ32, you sir are.. ugh, just revolting. Your arrogance, writing style, subject matter, personality, and general opinions (if you can call them that) are repugnant. Your attack on Brian Frank was not necessary and proved that you, not him are the immature one. Nothing you could say could ever redeem yourself, you sunk totally by the rubbish you wrote. Brian was merely adding his opinion! You somehow found it threatening and responded by calling him stupid? I too have found Windows ME to be totally Sh1tfull. Worthless. Haru said somewhere that an OS is as good as how you install it? Perhaps he was under some narcotic influence when he wrote that. There are only a few ways to install Windows ME. The 'tweaking' is done after the install. I challenge both of you, to install Win Me, without any Internet connection whatsoever and run it for 3 months using a large variety of programs. If it crashes once you will have to admit your foolishness. Franks opinion that an OS should not be tweaked to be a good OS is valid. Without access to the many updates available for ME on Microsoft’s update site and with no tweaking, ME is a phucking useless pile of **** . The majority of people who use it have little computer knowledge; in fact that is Microsoft’s target consumer audience. So these are the people who suffer the problems with this woeful OS. Your arguments are unrealistic, flaccid and somewhat boring to read. - Card
  10. Cardinal

    Firewalls? hmm... who has actually ever been hacked?

    Ok. I did not want to reply again but I feel that I should. Firstly I will state the obvious. Geoph, you resorted to a personal attack, this illustrates your level of intelligence more then affecting me. Well-done sir. And once again my friend Dos Freak has gone on to over elaborate about the need for an anti-virus program. Wow hehe, take my scenario even if it is a little pessimistic. You lose your job as a system/network administrator. Your partner finds the retrenchment too depressing and decided to head south with a Linux programmer. You sink into a depth of despair; too depressed to look for work your finances force you to drop the broadband connection and enjoy your old cobweb covered 33k modem. The home LAN, if there is one, is sold so you can buy some bread. So you're stuck with a single pc and that trusty pci modem you once loved. You find yourself enjoying the quiet life as an irc monkey and the odd online game to escape that terrible reality. A few frames in the game are dropping and the hdd seems to be thinking about something else. Ffs! you cry and wonder what program is causing this god-forsaken annoyance. Oh, I see, a software firewall has decided that the connection with the game server poses as a risk. Now I ask you Dosfreak (I apologise for the over imaginative description) do you really feel the need for a firewall in this scenario? While you ponder that question, let me remind you that by far, the majority of net users meet, or come close to meeting this example. Not every user is a 'freak'. (hehe I love the fact that you are ) So, finally do the majority of net users need a firewall? I also understand many of you users are in the US. The attitude towards net security is more of an issue then it is here. And as far as an anti virus, well we can leave that to the gods (read, pc salesmen) According to you lads, a virus or a 'hack' is the end of the world. I can't remember who said it, but someone posted the possibility of an electrical spike (lol) I mean please. Lets keep our feet on the ground and not floating around in cyberspace.
  11. While trying to set up Media Jukebox 6 to use with my CDRW it says it is unable to find any aspi drivers and can not detect my burner. Anyone know what this could be about? ------------------ My Slug. <------------------> Abit BE6 II rev 1.2 Celeron 566@850 mhz 13g ide Hdd SMC NIC 100mb REALSHIT 8029 NIC 10mb Riva tnt2u --> ancient SBlive 256mb ram HP 9300 CDRW Windows ME/Windows 2000 <------------------>
  12. Cardinal

    Firewalls? hmm... who has actually ever been hacked?

    Thanks for your opinion Dosfreak. I can, and will point out a few shortcomings with it however. You argued that a firewall would improve the performance of your internet. Perhaps Dosfreak, you used the wrong word. 'Experience’ maybe, but not performance. Nothing that filters the incoming and outgoing packets that are sent to your computer can improve the performance of the Internet, or rather your use of the internet. By arguing this, you are being ridiculous. Are you seriously claiming that a persons ping time is lowered with the use of a Firewall? Come on Dos, that is incorrect. I do totally agree with your mentioning of popups however. Your comments about port security was spot on also but, by admitting that in most win9x systems, file and printer sharing was enabled by default then you are agreeing with me when I say the default security of windows 2000 is better then in windows 9x And a person who plays games online will most likely play them often and having to constantly disable real time virus scanning is annoying. And, partially defeats the purpose. Another thing, any so-called dos freak would understand that merely disabling a virus programs background checking does not remove the program from remaining resident. The fact that it is most likely enabled at startup means that it decreases system performance. Dosfreak, it just seems that your definition of performance is different to mine. I am aware that there is a lot of unknown, or unrecognised activity around my ports. But it has to take a malicious user, with some level of knowledge to be able to actually hack, or tamper with my pc. And your comments about people not knowing if their pc were hacked was a little weak. I think most people in this forum would know their computer well enough to realise if there were any damage done. And if their weren't, then it's not really a problem is there. Your defence about an attack being likely was also, perhaps a little exaggerated. Are you saying that statistically, someone gaining entrance to your computer to perform malicious acts, On a personal system mind you, is a real probability? Don't get confused with a possibility. I just find that hard to believe. I could argue many more points Dosfreak, but I will leave that to another post. I think I can safely say, that undoubtedly, your ideal system would be a lot more protected then mine, but I can guarantee, my ideal system would run a lot faster then yours. And to finish, the word 'tweak' is so broad. You tweak for security, I tweak for speed. That was, and is my argument Dosfreak. Regards, Cardinal.
  13. Hey there Clutch. I think it was you who posted that site about the port listing. If it was, could you repost I can't seem to find it. Cheers. p.s. does UBB work in the subject box? - Card
  14. Cardinal

    Easy cd creator 5 vs Nero 5.5

    Nero 5.5 looks pretty nifty. As far the features in the creation of an audio cd go. But it still uses much the same methods of creating a cd. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It still lacks alot in the creation of cd's with copy protection. But, as you will remind me they never intended to support this feature. But how have people found easy cd creator 5? Both these programs are basic, backup/burn programs with no real advanced features of actually reading a cd. Sure they burn well. Anyway, since most of my audio cd's are mp3->wav cd's what I am interested to know is, have they really upped the possible quality of this method? - Card. ----------------------------- " We can either choose foolish sanity, or wise madness "
  15. Cardinal

    How to share an Internet connection in Win2K?

    Go here my friend. CLICK ME
  16. Zone Alarm has blocked the second pc in my small home network from using the internet. I have Internet connection sharing set up with mine as the server. How do I tweak Zone alarm so it allows the other pc access? Or is it not possible. As always, thanks to anyone who attempts to help. - Card. ------------------ My Slug. <------------------> Abit BE6 II rev 1.2 Celeron 566@850 mhz 13g ide Hdd SMC NIC 100mb REALSHIT 8029 NIC 10mb Riva tnt2u --> ancient SBlive 256mb ram HP 9300 CDRW Windows ME/Windows 2000 <------------------>
  17. Hey guys. I have the one drive set up with two partitions, running a dual OS setup. ME/W2K and have set the pagefile to my w2k drive. The problem is, it worked fine for a while but recently when I booted I received a message saying my pagefile is too small. I set it up as 384 min/max on my w2k partition and so went in to check if the size had changed. It hadn't, but a 20 meg pagefile was also running on my winME partition. I deleted this and rebooted to receive a message "no pagefile set etc" Whats the story here? Why isn't w2k recognising my pagefile on the 2nd partition? surely it does not need to pagefiles. - Card ------------------ My Slug. <------------------> Abit BE6 II rev 1.2 Celeron 566@850 mhz 13g ide Hdd SMC NIC 100mb REALSHIT 8029 NIC 10mb Riva tnt2u --> ancient SBlive 256mb ram HP 9300 CDRW Windows ME/Windows 2000 <------------------>
  18. Cardinal

    Save Problem

    Bianca. Forgive me for sounding patronising but lets start with the basics. When you initially select 'save as' does your hard drive show a lot of activity? Does it run until the 'save as' prompt comes up? Because if it does then there is a file being read before the selected program saves. If there is little or no hard drive activity then something else is wrong. Try pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL to bring up a list of programs running in the background and remove them one by one, to see if this makes a difference. As far as downloading is concerned, before the prompt comes up is the program being actually downloaded? is there modem activity? Again, sorry for appearing condescending but you didn't really clarify the basics. It is difficult for us to assume the scenario you see. - Card.
  19. Cardinal

    Win 2K and ICS failed with SP1

    Hmm. I thought with the amount of networking guru's around someone would of suggested something by now. Well, I've been using ICS alot now. On a few different flavours of windows and I can say Windows 2000 is the easiest to set up. (using microsofts own NAT version that is)The problem you are explaining has happened to me. I deleted all the services/components from my network properties and re installed them. The problem fixed itself. But, I imagine you have already attempted that, am I right? A helpful ICS in windows 2000 guide can be found here Good luck, Cardinal.
  20. Cardinal

    formating CD-RW's with DirectCD

    If your problem has not been solved with the above posts, please read my reply to another question in the forum titled "EASY CD CREATOR 5 ERROR" It also might hold some relevance to you.
  21. Cardinal

    Easy Cd Creator 5 ERROR!!!! Need your brainpower!

    Um. I do have some idea as to perhaps, why this has happened. Is the cd media you used a cdrw? Because if it is and you formatted it with directcd 5 (inlcuded with easy cd creator 5 and/or winoncd 3.8)then it has used adaptecs UDF layer to format the cd. ------------------------------------ " Universal Disk Format version 1.5 Universal Disk Format version 1.5 is a file system standard that enables a CD-Recorder to be used as a logical device on a computer system. In other words, UDF lets you read files from and write files to a CD in your CD-Recorder, just as you would read and write files to a floppy disk or a hard disk. " ------------------------- But apparently when easy cd writes to a cd in this manner, it includes software that allows computers to read this format. As stated here; " If you have DirectCD 5.0 installed, you automatically have the UDF Reader needed to read UDF v.1.5 – formatted CDs. When you make a CD using DirectCD, it automatically copies the UDF Reader for Windows to the CD. When you insert the CD into a drive, the reader will automatically ask if you want to install it. UDF v.1.5 – compatible readers are available for most common operating systems and must be installed for CD-Recorders to read UDF v.1.5 – formatted CDs. " I am just trying to shed some light on the issue. Perhaps your problem might not even relate to this. But this is definately a potential problem for people trying to read these particular cd's.
  22. Cardinal

    Here is how to remove Ad Banners in ICQ 2000a & 2000b

    There is another solution. The wonderful lads at TNT have done all the work for you, in a single file. you can get it here
  23. Hi. I just thought I would pass on my experience of sharing a cable modem with two or more computers in a small home LAN. When I first tried to do this, I used a well known program called Sygate 4. Now even though most, if not all Cable sharing sites will recommend using this, I found it to be over rated and basically, mediocre. It uses DHCP to set up the other computer which is fine, but the program likes to crash alot. I also suffered what I would call 'bandwith blackouts' where my computer, being the server would freeze any activity that involved the cable modem. Browsing a page, downloading, anything. No data at all would be sent through the modem and this would happen randomly, and would cause my pc to halt until I closed the program that was communicating with my cable modem. I suffered this on both ME (read **** os) and 98se. A quick CTRL-ALT-DEL would kill sygate and fix the problem. I also tried a program called 'Winshare' which was a nightmare to setup as it also used DHCP but did not use a floppy method like Sygate. So even though, many critisize M$'s own NAT based Internet connection sharing, I have found it to be excellent once the nightmare of setting it up has been done. So it uses, Netbeui. I can vouch that on my systems, the speed and stability of use is unmatched as far as I've experienced. This online guide is faultless and easy to follow. Anyway, I just thought I would post my opinion on ICS. Good luck. http://www.annoyances.org/win98/features/ics.html ------------------ My Slug. <------------------> Abit BE6 II rev 1.2 Celeron 566@850 mhz 13g ide Hdd SMC NIC 100mb REALSHIT 8029 NIC 10mb Riva tnt2u --> ancient SBlive 256mb ram HP 9300 CDRW Windows ME/Windows 2000 <------------------>
  24. Hi. I saw this over atArs Technica Here's the link [This message has been edited by Cardinal (edited 10 March 2001).]