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Matt Beale

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About Matt Beale

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  1. Matt Beale


    damn, haven't posted here in a long, long time... but anyway. Now I know most of you lot here don't like David, but he's right about Barrysworld. It would be a tragedy to see them go under, especially considering they are one of the, if not the, best online gaming platform providers in the UK. Matt Beale (aka [PCF]DecoyDuck) (the one in [PCF] who actually likes Windows 2000 )
  2. Matt Beale


    Just copy and paste the lines below into Notepad, save it as toca2.reg (making sure it has a .reg extension, and not .reg.txt as Notepad sometimes adds), find the file in Windows Explorer and double click it. A message box will popup on screen, just click OK, and then have fun playing Toca2 ;1 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Codemasters\Toca2] "CardHintIndex"=dword:00000000
  3. Matt Beale

    Colin McRae Rally

    oohh.. damn you Sev. Unfortunatly, I only get to have a wander down to the Prodrive HQ in my home town and ogle the cars from behind a security fence
  4. Matt Beale

    Viper Racing

    Looks like you need to use the MSDOS 8.3 style filename. Try the following command - d:\sierra\viper racing\setwin95.cmd viperr~1.exe ------------------ Matt Beale matthew@thebeales.worldonline.co.uk Smegsite
  5. Matt Beale

    GP3 + MS FF Wheel

    Originally the MS FF Wheel used a gameport connection. This version used version 3 of the Sidewinder software. Microsoft later released a USB version, as they have with all their other game controllers/peripherals. These newer USB versions of the game controls use version 4.0 of the sidewinder software, which unfortunatly does not work with the older gameport versions. I only found out about this, after downloading the SW40 software from somewhere. And to make matters worse, I've only had my my FF Wheel for 4 months ------------------ Matt Beale matthew@thebeales.worldonline.co.uk Smegsite
  6. Matt Beale

    GP3 + MS FF Wheel

    Do remember that V4.0 of the sidewinder software is for the USB versions of the controllers only. It will not work with the older gamer-port versions. ------------------ Matt Beale matthew@thebeales.worldonline.co.uk Smegsite
  7. Matt Beale

    Colin McRae Rally

    After having a look around the Regional Options applet I actually found out how to change the system locale. In fact it's so damned obvious when you find it. All you need to do is click the "Set Default" button on the General tab, choose your language and away you go. You'll be prompted for the Windows 2000 CD, and you'll need to restart. But after that the System locale will be set to what ever you chose. But alas, this does not fix Colin McRae Rally It still reports Wrong Operating System, and apcompat.exe does not seem to have any effect what so ever, which is a shame. Obviously it is using some un-assumed (from apcompat.exe's view point) of detecting which OS it is running on. Next step is to find out how it is doing this. So, any of you lot out there handy with a Hex-editor ------------------ Matt Beale matthew@thebeales.worldonline.co.uk Smegsite
  8. Matt Beale

    Colin McRae Rally

    I know how to get around the problem with Quake 2. That's the easy bit But as for your comments about changing the locale information. From what I've seen that only applies to the user logon. You just don't seem to be able to change the SYSTEM locale, which is what so many programs and games seem to look for. I already have the the user locales as UK English. I mean come on...I do want my # and @ keys in the right place, now don't I
  9. Matt Beale

    Colin McRae Rally

    If you install the 1.5 patch from the codemasters website it stops the crashing But don't get too excited. Although I've read posts on the Microsoft news server where people say this actually fixes the game and allows it to run, all I get is the intro video and then the game stops with a dialog-box stating "Wrong OS", and all I can do it click OK to exit I'm wondering if this is the same problem thats stops me from install Quake 2, as it reports that I'm in the wrong region. Something to do with me having a US version of Win2k, but actually living in the UK.
  10. Matt Beale

    Command Prompt Here

    But I personnally don't have the NT4 resource kit. So I thought I'd play around with this. ------------------ Matt Beale matthew@thebeales.worldonline.co.uk Smegsite
  11. Matt Beale

    Command Prompt Here

    Nah....mines better. Its only 2K ------------------ Matt Beale matthew@thebeales.worldonline.co.uk Smegsite
  12. Matt Beale

    Command Prompt Here

    Don't know about you guys/gals, but one thing I missed under Windows 2000 was the Command Prompt Here Power toy. Well, I spent this afternoon fiddling with the inf from the Windows 98 Powertoys collection and came up with the following - http://www.smegsite.f2s.com/win2k/doshere.inf It fully supports installation and uninstall via the Add/Remove Programs applet. Tell me what you think. Cheers ------------------ Matt Beale matthew@thebeales.worldonline.co.uk Smegsite