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Everything posted by leesie

  1. on this machine just wondering if anyone else is having this problem. it takes about 10-15 seconds for all the icons on my desktop to fully appear and before i can click on anything. win2000 Athlon 600 128mb RAM *clean install my guess is, there's a bunch of start-up programs running at the background at startu-up. any tips on how i can take stop these programs, or if this is in fact my problem? thanks!
  2. leesie

    win2k annoyances

    felix. would you mind shooting me a copy of that TWEAKUI. thanks! fourd89@hotmail.com
  3. leesie

    slow load-up of desktop

    things are much faster now. installed StartUp COP (YES IT WORKS!) and RegClean 3.0 (not MS)http://www.vtoy.fi/jv16/ the only thing at start-up now is mobosync.exe/logon did a defrag, after taking out all the other things at start-up. also, i cut down the services to 12 services set on AUTOMATIC at start-up. i'm happy now! yes, there is a slight delay on the desktop...but much less now that there are only 12 services. everything works great!
  4. win2000 Pro 128MB Ram Primary Master 10.2GB ATA66 Secondary Master 3.2GB ATA33 C: Initial size - 192 Maximum size - 192 D: Initial size - 192 Maximum size - 192 Current registry size - 14 Maximum registry size - 35 ------------------ OK, i know there's something wrong here somewhere....i'll ask you all again, like the newbie that i am....where and why? Thanks! leesie.
  5. ekstreme. ok. but would it matter if my D drive is only ATA33? aren't the page files supposed to be on equal speed drives? thanks again!