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Everything posted by cryptix

  1. cryptix

    XP with Audigy-> startup sound

    run msconfig and under startup there should be something like audigy starup. just disable that and you should be all set. cryptix
  2. cryptix

    Audigy XP dirvers?

    CL's webpage has a signup so you'll get notified about the driver release. They state that they'll be out by mid-oct. With XP being the replacement for the 9x line, I'm pretty sure they'll be out on time. Cryptix
  3. Ok, on both my Desktop and my Laptop whenever I press the Power Button to Shutdown I always get a message saying that there is a User logged on (Me) and you'll dump them, do you wish to continue? Is there *any* way to turn this off, it's driving me nuts! It's done this to me on 2419, 2495, and 2505 RC1 Please Help! Thx, cryptix
  4. cryptix

    XP Power Button Shutdown Problem!!!

    Eddie: will do and thanks for trying. Hopefully this weekend I'll have time to dig into the Reg. Thx, cryptix
  5. cryptix

    XP Power Button Shutdown Problem!!!

    Eddie: Yeah, going through the Reg. is a pain and I just don't have the time right now. I did kind of bypass this issue by having my systems hibernate instead of shutting down. If you find a solution before I do then thanks! cryptix
  6. cryptix

    XP Power Button Shutdown Problem!!!

    Eddie: I'm using the power buttons on both my tower and laptop. If I use Start->Shutdown->Turn Off then this message doesn't come up. I've yet to find any setting to turn this off although I haven't gone digging in the registry yet. If I go to the Network Tab in the Task Manager I'm the only user logged on so I don't know why it's popping this message up. Win2000 Pro has never done this. Thx, cryptix
  7. Ok, does anyone know why when I run a new program that it doesn't get the focus and becomes the app on top? I do have the latest TweakUI installed and have tried to change the Application Focus setting but it does nothing. Any ideas??? Thanks!
  8. does smp work better now? wondering if anyone has checked cause i don't have time this weekend. thankz
  9. cryptix

    another Win DVD 2k

    WinDVD works on some win2k machines and not on others. It has blown out my system twice so I just use PowerDVD now. Cryptix
  10. cryptix

    WinDVD 2k hangs

    I don't know, WinDVD works fine on my friend's PC under Win2k but I'm not trying it in mine anymore. It seems to be 50/50 if it will work on some systems or not. If it does than great, if not switch to another player like I did. Cryptix
  11. cryptix

    Win NT and USB devices??

    NT 4 does not and will not support USB. Switch to Win2000 Pro instead. Cryptix
  12. cryptix

    New Matrox Drivers

    they work just fine in my system...
  13. cryptix

    WinDVD 2k hangs

    I don't know why, but WinDVD always blew out the NT Kernel and I always had to do a clean install because I couldn't repair it. I use PowerDVD now and everything works fine. Cryptix
  14. The file is C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\TWEAKUI.CPL Zap it and it's out of your Control Panel. Cryptix
  15. cryptix

    Quake 3 Brightness problem

    This is what you do. In your Quake3\baseq3 Dir. create a file called autoexec.cfg and Edit it in Notepad and make sure it looks like this: seta r_ignorehwgamma 1 seta r_gamma 1.4 And then save it. Quake 3 will use these settings every time you start the game so you won't have to worry about it. Cryptix
  16. cryptix

    Sony VAIO PC's

    Being an ex-tech for CompUSA, 99% of all computers in a store like that (Compaq, IBM, HP, Sony, etc.) all have propritary parts. About all you can do depending on the case is add RAM, maybe an extra HD and other drives. The best thing is just to custom build a system if you don't mind having warranties from many different companies. That way you're standard and can easily upgrade. I never did price out a Sony MB but I did a lot of Compaq and those suckers were almost always at least $500+ to replace a system board out of warranty. If you really want a PC from a manufacturer, then I would suggest a Gateway Professional Series as they use a standard case so you can upgrade the MB at a later date. You also can add more drives. If Dell has the same kind of setup (I don't know if they do) then you could get that one. Unless you really want that Slim Sony I would not buy one. Once the warranty goes you're going to have to go to a place like CompUSA that can order the parts (Man. usually will not sell those kinds of parts directly to the customer) and you're going to pay a lot. For example, if the CD-ROM goes out you could end up paying $300 for a new drive plus $100 in labor. It's crazy that they charge that much and I always thought that when I was looking up prices in the order system... Hope I helped! cryptix
  17. cryptix

    Video capture in win2k???

    The Dazzle DVC USB? Mine works just fine under Win2k Pro. When it deteced it I used the drivers from the CD and I just installed the software. Works great. cryptix
  18. cryptix

    I can't get Adaptec ECDC pathc to work

    Try downloading it again. I've gotten that error from time to time and that's how I fixed it. Adaptec's patches are so damn toucy... Cryptix
  19. cryptix

    DO NOT install Norton BETA!!

    STi Sev: That's why it's *BETA*, so Synmantec can kill bugs like that...
  20. cryptix

    Sp1 Released!

    No, this should be Release. They wouldn't post a Beta or Gold Pre-Release there...
  21. cryptix

    Tweak UI

    tweakui from the windows 98 cd before second edition works just fine for win2k cryptix
  22. Does anyone know where in the Registry in Win2k where I can change the Win Hotkeys? I want to run a different program for Win-E instead of My Computer. Thanks in advance!
  23. cryptix

    LIVEWARE 3 FOR WIN2k News update

    This was posted today on the Creative Newsgroup: The drivers have been received from MS. At this point, it looks like they may be posted some time next week (probably towards the end of the week). This is kind of lousy timing since we are going into a 4 day holiday weekend and won't be back until the middle of the week, but the light is at the end of the tunnel. -- Harvey Fong Technical Marketing Spe[censored]t Audio Products Creative Labs Inc. http://www.soundblaster.com
  24. cryptix

    Setting Monitor Refresh Rates...

    Ok, I have a Matrox G400 Max and a Hitachi 752 Supreme Monitor. Under Win98 I can have my refresh rate as high as 110Hz @ 1024x768 but in Win2k I can only go as high as 85Hz. I had to use the Matrox Monitor Utility to load in a profile, but since Matrox does not include this utility in Win2k is there a way to manually edit a .INF file so I get my higher refresh rates back? Thanks, Cryptix