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About Mathesar

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  1. Mathesar

    Win2k 5.22 drivers, UT

    Preacher .. 15fps in D3D? are you trying to run the game in 1600x1200@32bit or something because I'm averaging 40-45fps @ 1024x768@16bit in UT(D3D) on this 300a@464mhz/128mb/TNT2 Ultra 32mb w/ 5.22 Det's ,This is in Win98se I havent installed UT in 2k yet,i'll post again if theres any major change in 2k..
  2. Mathesar

    Dual boot oddities (98se/2k)

    Thanks for the reply DosFreak..I finaly got the Hollywood+ working in both 98 and 2k,the problem with 2k was an IRQ conflict (sharing the same IRQ as my TNT2),after fixing that the card worked fine (no more 'device not ready' errors) I then rebooted into Win98 and reinstalled the H+ drivers wich fixed that, still not sure why installing the 2k H+ driver caused it to fail in 98 I made sure it was installing the Dvd station in D:\ rather than C:\, oh well its all good now..Thanks [This message has been edited by Mathesar (edited 04 June 2000).]
  3. Hi I recently installed Win2k Pro(2195) on my Slave hardrive (D:\) and have Win98se on C:, everything has been working great but I ran into a slight problem lastnight,I installed Win2k beta drivers for my Hollywood+ Decoder card and couldnt get the card working so I rebooted to win98se knowing the card had just worked fine there,but I kept getting a "Device not ready" error ..so I then reinstalled the drivers in 98 and it started working fine(I just wanted to watch a movie!) ..well I then went back to 2k this morning and attempted to get it working there,now its not working in 98 (or 2k) again! ,I guess for some reason the 2k drivers for the hollywood+ are conflicting/overwriting drivers on my 98 install? is this an unavoidable side effect to dual booting 98/2k even tho they're on seperate hardrives? or am I overlooking something.. Thanks in advance!
  4. I had the same problem (computer not powering down on shutdown),doing what Sandoval said fixed it.