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About Fuschermen

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  1. Fuschermen

    Explorer.exe error !!!!

    my problem is: i have a "Terratec DMX Xfire" (no that's not the problem *g*) My OS is win2k. My probs is that when i open media files after a long period (1-2 hours) of unuse the soundsystem the explore causes an error by creating the previewing and/or loading an avi.file or mp3.file in the left frame of a folder. Has everbody else this problem or knows how i can fix it. or can disable the loading/previewing in this frame (i don't want to disable the html-view because i don't want an os looking like win95). before i forget i have an abit kt7
  2. hi can anyone tell me if there are probs by using this board with a vortex 2 ??? THX
  3. THX P.S. can't find something usefull on www.aureal.com
  4. Fuschermen

    Euro 2000 and detos 5.xx problem????

    I have a geforce ddr with detos 5.16 and a celeron 366@550. Euro runs very slow at this configuration. Are the detos 3.xx faster under euro 2000???? thx