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Everything posted by Kooler

  1. Kooler

    Team Fortress 2

    It was supposed to be out this Summer, but due to coding difficulties (its a completely new engine, no more half life crappy engine) and bot AI, it isn't looking to be out until Christmas time. Can't wait though - CS will have to quench ouy thirsts for now eh?
  2. Kooler

    Vampire TMR Win2k Install Problem

    do you think you could repeat that?
  3. Kooler

    Grim Fandango and Win2K

    My Grim Fandango works fine if I run straight from: "C:\Games\Grim Fandango\GRIMFANDANGO.EXE" However, as NT Compatible does comment, it always crashes back to the desktop within 5 minutes of playing! This is really irritating seeing as I forked out a good deal of money for the game. Any suggestions on how to fix the crashing? [This message has been edited by Kooler (edited 21 June 2000).]
  4. Kooler

    Win2k ServicePack 1

    that has got to be one of the vaguest answers I've ever read in my life.
  5. I've recently been struggling with Windows 2000 to make it run to the best of its ability for my needs. Here are my problems/queries: [o] OpenGL in Windows2000 leaves a little to be desired. I am an avid quake2/3/half life player and therefore OpenGL is very important to me. However, I have been having some problems. Initially, I could not even get Quake2 and a couple of OpenGL dependant games to work, although Quake 3 and Half Life chose to run stormingly. After a bit of searching, I came across the registry fix with NVidia Detonator 2 drivers here on ntcompatible, applied it and all my OpenGL games worked. However, performance in all games suffered a great deal. With my TNT2 Ultra, I get a timedemo of 60fps at good times. However, with this registry tweak I couldnt hit 40fps. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I want to know if there are any other ways to prevent the "Glide Buffers failed!" error message when running some OpenGL games. If I could get Quake2 working without tweaking the registry, I know that my fps would be a hell of a lot more satisfying. [o] My second query is upon software compression on internet service providers. Back when I had Windows 98 SE installed, a local ISP (Jolt), which supports STAC compression gave me very satisfying pings indeed (I'm on ISDN and I got as low as 26 in Quake2 - no ****). However, as hard as I try Windows 2000 refuses to allow this compression - so my pings are in the 50-60 region again, as opposed to my previous 30-40. Many of you will be wondering what I'm complaining about (I know that some people ping 250) but if I can reach such pings on Win98, surely there is some way to enable STAC compression - is there a patch, will it be in SP1? [o] Next question is about DirectX. I understand that Windows 2000 Professional already has DirectX 7.0a preinstalled - but I have had some problems with the game Grim Fandango. I read what there is written on this site and having followed the instructions - I got it working to a certain point - but as written here, it keeps crashing back to the desktop. As far as I know, there is no way to fix this but if you have any ideas or methods in getting around this problem I would be interested to find out. Perhaps DirectX 8 will fix this? When is that out by the way? [o] And finally, a query on my MS Sidewinder Gamepad. It refuses to detect it - nor any software install - I downloaded the 3.0 software from the sidewinder website, but it refuses to install. Having spent quite a bit of money on this device, I would be interested in getting it working in the environment that is Windows 2000. Thanks for any replies! Alex Christopher aka Kooler kooler@quake99.freeserve.co.uk ICQ#: 13999992 P3 600 (non coppermine) 128MB PC100 RAM Chaintech 6TATA-2 Motherboard Creative 3D Blaster TNT2 Ultra 10GB UDMA/33 Maxtor HDD Sound Blaster Live! value