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About SpongeMaster

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  1. SpongeMaster

    voodoo5 Vs GTS2, which is better for win2k??

    Voodoo5. I have a KA7 and had a CLAP2 for a couple of months. Got so sick of the problems that I traded the card for a V5 and I have had zero problems with the V5.
  2. SpongeMaster

    Live!Ware 3.0 for W2K and S/PDIF Support

    I just bought a LiveDriveII from CL, and in the device controls section it gives me the option of digital passthrough. I haven't actually tried it yet to see if it works, but I don't know why they would give you the option if it didn't work.
  3. SpongeMaster

    LiveWare! Driver update for win2k.

    I've had no major problems. LW2 would produce an occasional pop every few hours. Haven't had any yet with the new drivers. ABIT KA7 Athlon 700 256MB RAM 18.2GB Seagate Cheetah X15 20GB Quantum LM+ 20GB WD Caviar 7200RPM 13GB Quantum KA+ Ultraplex Wide Plexwriter 8/20 CL Annihilator2 SB Live (duh, obviously) Tekram DC390U2W CL DXR3 6x Pinnacle Systems DC30 Pro Linksys 10/100 NIC MS Intellipoint Explorer MS Internet Keyboard Pro Vista Imaging Vicam (now bought out by 3com, bastards) D-Link USB FM radio Betty Crocker USB Belgian waffle maker addon
  4. SpongeMaster

    DMA in Win2k

    Make sure the drive itself has UDMA enabled. All hard drive manufacturers have utilities posted on their site that allow you to toggle UDMA on and off.
  5. SpongeMaster

    LiveWare! Driver update for win2k.

    The sound definitely is a bit fuller than before. This is only the driver update though. I assume the rest of the LW3 stuff will be posted later, and may allow you to tweak some other problems out.
  6. SpongeMaster

    Liveware 3.0 revisited...

    check the front page
  7. SpongeMaster

    Liveware 3.0 for Windows2000: Where the hell is it?

    The current DirectX implementation in win2k is simply a mass beta test for whistler. Way back when, win2000 was supposed to be the merging of 9x and nt. Then NT 5 was delayed about 10 years, and had to be turned into win2000. Now what we end up with is a hackneyed implementation of DirectX squeezed into NT5. The "real" NT based gaming OS will be Whistler, which will be was win2000 was supposed to be. OpenGL is not in WinNT for gaming, the API just happens to be used by some game companies. OpenGL has been in NT since day one for professional applications. I don't know too many people that were playing 3D games in NT 3.1. Your name calling is childish to say the least Brian. How you expect anyone to take you seriously with junk like that in your post is beyond me. [This message has been edited by SpongeMaster (edited 05 July 2000).]
  8. SpongeMaster

    Liveware 3.0 for Windows2000: Where the hell is it?

    Nvidia "leaks" drivers way too much to be considered an accident. It's simply a lousy excuse to let the public test their drivers and not have to offer any tech support for them. How about being a little more careful with your "internal drivers." It's an industry joke how often Nvidia leaks drivers.
  9. SpongeMaster

    GeForce under Win2000

    That's odd. I have a KA7 and CLAP2 and win2k would not boot unless I had ACPI enabled.
  10. SpongeMaster

    Liveware 3.0 revisited...

    Posting the drivers now would require at least the network people to work through the holiday vacation weekend. You really think Creative would leave their serveres unattended while they are getting crushed by downloaders? If the servers go down, and there's a good chance they could, then what? Then everyone *****es that the servers went down, and what is taking them so long to get them back up.
  11. SpongeMaster

    Revolution IV by Number Nine

    NumberNine ceased operations. Of course they don't care about drivers, they don't exist.
  12. SpongeMaster

    Win 2K Me and the Bios update problem

    Win2k has been out for 6 months. If during that amount of time, you could not find a boot disk, you shouldn't be in business.
  13. SpongeMaster

    Win 2K Me and the Bios update problem

    The Win98 CD is bootable, and everyone I know that uses a Microsoft OS uses win98 or at least dual boots. This eliminates any need for a floppy boot disk. If you pirated your copy, you're SOL here.
  14. SpongeMaster

    Liveware 3.0 for Windows2000: Where the hell is it?

    Name a company that regularly releases drivers on time? The rule of thumb in the computer industry for time estimates is to come up with an estimate, then double it and add a month to that. Just because you are having problems doesn't mean that everyone else is experiencing the same problems. Are there problems with the current drivers? Absolutely, but they work well enough to not warrant the whining of some people. The majority of problems you listed are probaby a result of the hackneyed directX support in 2k, and not the SB Live drivers. "Time and time again, this whole _argument_ regarding win2k's status as a _business_ product comes up, and time and time again it bugs the living hell out of me" Get over it, MS themselves will tell you it is intended for business users, just as its predecessor WinNT was. If it wasn't, WinME wouldn't exist. "i imagine that a fair few percent of the people who read and contribute to this board aren't actively using win2k as a business operating system, and a whole board of games posts certainly seems to point in that direction. " You can use a Lamboghini as an offroad vehicle if you want to, doesn't mean you are right or are using the product as the company originally intended. I'd also be willing to wager a fair amount, that the majority of posts in the games forum, if not this whole board, are from people who pirated their copy of Win2k. I obviously can't easily prove this, conversly, you can't easily disprove this, and I think the odds are in my favor. I didn't pay $300 for win2k so I could play games on it, nor would I pay that much for any OS simply to play games on. It's simply an added bonus that I can play some of them. If you want guaranteed game compatability, you are using win9x. "I'm sorry, but it is not okay for any manufacturer to sit back and say, "well, its a business OS, we have no real need to support it" -- what a load of crap." The bottom line is money. If it doesn't make sound business sense, a company will not do it. Don't expect to see any win2k only games coming out soon, if ever. The vast majority of legitimate Win2k users are businesses, so that is who companies will cater to since that is where their largest audience and potential income is. [This message has been edited by SpongeMaster (edited 22 June 2000).]
  15. SpongeMaster

    IE 5.01 SP1 download link

    The 5.01 SP post on MS's website was an erroneous post by the website builders. The patch isn't ready yet. Last week's post that 5.5 is finished were erroneous as well.