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Everything posted by Meatball

  1. Meatball

    Poor GeForce performance

    Hi, I have a 32Mb ASUS GeForce, ASUS P5AB super 7 board, 64Mb SDRAM with a Cyrix MII P300 CPU. I run Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 98, but I prefer 2000. I find games like NFS5 Porche run very slow even at 640x480. What is causing it to run so slowly? What can I do to make it run faster without spending too much?
  2. Meatball

    Poor GeForce performance

    After reading the messages, I have visited my local PC store and have come home with a new PC! New ATX case, AMD Athlon 850, ASUS KX-133 motherboard and 256Mb RAM!!!!!! I installed my ASUS GeForce but the PC would not boot up. I had to install Windows again to get it to work. I had been saving for a new PC and you guys talked me into it! I see what you mean about my Cyrix CPU, my games run really fast now.