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Posts posted by whoisurdaddy

  1. Oh, hehe. No, fortunately I didn't have to take it out. That would be my last resort to return the board. But I was really close to returning that board and get another one from different company like Abit KG7. I have been using Abit boards and they have been really stable and good. Right now, three computer in my house is using Abit. Plus, Asus's support sucks in my opinion.

  2. No. I was just running out of ideas of what could be the problem. I've tried replacing different video cards, monitors, resetting CMOS, and all those stuffs. Then I took every cards out except video card. Then the problem went away. I knew then that it must be one of the PCI cards. I put back one PCI at a time until I get the same restart problem. It turned out that when I put in Netgear card, the problem returned. So that was how I figured out it was Netgear NIC causing the problem. I still have it installed in the system right now until 3Com card get here later this week. Right now, I just don't try and restart computer.

  3. I finally figured out what is causing my problem. It was the stupid Netgear NIC. Weird...never thought it would prevent system from just restarting. I will have to replace that Netgear card with 3Com since 3Com doesn't cause the problem when I put it in.

  4. Yeah. I tried resetting CMOS bios earlier today. Technically last night...hehe since it's already 1:37 am right now. Resetting CMOS didn't help either. I think I am going to request RMA to return the board. I am just going to buy the same one from a local computer shop.


    My computer boot up ok though. I can get to Windows 2000. Just cannot restart it. This is strange...All I know is that it is going to be a ***** to take out Fan off the CPU. They need to design better so that fan should be able to come off easily. I had to use a screwdriver to hook the fan to the CPU bracket.

  5. Hello. I am building a system for my cousin and it is having a strange problem. I cann't restart the computer either through Windows or from system Bios. If I do restart my computer, my monitor would go blank and it stops receiving signal. I can restart the computer through Reset button and when I press the Power button, the computer would boot up ok. This is the first time I have received this kind of problem. Anybody know what could be causing this? I have tried using different monitors and different video cards. Still having the same problem. Here is the system spec:



    Asus A7M266

    AMD Thunderbird 1.4 GHZ

    512mb PC-2100

    Enlight case with 330 Watts power supply

    SB Live!

    Geforce 3

    IBM 20 GB HD

  6. Hmm...this is strange. I renamed "dvdplay.exe" to "dvdplay_pos.exe" and tried playing DVD. Guess what? I still get the message "Desktop: Access to the specified device, path, or file is denied." Then I went back to C:\winnt\system32 to check the dvdplay_pos.exe file. Seems that Winnt restored dvdplay.exe file. Now, I have dvdplay.exe and dvdplay_pos.exe. Oh well...

  7. Hi guys, I am "kinda" having a problem with my WinDVD 3.0 program. My problem is that I can't use "autoplay" feature from WinDVD. What happens is that whenever I insert a DVD movie, I get this dialog box from Win2k: "Desktop: Access to the specified device, path, or file is denied." So I click "OK" button and WinDVD program would load and try to play my DVD movie (I could hear my DVD drive spinning and stuff) and then WinDVD program would stop responding. The only way I can get my DVD movie to play with WinDVD 3.0 is to run WinDVD first and then insert the DVD.


    My theory as to why WinDVD stopped responding is that dvdplay (Built-in software DVD player from Win2k under c:\winnt\system32) and WinDVD 3.0 are both trying to play DVD movie when I insert a DVD in the drive. Before I had WinDVD 3.0 installed on my system, when I insert a DVD movie, Win2k's DVDPLAY program will play the movie automatically.


    So, anybody got an idea on how to disable DVDPLAY? I don't want it to play my DVD movies whenever I insert a DVD movie in the drive.

  8. I am thinking about buying Pioneer 16x DVD 106s Slot drive. Anybody own this drive? I have never owned a slot drive before. Is there any disadvantage in getting a slot drive? Any good or bad things about this Pioneer DVD-Rom drive?

  9. My guess is that you score went down with SBLive! installed because your system have to process sound now. Before it didn't have to process sound information so you were getting high fps. But 115 fps for both fastest and high mode looks suspicious though. Like CUViper said, you might want to check out your Vsync setting to see if it is on. If Vsync is on then your fps is limited by your monitor's refresh rate. With the fps you are getting right now, I wouldn't be complaining either.

  10. Thanks for replying Down8. No, it wasn't my problem. Ok, let's say I just turn on my computer and it will have screensaver selected as "None." Then I go and pick a screensaver then click "Apply." So everything is good now. Whichever screensaver I choose will come up at the time I picked. Now, if I go and Shutdown my computer, this screensaver information is lost. The next time I turn on my computer, screensaver selected is "None." This is not really a big deal. I just use Power feature thing under Screensaver tab and I set like 30 minutes to turn off my monitor. I am just curious as to what is causing that screensaver problem.
