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Posts posted by whoisurdaddy

  1. I was having problem playing Need For Speed 5 Multiplayer (LAN) on my Windows 2000 machine. I am just wondering if anyone get it to work on Win2k? Basically, when I play LAN game, at the beginning of the race it would say "3" "2" "1" then I would get kick out to desktop and get this stupid message "Movdfl-Invalid Shape Type #######".


    By the way, I have no problem playing Single player. Just multiplayer mode.


    [This message has been edited by whoisurdaddy (edited 11 April 2001).]

  2. Well, I think they run about the same. But when play Counter-Strike and run a server with bots in it, WinME is decreases my framerate a lot more than Win2k. Other than that, I don't really play other games that much.

  3. Heheh, ME lasted on my computer for only 2 days. I mean ME has some good things to it but memory management in ME is terrible. An hour of regular computer use will leave my computer with 65% Resources left and 50 mb out of 512 mb Memory left. And then I can feel my computer chucking. I had to use Mem Turbo to reclaim all the memory. Finally, I got sick of ME and reinstalled Win2k. The reason I installed ME was because I wanted to play games and ME is better at supporting games than Win2k. Now, I don't really care anymore. At least I can play Counter-Strike and that is all I need. =) But I will have to see Windows XP when it come out.

  4. Personally, I like Win2k over everything (all MS OSes) out there right now. But the thing with Win2k is that it doesn't work 100% on all the games I have. Since I have 2 computers, I am running Win2k for the server needs and this one I am using for Gaming. I will probably upgrade to Windows XP when it come out. In the mean time, I don't really have any problems with Windows ME. I just wish it had the same memory management like in Windows 2000.

  5. I was wondering what is people's opinion on Windows ME? You guys like ME better than 98SE? I am occasional gamer and I also watch DVD movies with my system too. Also, Windows 2000 is not a choice here. =) I installed Win2k on my other computer. Win2k still doesn't support all the games out there yet. Like Need For Speed 5 for example, it doesn't work when playing Multiplayer.

  6. OMG! Cynan, you're the man! I just installed WindowsME and I was wondering WTF is up with the Network Neighborhood because it is soooo slow. I deleted the registry key that Cynan posted and everything started working at light speed as he said. w00t!

  7. Hmm...I think you lost them dude. I had this happened to me once but when I reinstalled the Win2k another time without reformatting I told the installation program to install to Winnt2 folder. That way from that second installation, I retrieved all the important documents and transferred them to another computer on Network. Afterward, I reformatted the HD and did another installation of Win2k again. From what I understand, once you delete that WinNT folder, you lose all your stuffs inside My Documents folder. Unless that "Single Folder" you are talking about is outside WinNT folder, I am afraid you lost them. I might be wrong though...

  8. Hmm...I think from reading everyone else's posts, it seems like having Firewall is like personal preference/risk you want to take. I think Firewall wall like this: would you rather have a door knob with lock or without it installed for your house? With the door knob with lock, only people with the key can enter your house. If you choose not to have a door knob with lock feature installed, you are just taking the risk thinking some stranger wouldn't enter your house and steal stuffs. I see the firewall the same way. Are you willing to take risk and hoping that some skript kiddies wouldn't hack your system? For me, Firewall isn't that big of a deal for me since it seems like I am reformatting my hard drive pretty much once every three months. I use my Zip disk to store important stuffs so even if someone successfully hacked into my system, there is nothing important on my computer except games, homework papers, and e-mails. I am just gonna use Firewall because I am not going to risk getting hacked and have my system down when need it the most for school work.

  9. Well, I am not going to use my routing computer until June when I move into an apartment and get myself a DSL connection. But I will setup the computer for routing when I get back from Spring Break. I will be back to my school on Sunday and try to setup the computer for routing. I have T1 connection at school right now. I think I can still test my computer router with that T1 connection.

  10. I am having problem using "Update" command to get the internet servers list. Whenever I click "Update," the game would start getting the list but half way through the list, I would lose the internet connection and I would never get the list. After searching through internet, people said something about setting up port forwarding on the router. I looked throgh my D-Link router's setup program and I don't see anything about Port Forwarding. I was wondering if anyone out there with this router knows how to do Port Forwarding.

  11. I think I know what aer0 is talking about. I got D-Link DI-704 Router and I have this "shutdown" problem. But I don't know if it is because of too much traffic or not. Here is my only problem with this router. Whenever I click "Update" to get the list of Counter-Strike servers, I get this connection "shutdown" problem half way through the list and I lose my internet connection. What I have to do is to restart the computer again and I will get my internet connection back. Right now, I can't do "Update" on Counter-Strike server. I think it has to do with built-in Firewall. This is pissing me off because I rather have cheaper D-Link router without Firewall crap and buy a software Firewall like BlacIce Defender which are more configurable. Right now, I like everything about this D-Link router except that Firewall thing. I am moving into an apartment soon and will get a DSL connection so I will have to buy another router. Right now I am so sick and tired of this D-Link's Firewall that I am thinking about having a computer do routing for me and install BlackIce Defender for Firewall protection.

  12. Ok, I changed my mind about buying a router. I got myself a computer to run a server and I am going to make it do routing too. I have Win2k Professional installed on it. What service(s) do I need to turn on to do routing??? Or all the services I need to do routing is turned on by default? So I will need to add another NIC in that computer too then. 1 NIC to connect to my DSL modem and another NIC to connect to 5-port switch which other computers will be connected to. Can someone help me run through stuffs that I need to setup so other computers will look up that Routing server for getting IPs? Also, I have another question. If I run that server computer for routing, it doesn't use up CPU power and bandwidth does it?? Because I am planning to use that server computer for running WWW server and dedicated Counter-Strike server also.

  13. Faba, try version 7.52. I used to have flickering problem in Mech Warrior 4 too and after I installed 7.52, it went away. I used to have 6.18.


    Here is my gaming system spec:

    Win2k Professional with SP1



    512 mb PC-133

    SB Live!

    Creative Annihilator2 (Geforce2 GTS)



    [This message has been edited by whoisurdaddy (edited 12 March 2001).]

  14. I think my ISP will give me only 1 IP so I am probably going to buy D-Link Router/Switch DI-704. I got the same router at my parents' house and it is pretty good. Now, I need to figure out a way to forward ports with it so Counter-Strike wouldn't freeze when I click on Update to get the list of servers.

  15. Hmmm....Linux would be hard to use. I have no experience in Linux so that would not work for me. I believe Win2k can do routing too. But I would have to setup a computer to do routing then. Can I connect DSL modem to Switch box's Uplink port? I have 5 port Switch and one port is Uplink port. And for Firewall, install software Firewall like BlackIce defender or something.

  16. I am going to order DSL service to my apartment and I am gonna share it with 4 other computers. I know that I can share a single DSL connection to 4 computers by buying Broadband Router like D-Link DI-704 but I don't like its built-in Firewall protection. I have DI-704 at my parents' house and it is good and all but bad for playing games. I mean I can't refresh CS server list because of its Firewall protection. I was wondering, is there any other method to share internet connection?
