You guys having problems with video skipping, what motherboard and video are you using? I'm having the same problem, but think that it has to do more with the video drivers. This problem is mostly when playing DivX clips as well, and occassionally with MPEG. I think the more CPU-intensive the codec, the worse it is.
System Info:
Win2k Pro (OEM)
5.06 BETA Win2k drivers
2.0 BETA Video Tools
Liveware 3.0
Dual Celeron 366
256MB PC-100 (2x128MB)
Matrox Marvel G400TV
Quantum Fireball LM 20GB, Maxtor 6800 27.2GB
Adaptec 2940U SCSI-2 PCI Controller
SB Live! Value
Linksys EtherPCI Lan II Ethernet card
Pioneer 104S ATAPI 10X/40X DVD-ROM
Ricoh 7060S 6X/4X/24X CD-RW
Iomega Zip100 Ext-SCSI
Altec Lansing ACS48 Speakers
Nokia 447L 17" Monitor
Sandisk USB Imagemate