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Everything posted by adrianhall

  1. adrianhall

    Moving pagefile

    Different school of thought to mine - I've always gone by having the swap file on a separate disk (not as in partition, but physical) and where possible on a separate channel if using IDE, theory being if I'm loading an app and the swap file is needed then instead of one drive doing all the read/write on it's own, 2 share the load. Anyway, figured out the problem. My system didn't have access rights to the F: drive, added a permission for the system and bingo, it worked.
  2. adrianhall

    IRQ sharing

    Only the HDD's are IDE, everything else is SCSI. All drivers are the newest I can find for all devices.
  3. adrianhall

    Disable DAT Hardware Compression

    I've got a Compaq C1537A 12/24 DAT drive which under Windows 98 I can disable hardware compression, therefore allowing my software to do the compression. Under Win2000 Pro, I don't have the facility to do this, so my software always defaults to hardware compression, which doesn't compress as much and increases my backup time by 50%. I've set the DIP switches to 'Turn off compression at power on, allow host control' but this doesn't do any good. Any thoughts?
  4. adrianhall

    IRQ sharing

    Not a lot to suggest - my SB Live is in slot 5, sharing with my WinTV and hasn't caused any problems. Were you having the problem with ACPI, or any other for that matter? I changed to find out if it was causing my CD burning trouble, but it wasn't so I've gone back to ACPI with no ill-effects (so far )!
  5. adrianhall

    Burner and IDE probs.

    OK, OK I get the message I've got 2 Maxtro DM+40's, connected on a Promise U66 each on it's own channel. They're the only IDE drives I've got, everything else is on my Adaptec. I'm beginning to think it's a driver issue for the Adaptec 19160 as apart from a completely different OS (!), the only difference in software between my W98 setup and my W2K setup is the drivers for the card - same ASPI, same versions of burning software, etc.
  6. Another question, I have a 56k USR voice modem. Again under Win98 I could download from my newsclient (Newsgrabber), retrieve files through Getright and surf through IE5 - albeit slowly!!! Anyway, in W2K if I'm using IE5 I can also use OE5, but if I'm using either Newsgrabber or Getright, IE5 or OE5 can't establish connection, similar to me having no phone connection. I've got compression and flow control enabled - without them I get horrible download rates. Any ideas you experts?
  7. adrianhall

    IRQ sharing

    You're right, it was nothing to do with it, so I just 'ghosted' the disk image back in place and I was back to square one. I must have been lucky though as disabling ACPI was completely problem free. It was strangely comforting though seeing all my devices on their own IRQ's once again.
  8. adrianhall

    IRQ sharing

    Although M$ don't recommend it, it was quite easy for me. I can't remember the names as I'm at work and I'm a non-admin user of NT4, but anyway:- Go into device manager and to the list of devices in your pc. Top of the list is Computer, open the tree and go into the properties of 'ACPI compliant PC....'. Select update driver, show a list of all devices, then show all compatible and a list pops up. On the right, select Standard PC and you're away!! On re-boot, it'll reinstall all your hardware drivers like a fresh system install. For me this worked fine, no strange after-effects. Being still in FAT32 though, I had a Norton Ghost image of my W2K partition to restore if necessary :-)
  9. adrianhall

    Burner and IDE probs.

    Well, I've uninstalled all the software and just tried with Plextor's own Plextools app. Now what happens is when I record CD-CD, about 2 seconds into the burn (at 4x) there's a pause for about 2 seconds then it continues. Installing Adaptec's latest ASPI fixes that. I have Nero 5.0.13, same problem, and I also found that burning at 12x from HDD (a Maxtor DM+40) also has buffer underrun. It looks like for W2K burning, I'm stuck with 4x
  10. adrianhall

    IRQ sharing

    Tried that, changed the system with no perceptible problems, devices spread out over all my IRQ's which looks better, but still the same problem with the CD burning over 4x. Also, have since found out that burning from HDD to CD at over 8x causes same problem, and also with Nero, as well as EZ-CD and Plextools so it would appear to be s/ware related, specifically to Win2K as everything I'm using is o.k. in Win98. Adrian
  11. adrianhall

    IRQ sharing

    Hi all. I've got a question regarding IRQ sharing under W2K Pro, which is dual booted with Win98 where most of my Windows experience lies. My system details are:- PIII FC-PGA 650 ASUS P3B-F 160MB 2 x Maxtor DM+40 (40GB total) Pioneer 6xDVD SCSI Plextor 40 MAX Plexwriter 124 Compaq C1537 DAT Adaptec 19160 (overkill I know) Promise U66 Voodoo3 3K SB Live! Value Hauppauge WinTV USR 56K ISA My only concern is that the sound card, voodoo, SCSI, Promise, TV card, ACPI and USB all share the same IRQ (9) with no way to change this. Under Win98 there's practically no sharing (I've disabled onboard IDE as I've no need for it) The reason for my concern is that CD-CD on the fly can only be done at 4x without buffer underrun under W2K, Win98 has no problem. I've got the same (latest) software (ASPI 4.60.something-or-other, EZ-CD 4.02, Plextools 1.05, Nero 5.013) under each OS with same results so it suggests that the problem is in the data transfer between CD's in W2K. Burning from HDD has no problem. I also can't find any settings to enable sync transfer or disconnect so I'm assuming W2K enables these by default where necessary. I'm gradually building up to scapping Win98 but this is a slight fly in the ointment!! Any ideas?
  12. adrianhall

    Burner and IDE probs.

    No answer I'm afraid, but FWIW I'm getting a similar problem with a SCSI setup. I've got W2K Pro as dual boot with Win98. Under Win98 I can CD-CD on the fly at any speed with no problem. Under W2K I can only do CD-CD at 4x, any higher then instant underrun (I've only tried simulation mode so no coasters yet) Software used is Plextools 1.05, EZ-CD 4.02, latest ASPI installed (same version as in Win98). I'm keen to find an answer as it kind of defeats the object switching to Win98 to do a fast copy. System:- PIII FC-PGA 650 ASUS P3B-F 160MB 2 x Maxtor DM+40 (40GB total) Pioneer 6xDVD SCSI Plextor 40 MAX Plexwriter 124 Compaq C1537 DAT Adaptec 19160 (overkill I know) Promise U66 Voodoo3 3K SB Live! Value Hauppauge WinTV USR 56K ISA My only concern is that the sound card, voodoo, SCSI, Promise, TV card, ACPI and USB all share the same IRQ with no way to change this. Whether that's the problem I'm unsure. Any ideas anyone?