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About mrorange

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  1. mrorange

    soyo mobo + tnt2u + win2k = argh

    never mind.. i solved the problem by swapping the soyo mobo for an Asus P2B from another machine. the soyo just didn't seem to get along with the TNT2U in win2k, but everything's funky on the Asus board.
  2. mrorange

    soyo mobo + tnt2u + win2k = argh

    Hi folks. is anyone aware of an issue with the Soyo 6BA+III mobo (bios rev 2BA4) when used with a Riva TNT2 Ultra (bios rev in win2k? with this setup, win2k appears to allow me to change the drivers from the default to either creative labs or reference drivers, (including clicking 'yes' to allow installation of unsigned drivers) but on rebooting the default drivers are back. doing the exact same thing with my old Riva TNT in the same system works fine: the drivers install, i play quake3, everyone's happy. the TNT2U works fine in win95 OSR2.1 more details.. Celeron 450A 256 MB Ram SB Live Value generic ne2k pci net card generic isa modem thanks for any help Mr Orange
  3. i'm having some trouble up[censored] drivers on my fresh installation of win2k pro. when i try to replace the standard MS signed drivers with nvidia's 5.22 reference drivers (for a TNT2 Ultra), it appears to succeed, but when i let it reboot to install the drivers, i find it has gone back to the MS drivers again. this also happened with the liveware3 release for my sb live value. maybe i'm missing something obvious, but is there a setting somewhere which is causing this? i can provide more details of my system if they're relevant. thanks for any help