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Everything posted by falcon26

  1. Anyone know if Baldurs Gate will run in Windows 2000? I know its not out yet, so if anyone out their beta tested it please let me know. Thanks falcon26
  2. Ok, I have tried Windows ME and hate it. I have windows 2000 pro. I have tried many games on windows 2000, and all of them have run just fine. My qestion is, how much of a frame rate hit would I get using windows 2000 to play my games, like Grand Prix 3, NHL 2000, Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 and madden 2000?? Anyone have any thoughts on this, oh here are my system specs: P3 700 256 megs ram Geforce 2 Asus I815 chipset Thanks falcon26
  3. falcon26

    How much of a frame hit would Windows 2000 give??

    Great, so far I really like windows 2000. Anyone know when DX 8 final is due out for windows 2000? Thanks again for the advice, falcon26
  4. falcon26

    How much of a frame hit would Windows 2000 give??

    Thanks for the advice, I can now say I'm a proud and very happy new Windows 2000 user! Windows 2000 looks and feels really cool, I love the fading menu's falcon26
  5. falcon26

    Mustek Scanners???????

    Anyone know if Mustek scanners work in windows 2000 yet? I have a 600 III EP PLUS, but no driver for it. And I really need a scanner so I have to use Win 98 until they get one, so does anyone know if its out their somewhere???? Thanks, falcon26
  6. falcon26

    GP3 anyone???????????

    Has anyone in the UK gotten the game to run in Windows 2000?????????? If so how's the performance???????? Falcon26
  7. falcon26

    GP3 anyone???????????

    Just to let you know, I had the Warez version of Gp3, it did run fine on windows 2000. I just wanted to get some feedback on the final version of the game. I deleted the warez version already, I just wanted to try it. I live in the USA but I ordered it from the UK, so I get my copy next week sometime. But it did run fine the beta version anyway. falcon26