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Everything posted by superand44

  1. superand44

    New Detonator 6.11 driver - Windows 98 only

    Great drivers, gave me 15% more perf. on my geforce. Install them now!
  2. superand44

    Plextor 40x SCSI

    Hi Just bought my a new Plextor with a Acard SCSI controller. There is just one problem. It wouldn't read some cd's that my IDE Plextor 121032A would read! I have also tried an Pioneer IDE DVD 10x. It also reads the cd's just fine! The errors are on several different cd companies, Kodac, rimax. So this is obiously not the problem. Anyone got a good explanation for this?
  3. superand44

    EURO 2000

    It works fine for me Windows 2000 Pro + SP1 If it doesn't work for you stop using 'ntel
  4. superand44

    Plextor 40x SCSI

    The problem seems to have something to do with 80 min. cd's and overburning. If any of you have a Plextor 40x please tell me your experiences.
  5. superand44

    Plextor 40x SCSI

    Exactly the same problem in dos. If I re-burn the cd's they seem to work allright.
  6. superand44

    Plextor 40x SCSI

    Tried 1.11, the newest firmware, didn't help!
  7. superand44

    Which TV-card?

    I'm thinking about buying myself a TV-card, so that I can watch movies on my TV. I watch both Mpeg and Avi. Anyone got any suggestions?
  8. superand44

    This was wird

    So I download'et the 83 mb SP1 and installed it and it crashed my computer. When it booted it complained about inaccesible boot device! I found that the problem was because of FAT 32 / NTFS. So I reinstalled first win98 (my win2k is a upgrade!), installed win2k og finaly win2k SP1. But it worked. Don't you just love m$? I'm just converting og gathering my partitions. A 30 gb hd makes a lot a partitions if format'et in fat16! Hope this will help you too Anders
  9. superand44

    Bios Update for Asus K7M, anyone?

    Yes I have but it does nothing!!! I thought it would fix the issues I have ha with SP1, but it didn't! **** that. Windows ME rocks bigtime :-)
  10. superand44


    Anyone tried SP1 yet?
  11. superand44

    Ground Control

    Hi Ground Control crashes!!! Anyone have the same problem? How did you fix it? I run Windows 2000, tried reinstalling it, and reinstalling it again without ACPI. Still the same **** ;.7 Need help please :-) My system: AMD athlon 700 256 mb ram GeForce 256 DDR Annihilator Pro 30 gb maxtor sb live, yes I also have the choppy sound ;.( [This message has been edited by superand44 (edited 29 July 2000).]
  12. superand44

    Athlon + K7M + W2K = Lockups im Games!

    Service Pack 1 released!!!! Already, what has happened to ms :-)
  13. superand44

    Ground Control

    I have been doing some more testing, seems like it's win2k thats screewed up! Diablo 2 has the same lock up! Damn I will try installing the sp1 later tonight. My error is: Play for 2 hours or so without a clitch and the suddently my mouse freezes and after 30 sek. my hole system is dead!!!
  14. superand44

    Quake 3 in SMP mode

    Try enabling SMP in Quake 3: r_smp 1