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Everything posted by bobbinbrisco

  1. bobbinbrisco

    MS Internet Keyboard

    that's right! i have to download the damn software from MS
  2. bobbinbrisco

    W2K Slows my connection

    when i 1st went on the net using my 56K 3com US robotics voice/fax modem using win2k, i thought i should connect atless at 49, 333bps where i used to when i had win98 but now i only connect at 49, 222. i know u may not think its not much difference but when downloading several files at the same time it is noticably slower. has anyone alse had this problem and is there a where to speed it up? [This message has been edited by bobbinbrisco (edited 17 August 2000).]
  3. bobbinbrisco

    Win2k Startup takes about a year...

    "when winblows reinstall problems solved!!!" quote from fourandtwenty What do u mean by 'reinstall' is that a clean installation or an upgrade over the top installation? because upgrade will still leave the bugs left by the previous operating system- it is also more likely to be bugged. which means porblems NOT solved
  4. bobbinbrisco

    Best settings for Win2k pro with my config?

    RE: Deadcats of course ur computer will run faster with win2k as u have heaps more RAM as win98 won't take advantage of it. it is rare and in extreme cicumstances u will see any improvement with RAM over 128- win2k takes advantage of the extra since it's an NT operating system. also having a fresh install of ANY operating system will make ur computer ran faster despite any operating system as there isn't any junk left over from uninstalled programs and the like.
  5. bobbinbrisco

    Best settings for Win2k pro with my config?

    RE: Deadcats of course ur computer will run faster with win2k as u have heaps more RAM as win98 won't take advantage of it. it is rare and in extreme cicumstances u will see any improvement with RAM over 128- win2k takes advantage of the extra since it's an NT operating system. also having a fresh install of ANY operating system will make ur computer ran faster despite any operating system as there isn't any junk left over from uninstalled programs and the like.
  6. bobbinbrisco

    Best settings for Win2k pro with my config?

    don't forget win2k isn't compatible with a lot of products- so when u buy a program for win98 for which u spent good money for, u find out it can't work with win2k. it also can't work with a lot of hardware because when installing my printer and scanner i had to goto canon's complicated website and had to downloa drivers for it. how about games? some games require u to download a huge patch to make it work with win2k so when u look out to buy a new game or want to play those classics, u have to cgeck whether it's compatible. also when i bought an expensive encyclopaedia (Britannica 99) i was lucky to see it can run because it was a lot of money buying that. i'm not dissing win2k but for putting who want to play games, listen to music and watch movies windows ME is for them. btw u shouldn't over ur CPU (especially if it's a celeron) it's just not worth the trouble and it's dangerous- it can damage ur WHOLE system if it gets too much overheated (if that makes since to u)
  7. bobbinbrisco

    ICQ and dual monitor

    get a matrox millenium g400! it's the best, i've got one myself. it's amazing how ur whole desktop can fit on two monitors and seeing ur mouse move from screen to screen. more and more games will be supporting the g400 dual head technology!
  8. bobbinbrisco

    Strange game problem?

    "bishop! not me man!" quote from aliens 2
  9. bobbinbrisco

    Tip: Disable hidden options

    cool i'll try that...
  10. bobbinbrisco

    Strange game problem?

    "bishop! not me man!" quote from aliens 2
  11. bobbinbrisco

    Whistler?, a few questions

    what's whistler? i have just made this post over 10 messages so that there will be a flaming icon for ppl to see! yay!!
  12. bobbinbrisco

    Linux Vs Windows

    big countries like China are trying to move all their copmuter system into linux as it is open source code. y? because since america has MS which 90% of the population use, they can be able to hack into the network of countries who are using MS products since they know the code. but with linux companies NAD countires can modify it to suit their own needs especially security. linux CAN be a gaming platform as quake I, II, & III arena has a version for linux.
  13. bobbinbrisco

    System Information

    what is the equivalent of system configuration (where u can disable some start-up programs) in win98 in start>programs>accessories>system tools>system information>tool bar>system configuration utility, for win2000 - i want to disable some startup programs without going into the registry
  14. bobbinbrisco

    Power doesn't shut off at shutdown

    i don't know but having a ATX case works as i have heard it from somewhere - but who care if it doesn't auto turnoff for u?
  15. bobbinbrisco

    Question & TIp

    Tip: to save precious disk space on C: and speed up ur computer use a third party utility to remove dead links in ur registry. This is what i did using Cleansweep in win98 and it saved a HELL of a lot of spce on my old computer with 500Mb in c: (i saved around 25-30mb). take ur time when letting the utility scan the registry because it can take an hour or so depending on how much programs u've got on ur computer. also u shouldn't use add/remove programs through windows as it doesn't remove everything even if it sasys so - i tested by monitoring an installation and using add/remove to unstall the app and then used cleansweep to remove the REST of the program which windows said it had removed. so i thoroughly reccommend using a unstaller program (just read the reviews before purchasing) as it will be a very vaulable purchase when running into trouble. i am currently waiting for the new cleansweep for win2k. Question: when do i become a senoir member? is it thorught how many messages u post or the time u have been here?
  16. bobbinbrisco

    Question & TIp

    cool! thanks. but which regcleaner did u use that can be used with win2k?
  17. bobbinbrisco

    Question & TIp

    cool! thanks. but which regcleaner did u use that can be used with win2k?
  18. bobbinbrisco

    Multiboot setting?

    u don't need to edit the boot.ini file just cr8 a ERD and use ur 4 setup floppies and pretend to install win2000 again then when it asks if u want to repair ... choose repair and restore the boot up sequnce. *u must install win98 after win2k to use this method*
  19. bobbinbrisco

    Best settings for Win2k pro with my config?

    don't get win2k. reviewers reccomend u have atlest a 400MHz computer to take REAL advantage of this operating system wait for windows me
  20. bobbinbrisco

    SP1: Forget it or get it?

    i think everyone should wait to see if there re any problems after applying the patch and whether microsoft has any solutions to them as i have heard a lot of people complainging about it - unles there is a major problem that will be gone once u appy the patch otherwise i would not apply it at all (that's my opinion)
  21. bobbinbrisco

    System Information

    thanks but is it compatible win win2kpro?
  22. bobbinbrisco

    Faster Startup

    that's the BEST idea ever!! ...not!
  23. bobbinbrisco

    Autoexec and Startup Prog Options

    u don't need to edit the boot.ini file. just use ur 4 setup disks u cr8et when installing 2k and insert it in ur floppy drive when booting up go through the setup process until u come to repair choose that and choose repair boot or something like that *but remember to cr8 an ERD* goto start>programs>accessories>system tools>backup>cr8 ERD
  24. bobbinbrisco

    Problems with shogo...

    what's shogo? and y would u play a game that crashes so often- patience... begone with it!
  25. bobbinbrisco

    rogue spear + win2k sp1

    same thing happened when i tried to install photoshop 5.5 - the setup bar goes to 99% hangs for a while then justs closes the setup program