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Everything posted by bobbinbrisco

  1. bobbinbrisco

    Online gaming laggy in win2k, any ideas?

    stick with win98 as win2000 is hardware hungry unless u've got a powerful computer to take advantage of the OS - that's probably the reason y ur running tht game so slow. also try not to run any programs in the background while playing the game - AV programs can slow down the performance
  2. bobbinbrisco

    Direct X 8 Beta - oops!

    try installing directx7 again and see if it asks to overwrite the newer files with an older file and choose yes - it 'might' work
  3. bobbinbrisco

    Dual boot?

    OR u can use partition magic 5.01 for win2k and convert ur whole hardrive to fat32 then installing win98
  4. bobbinbrisco

    Dual boot?

    you can't run win9X on a NTFS. the best thing to use both OSes is to fdisk ur whole hardrive to fat32 THEN u can't dual boot, try installing win2k first then after install win98
  5. bobbinbrisco

    *DO NOT* Install IE 5.5!!!!!!!

    i wouldn't reccomend anyone to upgrade their browser, especially MS as it is (dammit) integrated with the damn OS. the best advice to anyone installing an upgraded browser is to get rid of the older version and do the clean instll- that has the least problems. GET NETSCAPE 6 - yeah!
  6. try copying all of the folders on the CD to the same folder for w2kpro on ur harddrive and when prompted for the win2k CD it should give u an option to browse if you choose 'ok' with nothing in the CD. i have office 200 premium running win2k and there wasn't a problem installing it, it didn't even ask for the win2k CD.
  7. bobbinbrisco

    Red Alert win95 version

    i don't think you can change screen resolutions with red alert.
  8. bobbinbrisco

    Windows ME versus Win2k?

    if i had windows me i would dual boot it with win2000. i would use me to run my games as it will have better compatibilty with hardware AND software than win2000pro as installing new hardware with 2000 is a nightmare! it's so hard when u r installing something which only has drivers for win9X so u have to log on and download the win2000 drivers and sometimes the companies just don't made 1. in conclusion i would use 2000 to do me work and projects on and me to play games simply as it is a multimedia OS
  9. bobbinbrisco

    Quake 3 Brightness problem

    yes it has been answered (sorry i had to add a post to it)already. to find that anser goto the homepage and point ur mouse over to compatibility> click games> and from there 'Q' and find quake 3 on the screen.
  10. bobbinbrisco

    Framerate problem in Unreal Tournament using win2k with NVID

    try downloading the latest drivers for ur card which is for win2000 and then c if the game goes any faster. also try not to run any programs in the background so ur computer will only concentrate on the game.
  11. bobbinbrisco

    Win2K won't save my settings!!!

    try going into folder options when you open a window and put a tick on save view settings OR the orblem could be that u r logged on as a guest.
  12. bobbinbrisco

    Quake 3 OPENGL

    try downloading the latest drivers for ur graphics card which are for win2000 pro. after u[censored] ur drivers try to riin quake3
  13. bobbinbrisco

    New Service Release Pack 1

    Is it a good idea to download the SR1 for win2000?
  14. bobbinbrisco

    photoshop 5.5

    i can't install this program with win2000pro. when i open the setup.exe program the program opens with the "install wizard will guide you to..." until 99% and then the computer will read the CD for a while then the setup program justs closes. how do i install this program?