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Everything posted by FakeMcCoy

  1. FakeMcCoy

    Home networking trouble between 2k and 98....

    In domains, I can certainly see the benefits, but for small workgroups (which is what I'm using), it seems to be a extra pain in the ***.
  2. FakeMcCoy

    Home networking trouble between 2k and 98....

    It seems like it'd make more sense (at least, to me) to have both a login and p*** prompt when you try to access the 2k machine remotely. It could give a message like, "You current username is unknown to this machine. You must login with a username and p***word valid to this machine to access its resources." and then ask for both. I resolved the problem, but I just decided to take my spare parts, and build a little network server from Win98. A P90 w/ 48 megs ram running ICS. Works fine for the most part. I'm still working out the kinks, but it's now the print server.
  3. FakeMcCoy

    Home networking trouble between 2k and 98....

    Here's what worked for me.... I reactivated the Guest account and set it's password to blank, and set it to never expire. I then logged on my bro's pc with a username, but no pass. Suddenly, I have access again. I don't get it. Why did MS make it so hard for their own platforms to communicate?
  4. FakeMcCoy


    I have NEVER heard of a switch of an OS between motherboards that ever worked out. Windows 2000 will not work at all if you switch motherboards on it. I've tried it, and it does not work. You MUST reinstall 2000. Win2k has no way of knowing that you switched mobos on it, and will try to load the drivers for the old board, and it's usually at the IDE drivers that it crashes. Safe mode won't work, either (I still can't figure out why it's called "Safe", since it loads just about every driver anyway, including USB, which in my case was causing the crash itself). Win98 sometimes works between different motherboards, but if you look at the device manager in safe mode, don't be surprised to see a cute mess in there. It doesn't seem like you should even be using 2000, but the directive is as follows: Thou shalt reinstall Windows 2000.
  5. FakeMcCoy

    IIS problems....

    I recently applied MS's 12-Oct Security Update, and now can no longer run any IIS services, save for the Admin service itself. It gives me something like this: "Cannot start the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) service on Local Computer. Error 1747: The authentication service is unknown." I can't figure out what's causing this. If I set the service for Automatic startup, another error appears in the event log: "The Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) service hung on starting. " Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this, or how to fix it?
  6. FakeMcCoy

    IIS problems....

    Yeah, I'm running IIS on Win2k with SP1 (I would have uninstalled it if I could). I'm not using Exchange or any other server. The event log shows problems only with the IIS services, but not with IIS itself. I can start and stop the IIS Admin service with no problem, and all its prerequisites are loaded. If I try to start any of the services of IIS, they give that authentication error.
  7. FakeMcCoy

    Flickering 3D...

    I'm using the Leadtek Geforce 2 MX (using Detonator 3 - 631), and I'm getting some odd flickering in games. It's like a texture flickering. I'm running between 75-100 Hz, and it happens in both D3D and OpenGL. Does anyone know what might be causing this?
  8. FakeMcCoy

    Flickering 3D...

    Ok, I was kind of vague on that. I used to have texture flickering in the distance, but that went away when I got the MX. But it's some kind of flashing right in my face. I can't make out what it is because it only sticks around for a couple frames, then disappears, and something else reappears later. In Freespace, The hud keeps flickering for some reason, even when I'm at a dead stop doing nothing. Weird.
  9. I remember having this problem myself once. God, I eventually gave up and reinstalled. I think I was on to something. I wanted to try changing the settings so that the page file is on another drive, then delete the bad page file. Reboot, then change the file back. At least it's just a theory.....
  10. FakeMcCoy

    CAS2, CAS3, or does it matter?

    I'm planning on adding yet more ram to my system, and I'm caught on this CAS2 and CAS3 ram stuff. I know it has to do with access latency timing or something like that. I have 2 sticks (128 and 32, no idea on timings). I'm planning on adding another 64, and am wondering what the real difference is between CAS2 and 3. Is there any kind of stability issue about it? I found about a $20 differnce between them for the same size. Is it something to get nitpicky about?
  11. I'm using an Adaptec 2940U2W and SB Live! MP3+ on an Abit KA7. For the most part, things run smoothly. However, whenever I'm using any device on my scsi card and playing sound at the same time, a horrible static is generated. If I'm running a drive on scsi by itself, or just sound, there's no trouble. Any ideas what might be causing this, or how to deal with it?
  12. FakeMcCoy

    2940U2W and SB Live! sound problems....

    Guess what? It just got even weirder. Right now, I'm copying some cds. And there's no static all of the sudden! What the hell is going on here?! Is this thing possessed or something?
  13. FakeMcCoy

    2940U2W and SB Live! sound problems....

    It just occurred to me: I had no audio problems when I'm playing dvds of my scsi dvd drive...yet I have problems everywhere else. This is getting weirder.... The static isn't constant, though. It comes in little bursts. I was watching 2001: A Space Odyssey with no problems. But copying data from a disc or hd causes it. Damn, this is odd. No matter how much tech experience I get, something weird that beats all your knowledge will find it's way to you....
  14. FakeMcCoy

    Running a program as a service?

    I run Seti@home on my machine, but it's a security risk leaving my machine logged on (gotta keep my bro's friends off). To my understanding, a service will run regardless of if anyone's logged on. Is there a way to set it up so that Seti, or any program, can run as a service?
  15. FakeMcCoy

    Running a program as a service?

    Cool. Thanks guys. Firedaemon took care of everything.
  16. FakeMcCoy

    Running a program as a service?

    Yeah, I know you can do that, but when you're logged off, everything's closed. Locking won't do that. My bro will have to start using this machine soon, as he needs to get at his mail (Was running NAT, but one of the NICs died). If I can leave it at the logon screen, he can do his stuff, log off, then let me log back on without any interruption.
  17. FakeMcCoy

    hibernate and standby don't work

    I've never gotten suspend or hibernate to work for me, ever. Not win95, not win98, not win2k. Haven't tried NT 4 yet....but I have a feeling I know what's going to happen. I just turn the damn things off. I never use any "power saving" features, as they get me disconnected from the network, they make programs/the system crash. I'll just turn my monitor off and lock the machine when I'm gone.
  18. FakeMcCoy

    Force win2k install on PC 20MB RAM

    Get more money and at least a P-133 or faster. Win2k simply will not function with less than 64M ram. If by some divine intervention, you forced it to install, it would probably fail to load, or you wouldn't even be able to load Windows Explorer. I had win98 installed on a machine with 16 megs ram, and removed 2 of the 4 meg simms. Win98 gave a black screen error message, saying there wasn't enough memory to load the kernel. So stop being cheap, and find a better rig.
  19. FakeMcCoy

    Full Tower Owners (especially SuperMicro 750 or 760) please

    The 760A has worked great for me. It does have a few odd points, but it works great, and I like the idea of a redundant cooling power supply.
  20. FakeMcCoy

    Pioneer DVD woes....

    I recently got one of those Pioneer DVD-303S's, and I've got some weird problems. It reads DVDs just fine, but if you put in a regular cd, it goes into spasms of some type, and takes about 10 secs to get any response from it. If I put a cdr in it, the drive light goes on, and it stops responding completely. The only way to get the disc out is to turn off the machine, as it won't shut down, or the shut down doesn't free it. Has anyone else had this problem?
  21. FakeMcCoy

    Pioneer DVD woes....

    Well, I've used two cables, and I have three devices on that chain. An older HD, a Yamaha 6x4x16, and the 303S. I was thinking of using the firmware from Pioneer, but when I look up the drive in the 2940U2W's bios, it lists it as the 303R. The receipt for the drive says it's the 303S. Is it just an error, something inconsequential, or a problem if I want to use the 1.10 firmware?
  22. FakeMcCoy

    Where can i found AOL 6 beta ??

    And for the love of God, why would you want a BETA of AOL? AOL 5.0 was Russian Rullette (I probably spelled it wrong) with 3 bullets. AOL 6 BETA sounds like filling the wheel, and pulling the trigger six times.
  23. FakeMcCoy

    Win2k's open ports.....

    I recently got the new ZoneAlarm, and it's been asking me about certain system apps, and I'm wondering which ones to block, if any. LSASS.EXE seems to be using port "isakmp", which, to my understanding, is some sort of security protocol. There's also mstask.exe. ZA asked me about letting it communicate, and out of uncertainty, just let it go this one time. Is it all right to allow these, or should I restrict them, and why?
  24. FakeMcCoy

    Windows NT 4 and Final Fantasy 8!

    It seems to me that the thing that makes the biggest difference is what version of DirectX is required. Since NT 4 never made it past DX3, FF8 will most likely not work.
  25. FakeMcCoy

    SystemShock 2 and Voodoo 2

    System Shock 2 uses Direct3d, and 3dfx did not put D3D support in the Voodoo2 for win2k, for whatever reason they decided....