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Everything posted by Down8

  1. Down8

    Rip-off of a Mac OS

    And, that's why even with the backing of DoomIII and the GeForce3, gamers will still stick to PCs. Well, that and the the $4000 entry price. -bZj
  2. Down8

    Win2K, NTFS ARRGH!

    Just to try things, maybe put the second hdd as slave on the second chain, and see if it can boot then? -bZj
  3. Down8

    Win2K, NTFS ARRGH!

    You may have already done this, but are the hdds set to their proper Master/Slave positions? I know I had problems starting when I had two hdds set as 'Master' without realizing it. -bZj
  4. Down8

    Win2K, NTFS ARRGH!

    And, the Win9x fdisk can delete NTFS [and Linux, and BSD] partitions. It can't read/write to them, but it sure as heck can delete them. A partition table is a partition table is a partition table, it's all the same. -bZj
  5. Down8

    Rip-off of a Mac OS

    Bahh... As I understand it, the original Windows was licensed, so it was never 'ripped-off'. More like Jobs dropped the soap and didn't bother to notice that Gates was standing right behind him. I am in more awe of the fact that no one bashes KDE or GNOME for the way they try to copy Windows OSes. At least MS took the time to move the taskbar to the bottom of the screen, the Linux clones didn't even bother to move it. I figure if you want to boycott MS, you could do it for a better reason than this, like the stupid 'call-home' or 'activation' thing that XP is supposed to have. Maybe I don't want to be registered, or hooked up to the 'Net. Win2K forever I guess [i hope they keep the Service Packs coming]. -bZj
  6. Down8

    identification please

    Thanks for the info Inferno. For Great Justice! -bZj
  7. Down8

    1 key instead of the 3 finger salute

    I saw something like this a while back, too. But, it was for Win9x only. -bZj
  8. To be more specific to the above suggestion, your 1st partition needs to be FAT. After that, you can format as desired [obviously 9x goes on FAT only]. -bZj
  9. Down8

    identification please

    Hey Inferno, How much did you pay, and where did you get it? -bZj
  10. Down8

    Beta Tester

    http://www.BetaPlace.com That's MS's official beta site. Get your info from there. -bZj
  11. Down8

    any way to reboot in dos?

    Curious as to why this is in the Networking forum. I believe 'Ctrl+Alt+Del' reboots a machine running DOS, non? At least it does on my 486. -bZj
  12. Yes. I think www.littlewhitedog.com has some info/tutorials on this. If not, try the 'search' button above. -bZj
  13. "Win 2K Pro on the first partition converting it to NTFS" The first partition has to be FAT, WinME going on 'first', while easier, isn't necessary, as long as the first 'partition' (not installation) is FAT. Re-formatting you hdd is the only way to fix this without thrid-party programs (I think some programs can convert back from NTFS to FAT). -bZj
  14. I think you need to have your boot partition as a FAT partition to be able to dual boot. From the Win2K help files: ----- How to create a multiple-boot system with MS-DOS, Windows 95 or Windows 98, and Windows 2000 You will be less likely to encounter problems installing a multiple-boot system with MS-DOS, Windows 95 or Windows 98, and Windows 2000 if you install these operating systems in the following order: MS-DOS, Windows 95 or Windows 98, and then Windows 2000. You must reformat and repartition your hard drive if: You have only one volume. The boot volume is formatted as NTFS. ----- [e] Oh yeah: search 'partition' in Win2K help to get this entry. [/e] -bZj [This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 18 February 2001).]
  15. Shouldn't the upgrade CD already be bootable? Usually, you throw it in, then just feed it a copy of Win9x/NT as a 'qualifying product', and then go about your business. If this is not the case, sorry and good luck. -bZj
  16. Down8

    Web Browser ::: Latest version of OPERA

    Actually, I haven't used it since 4.something, so the things that I didn't like [which I have forgotten], may have changed. At this point, I'm too lazy to grab Opera. Maybe when I build my new computer.... -bZj
  17. Down8

    Web Browser ::: Latest version of OPERA

    I used it for a while, but found it lacked features I liked which were available in both NS and IE [bonus of being free]. I really enjoyed its implementation of CSS though. -bZj
  18. Down8

    where can i download the Netscape 6.01 update

    http://home.netscape.com/smartupdate Try this. -bZj
  19. Down8

    Remove Add remove programs entries?

    There is a nice program called 'Add/Remove Pro', that is shareware, I believe. -bZj
  20. I've looked around ICQ's website, but their 'help' system sucks, not to mention their shoddy servers. Thanks, -bZj
  21. Down8

    How to export ICQ contact list?

    Thanks, I went ahead an copied the entire directory, and exported as you suggested. Time for the format/reinstall - hopefully I'll be back up by tomorrow afternoon. -bZj
  22. I have HDTach 2.61, but the options are very limited, and only test drive by drive, not partition by partition. Most hdds are only 3" in diameter though, so the most differentiated references that could be made are .5" to 1.5" - which gives a large difference on paper, but is still insignificant once other factors are taken into account, in my opinion. [.5" * pi * 7200rpm = 11309.73"data/min. VS. 1.5" * pi * 7200rpm = 33929.20"data/min.] I think it would be more beneficial to have it on a separate hdd than to go through the trouble of having it on the 1st partition of your system drive, forcing you to install on the second partition. Leaving it to have all the rotations to itself, and not to have to share them with all the other programs you are using, once again, just my opinion. -bZj
  23. Hey Alex, I would stick by my original statement, adding what you said as an addendum. Defragging the swap partition was considered in my 'organizational' idea. While I know that the outside of the disk spins faster, I am hard pressed to believe that it is that much faster when we're talking about 7200rpm drives [even 4500rpm drives]. Just my belief, but I don't have a trig book with me to prove it though. -bZj
  24. Down8

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Actually, I heard recently that Stardock was pulling all of their Aqua skins due to a legal threat from Apple. -bZj
  25. I think everyone was sick of re-registering every week. (Not my main reason for avoiding 3DFiles, but an added deterent.) Glad to see you've come APK, I think this board will suit you fine. -bZj