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Everything posted by Down8

  1. Down8

    Netscape 6 does not work with Shockwave plug-in

    That is bull****! I was there last night after I installed NS6! You just copy the Shockwave plugin into your Netscape6\plugins directory. Why do they have to make it so hard...? now I can't watch 'Thugs on Film'. -bZj
  2. Down8

    Reinstalling Windows 2000?

    http://www.sysinternals.com/ Under 'Utilites for Win9x/ME', NTFS for DOS, NTFS for Win98, NTFS for Win95. -bZj
  3. Down8

    Reinstalling Windows 2000?

    There are programs that let DOS read NTFS, but I haven't been able to find the link yet. I'll post it here for you as soon as I find it. -bZj
  4. http://www.ntcompatible.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/000125.html -bZj
  5. Down8

    My list of NTCompatible games

    I would add Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 to that list. It works with this fix. Also, look, SHS is an evil admin: -bZj
  6. Down8

    SMP - AMD and Intel

    Quote: Originally posted by INFERNO2000: 2: Simultaneous Multi Processing I've heard Symmetric Multi Processing, but that is symantics. 1) I like the Tyans 5) AMd should be releasing their multiprocessing chipset very soon. 6) Any 'advanced' OS [WinNT/2K, Linux, etc.] I don't think there is much worth in getting an SMP unit for a home workstation. The performance gain is only about 10-15%, which isn't really worht it for the extra cost of another chip. Your money would be better spend on a better motherboard and a faster chip, as I see it. That being said, I would definitely love a dual IA-64 Xeon setup! -bZj
  7. Down8

    SCSI drives change order at reboot.

    Thanks for the advice. I ddn't even think of the ID0 as the problem. I'll try it at next reboot. Also, I've tried setting them specifically, but they get changed around at next reboot anyway. [edit] For future reference, how would I re-enable the Adaptec BIOS? I plan on getting a newer SCSI drive soon, and making it the boot device. Same way? [/edit] -bZj [This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 15 November 2000).]
  8. Down8


    http://www.ntcompatible.com/ubb/Forum3/HTML/003826.html Why start more threads? I'm not saying 2K is better [because that is relative] or not, but I've had the same problem, and the solution was to reinstall. -bZj
  9. Down8

    Reinstalling Windows 2000?

    To clarify: you don't want to format? Why not? You don't have to repartition the drive. You can just reformat the partition that the OS will be on. Back up the files you want from that one to another. -bZj
  10. Down8

    Chemical Brothers

    'Hey Boy, Hey Girl' -bZj
  11. Down8

    Netscape 6 dual with 4.76

    Can you still dual boot, as it were, Netscape 6 with 4.7x as was possible with the pre-releases? I want it all, I know. I want to be able to make sure that my web pages work in all 3 browsers though. Thanks, -bZj
  12. Down8

    Netscape 6 dual with 4.76

    I'm browsing with NS6 now, and it is very fast in rendering pages, for me anyway. I haven't had any of the dreaded memory leaks, but I think those are more related to Win9x than NT. Here are some things I've noticed... They have ripped off some IE things: 1) Remembering site passwords; 2) Auto-filling site forms; 3) Integration of AOL.IM is reminiscent of MSN browser; 4) F5 now reloads the page [didn't in NS 4.x]. Some things are just different than IE: 1) The area for scroll bars do not appear until the page/input box actually needs to scroll; 2) Don't view source in Notepad [NS has internal viewer]; 3) Can't move toolbars around to give more viewing area, but with usless personal toolbars hidden, you get more viewing area; 4) Runs the Java console in the taskbar; 5) When going 'back' in your history, NS does not remember your place vertically on the page [you always start at the top of the page]; 6) No happy 'click' when you hit a link. Some things are worse: 1) Since most pages simply check for NS or IE, the more compliant 6.0 will go to the hacked 4.x code, which will render incorrectly; 2) I can't get the 'Home' button to show up in the Navigation bar; 3) My 'Internet "Back" Command' assigned to my thumb button on my Logitech mouse doesn't seem to work, but the Alt+LeftArrow does; 4) Some window naming doesn't work properly, that worked in both 4.7x and IE5.5 [not IE5.0]; 5) When opening a new window or restarting the program, after it was maximized, the new window will be sized to fullscreen, but not be maximized. Somethings are 'better': 1) Themes! No more using Neoplanet to have a cool browser, click, 'OK', themes is installed [try 'Sky Pilot']; 2) Finally the 'A:hover' CSS call is supported!; 3) Can finally support multiple POP3 accounts [haven't tried this yet]; 4) The full install is ~40MB, while IE's is ~75MB; 5) Typing 'about:mozilla' doesn't give you a blue screen ; 6) You are given the dimensions of any pictures you view. Problems I've heard, but have not experienced: 1) Memory leaks/memory hogging [see for your self]; 2) Problems with sercure sites [such as Hotmail & Amazon]; 3) Crashing [OK, it crashed twice right after I installed it, but hasn't crashed since]; 4) Unable to add MIME types [see for your self]; 5) Lessened viewing area [you lose 3/16", or gain some area-depending on your view,see for your self]; 6) SmartUpdate crashes [go to the 'sea' directory on the FTP server to get the full install]. 7) AutoScroll for middle mouse buttons not working [works fine for me]; 8) Crashing on changing/installing Themes [no problems here, except with the themes from x.themes.org]. I'll post more as I notice it, -bZj [This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 15 November 2000).]
  13. Down8

    GeForce's conflict with Win2k & AMD

    It's also in 'Tweaks'. -bZj
  14. Down8

    Whistler CD-Key Question

    I was hoping someone would catch that. But, they are not w4r3z from the 'net, rather they are copies from a friend of mine's work. -bZj
  15. Down8


    Well duh. The old install has no information for your new motherboard and cannot initialize it. You'll have to reinstall. ;D -bZj PS: I too was afflicted with this a while back.
  16. Down8

    Whistler CD-Key Question

    I think these then are the copies that I have. I never had to put in serialz for Win2K Pro, Win2K Server, nor Office 2K. Hm, lucky me... -bZj
  17. Down8

    hahaha s.hitey windows2000 - no more slow games 4 me

    CAKE WALK! ----- AST Bravo LC 4/66d Intel 486/66MHz Onboard 1MB video 515MB Hdd 3.5" Fdd 5.25" Fdd 4x CDROM 40MB RAM ESS AudioDrive 33.6 3Com modem 10/T 3Com NIC 14" Monitor@1024x768 Windows 95 OSR2 [Win98 was a little slow ] ----- This thing is on sitting right next to my current computer. I still use the damn thing. My friend and I put VNC on it so we can do things like login to chatrooms and IM twice and screw with people. Quite fun! -bZj [This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 14 November 2000).]
  18. Down8

    Netscape 6 dual with 4.76

    Well, I answered my own question by installing it in a different folder, so it is possible. I don't want to sit and argue about NS v. IE again, but.... I will agree that this 'final' version is still beta quality. I've been using IE for a year now, waiting for NS6, because they screwed NS up after 3 Gold. IE is nice, because it is the lazy man's browser. You can write crap code and it will work, while NS forces designers to write clean code, which is the reason people stopped coding for NS. They were just being lazy. NS6 is not slower than IE for loading images, as a matter of fact, IE will miss images that NS finds with no problem [4.7 and 6.0]. If tables are messed up, it is because some lazy coder didn't end his <TD> tag, which NS won't tollerate. Is there really adifference between 20MB and 15MB? If you were to add in the 5-10MB that explorer.exe uses, then you would be getting closer to the true usage of IE, as they are basically the same program. I will keep using IE because it has all my bookmarks, but I will be using NS6 a lot more than I did NS4.x, and eventually moving over once they release some more fixes. It will be the better browser if AOL will stop fscking with it and let Mozilla code. All I really care about is that I can use CSS in NS now. That just gives me the most raging hard-on. -bZj [This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 14 November 2000).]
  19. Down8

    Disk slower on WIN2000 ??

    There is a [non-free, which means there is probably a free version] program that will allow DOS to recognize NTFS. I'm looking for it, but haven't found it yet [too many bookmarks]. I'll get back here when I do find it. -bZj
  20. Well, why didn't you ask that. The addresses are available from within your Yahoo! account: pop.mail.yahoo.com smtp.mail.yahoo.com Other places may not let you access them throuhg POP3, but if they do, it is usually in the 'options', under 'forwarding' or 'pop access' or similar. -bZj
  21. Down8

    Mouse Problems and IRQ Settings?

    I see this IRQ question every other day. It would be great if this could be answered in the FAQ on this page. -bZj
  22. Down8

    Is my Pentuim III too hot ??

    I would try to order some thermal grease from someplace like http://ocz.safeshopper.com and not from Radio Shack. The stuff you order will be much better for about the same price. A new HSF will be pretty cheap too, especially for the heat decrease. Under full load, on a hot day, with my case closed and my Golden Orb [$15-20, and it comes with thermal grease applied] on, I top out at 40C. -bZj
  23. Down8

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Oui, je parle le francias, un peu. Mais je suis tres mal. Je suis le grande macareau! -bZj
  24. Down8

    DirectX 8 Out - Whats the scoop?

    I heard that th 7.10s worked better than the 7.17s for DirectX 8. -bZj
  25. Down8

    DirectX 8 anybody?

    Does any one know how long it will take for it to be public? [or anyplace that has it 'public' now? ] -bZj