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Everything posted by Down8

  1. Down8

    Whistler discussion

    Well, like I said, I do use I.E., but I must play advocate to Netscape [it did start it all, remember]: 1) The only NS releases are not even beta releases; it is missing plenty right now [like keyboard shortcuts, for one, which I cannot live without]. So don't judge until the final release [yes, I realize this goes both ways]. 2) NS 4.x sucked majorly in comparison to the 3.x versions, to much bloating, which is why they are moving away from this, by allowing you to not install things like the e-mail client if you don't want to. Although, the newsreader is a lot better, being that you don't nead to start a second program to read news and surf the web [should I mention that I hate Outlook here?]. I don't know why anyone would not do a 'custom' install anyway. 3) Just because something is becoming less and less used, doesn't necessarily mean it has no use [personal examples, feel free to disagree: the death penalty, prayer in schools, shirts-by the guys who live in the next building over and cannot seem to keep their windows closed]. 4) NS INVENTED scripts! If something doesn't work right, then it is a problem on I.E.'s side. The W3C is not law, and besides, NS will be closer to their standards than I.E. [or Opera, for that matter] than any other browser available today. Hell, they went so far as to invent another language that allows for the 'skinning' of a person's browser. 5) It would be the same speed as I.E., if it was embedded in the O.S. too. OK, I got my rant out. I hope no one is too upset that this isn't necessarily an NT post, but this is the 'Other' category. Flamebaitfully yours, -bZj [edit] Woo-hoo! My 100th post. Do I get a prize? [/edit] [This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 20 September 2000).]
  2. Down8

    Whistler discussion

    Netscape has NEVER had that problem . I used it way back in the Netscape Gold [3.x] days, and it always marks the size of the picture before loading the rest of the page. That being said, I use I.E., because I hate Netscapes [non]implementation of CSS . I will be going back, though, once they release NS6, whenever that is . -bZj PS: Sorry this is off topic.
  3. Down8

    CPU question

    I have a VIA board, and I keep hearing that VIA sucks, but that's all I hear, not why it sucks, just that it does. I have heard bad things about their older chipsets, but only good reviews about the ApollaPro, which I have [as does a friend]. Inferno, can you give examples, or drop some links to articles with actual reasons why VIA sucks? Thanks, -bZj
  4. Down8


    I have a PIII 500E [100 FSB], and my motherboard is capable of the 133 FSB, but I just go into the BIOS and set it to 100. On a slightly different issue, I've heard that my particular chip is not capable of SMP. Can anyone verify this? Thanks, -bZj
  5. Down8

    Whistler discussion

    Quote: Originally posted by Four and Twenty: Also it makes it a real pain to veiw posts when all of those pics are loading you loose your place cause everything gets shifted down as you are reading. Not if you use Netscape...
  6. Ok, I got a super BSOD the other day while copying files, and it happened again when I retried to move the 500MB ISO to one of my SCSI drives. Here it is: *** STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x0070F74F, 0x00000011, 0x00000000, 0xED418FEB) *** *** ADDRESS ED418FEB base at ED418000, datestamp 37ed1e6a - aha154x.sys *** Beggining dump of physical memory to disk: XX <-it counted up to 100, then my computer restarted Now, I know the aha154x.sys refers to my SCSI card, but I've been using that for almost a year now, in various systems. I recently got some OEM memory from Fry's, and my friend who got the same has experienced some strange lockups [alhtough he recently switched to WinMe, too]. I was wondering: 1) Does anyone know what this is, i.e. is this bad memoery, or is my SCSI cards dying? 2) Does anyone know where I can look up this stop code? My friend said MS site, but I didn't see it [granted, I didn't look that hard]. Hopefully, it's the SCSI card, as my friend got me one for my birthday, and I just need to get down to San Diego to pick it up. thanks for any help, -bZj ------------------ Code: =====ThugBox===== =====GimpBox=====Home built system: Just for fun:Soyo SY-7VCA Mainboard AST Bravo LC 4/66d[VIA ApolloPro 133A T82C694X] Intel 486/66MHz CPU[onboard sound] 40MB RAM [2x16, 2x4]PIII 500E [flip chip] 500MB Conner HddPNY 128MB PC100 RAM 3 1/2, 5 1/4, 2x CDROMOEM 128MB PC133 RAM 3com Etherlink II [Ext.Transcvr]Stealth III S540 Video Windows 95 [v4.00.1111]LinkSys NC100v2 Ethernet pcAnywhere 9.2Adaptec AHA-1535A SCSI [so I can leave it in the closet]Quantum Fireball 10.3GB Hdd 2 DEC SCSI Hdds [~3.5GB total] NEC 3x SCSI CDROM [Ext.w/Caddy] HP A4331D 20" Monitor Logitec MouseMan [Compaq] ^in about 12 peices on my floor^Win2K Server [v5.00.2195, SP-1] [Will be installing Linux][format => clean install] Norton AntiVirus 2000 Covad 768kbps sDSL w/3com switch & Flowpoint Router [sharedx6] [This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 17 September 2000).]
  7. Down8

    Bad memory or is my SCSI card too old?

    It happened after I got the extra memory. Mixing the two has not caused any prolems for my friend who has been running Win2K Server on his PII 300@450MHz for almost a month now. The system just underclocks the PC133. -bZj [This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 18 September 2000).]
  8. I have 2K server installed. I want to install ME, because I it was free, and I want to see if my vid.card looks better in ME. I will install to C:, the same as 2K [i don't have room right now to install somewhere else]. Problem: When I try to install ME, it says, "There is already an OS installed, please exit setup. Otherwise, your config.sys and autoexec.bat will be overwritten." I have checked, and there is nothing in either of those files. If ME puts something there, will 2K get upset? Also, will ME overwrite things like my current I.E. installation? Will my setting be saved? Etc, etc. Thanks for any assistance, -bZj ------------------ Code: =====ThugBox===== =====GimpBox=====Home built system: Just for fun:Soyo SY-7VCA Mainboard AST Bravo LC 4/66d[VIA ApolloPro 133A T82C694X] Intel 486/66MHz CPU[onboard sound] 40MB RAM [2x16, 2x4]PIII 500E [flip chip] 500MB Conner HddPNY 128MB PC100 RAM 3 1/2, 5 1/4, 2x CDROMOEM 128MB PC133 RAM 3com Etherlink II [Ext.Transcvr]Stealth III S540 Video Windows 95 [v4.00.1111]LinkSys NC100v2 Ethernet pcAnywhere 9.2Adaptec AHA-1535A SCSI [so I can leave it in the closet]Quantum Fireball 10.3GB Hdd 2 DEC SCSI Hdds [~3.5GB total] NEC 3x SCSI CDROM [Ext.w/Caddy] HP A4331D 20" Monitor Logitec MouseMan [Compaq] ^in about 12 peices on my floor^Win2K Server [v5.00.2195, SP-1] [Will be installing Linux][format => clean install] Norton AntiVirus 2000 Covad 768kbps sDSL w/3com switch & Flowpoint Router [sharedx6]
  9. OK, I hope someone can help me. My fraternity is setting up an Unreal Tournament... tournament [whatever]. I run Win2K Server, so does our president. We are bringing down the computers of everyone in the house into our living room to do this, and other people will be using our machines. We have set up Guest accounts, but we can't find out how to keep the account from accessing other physical drives on the machine. We don't want someone looking through our personal files. I tried to unshare the drives from thier default share, but that didn't help. I really don't want to crack open my machine and pull the SCSI drives. Any help is much appreciated, -bZj ------------------ Code: =====ThugBox===== =====GimpBox=====Home built system: Just for fun:Soyo SY-7VCA Mainboard AST Bravo LC 4/66d[VIA ApolloPro 133A T82C694X] Intel 486/66MHz CPU[onboard sound] 40MB RAM [2x16, 2x4]PIII 500E [flip chip] 500MB Conner HddPNY 128MB PC100 RAM 3 1/2, 5 1/4, 2x CDROMOEM 128MB PC133 RAM 3com Etherlink II [Ext.Transcvr]Stealth III S540 Video Windows 95 [v4.00.1111]LinkSys NC100v2 Ethernet pcAnywhere 9.2Adaptec AHA-1535A SCSI [so I can leave it in the closet]Quantum Fireball 10.3GB Hdd 2 DEC SCSI Hdds [~3.5GB total] NEC 3x SCSI CDROM [Ext.w/Caddy] HP A4331D 20" Monitor Logitec MouseMan [Compaq] ^in about 12 peices on my floor^Win2K Server [v5.00.2195, SP-1] [Will be installing Linux][format => clean install] Norton AntiVirus 2000 Covad 768kbps sDSL w/3com switch & Flowpoint Router [sharedx6]
  10. Down8

    Win Me Explorer problem

    If you're using the shortcut from the Start menu, change the target: to %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e,c:\ Do this for any shortcut you use. -bZj
  11. Down8

    Explorer view

    After you get the folder to look how you want all of them to look: Tools > Folder Options > View[tab] > Folder Views[section] > Like Current Folder[button] -bZj
  12. 1) Start > Run > regedit 2) Registry > Export Registry File/Import Registry File -bZj
  13. I use Norton2000. I've heard of it freezing when it reaches ~60,000 files on a scan, which I never experience... until the other day. The easiest way to get around this it to scan each drive/partition separately. Otherwise, I've had little problems with it. I really like that it scans e-mail first, too. -bZj
  14. OK, I hope someone can help me. My fraternity is setting up an Unreal Tournament... tournament [whatever]. I run Win2K Server, so does our president. We are bringing down the computers of everyone in the house into our living room to do this, and other people will be using our machines. We have set up Guest accounts, but we can't find out how to keep the account from accessing other physical drives on the machine. We don't want someone looking through our personal files. I tried to unshare the drives from thier default share, but that didn't help. I really don't want to crack open my machine and pull the SCSI drives. Any help is much appreciated, -bZj ------------------ Code: =====ThugBox===== =====GimpBox=====Home built system: Just for fun:Soyo SY-7VCA Mainboard AST Bravo LC 4/66d[VIA ApolloPro 133A T82C694X] Intel 486/66MHz CPU[onboard sound] 40MB RAM [2x16, 2x4]PIII 500E [flip chip] 500MB Conner HddPNY 128MB PC100 RAM 3 1/2, 5 1/4, 2x CDROMOEM 128MB PC133 RAM 3com Etherlink II [Ext.Transcvr]Stealth III S540 Video Windows 95 [v4.00.1111]LinkSys NC100v2 Ethernet pcAnywhere 9.2Adaptec AHA-1535A SCSI [so I can leave it in the closet]Quantum Fireball 10.3GB Hdd 2 DEC SCSI Hdds [~3.5GB total] NEC 3x SCSI CDROM [Ext.w/Caddy] HP A4331D 20" Monitor Logitec MouseMan [Compaq] ^in about 12 peices on my floor^Win2K Server [v5.00.2195, SP-1] [Will be installing Linux][format => clean install] Norton AntiVirus 2000 Covad 768kbps sDSL w/3com switch & Flowpoint Router [sharedx6]
  15. Down8

    Need to deny Guest access to Drives

    Do you have to be NTFS formatted, b/c I use FAT32 so I can see things in WinME. I don't have a "security" selection. -bZj
  16. Down8

    Need to deny Guest access to Drives

    I think I found my problem. I don't have a "Security" Tab in my properties dialog. Do you have to be NTFS formatted to have secure drives? I use FAT32, so I can see things if I dual boot WinME. -bZj
  17. Down8

    Good job SHS

    Hey, I have a legal copy of Windows... ME. Not that it is installed. Hey, it was free. [i won it from MS www.winmesweeps.com]. That's me on the bottom. -bZj [This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 13 September 2000).]
  18. Alright, I have Win2K Pro installed. I have Win2K Server, and would like to run it instead. I had Server on first, but I had a problem with my motherboard, and installed Pro to see if Server was the problem, turns out it was user error, go figure. So, yesterday, I threw in the disk, and it said that "Upgrading from Pro to Server is not supported". I really don't want to reinstall all of my apps and stuff. Is there anyway possible to put Server on with out doing so? Or, do I have to bite the bullet, wipe the drive and install Server from scratch? Thanks all, -bZj ------------------ Code: =====ThugBox===== =====GimpBox=====Home built system: Just for fun:Soyo SY-7VCA Mainboard AST Bravo LC 4/66d[VIA ApolloPro 133A T82C694X] Intel 486/66MHz CPU[onboard sound] 40MB RAM [2x16, 2x4]PIII 500E [flip chip] 500MB Conner HddPNY 128MB PC100 RAM 3 1/2, 5 1/4, 2x CDROMOEM 128MB PC133 RAM 3com Etherlink II [Ext.Transcvr]Stealth III S540 Video Windows 95 [v4.00.1111]LinkSys NC100v2 Ethernet pcAnywhere 9.2Adaptec AHA-1535A SCSI [so I can leave it in the closet]Quantum Fireball 10.3GB Hdd 2 DEC SCSI Hdds [~3.5GB total] NEC 3x SCSI CDROM [Ext.w/Caddy] HP A4331D 20" Monitor Logitec MouseMan [Compaq] ^in about 12 peices on my floor^Win2K Pro [v5.00.2195, SP-1] [Will be installing Linux][format => clean install] Norton AntiVirus 2000 Covad 768kbps sDSL w/3com switch & Flowpoint Router [sharedx6] [This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 09 September 2000).]
  19. Down8

    From to Pro to Server: easiest way to change

    So, I have a 10gig drive, and I want/need to repartition my drive to do my reinstall. Right now: 4gig - Win2K Server/Program Files 6gig - Files/Games I also have 3.5gigs of SCSI drives to move my files to [2gig & 1.5gig]. Ideally: 6gig - Win2K Server/WinME/Program Files 4gig - Games 3.5scsi - Files Now, I would like to Ghost my Win2K drive to one of my SCSI drives, or a network drive, then reformat the drive, throw Win2K back on the main partition, and install WinME [and edit the boot.ini, as necessary]. 1) How does Ghosting work? Does it take up as much room as the drive it is copying, or is there some compression involved? 2) How could I [if possible] go about Ghosting to a networked drive? 3) Any suggestions for best results? I would obvioulsy like to avoid having to clean everything tou, delete and repartition the harddrive, put on WinMe, and then reinstall [again] Win2K Server, as I just got it up and running [last night was waaay too fun]. Thanks in advance, -bZj ------------------ Code: =====ThugBox===== =====GimpBox=====Home built system: Just for fun:Soyo SY-7VCA Mainboard AST Bravo LC 4/66d[VIA ApolloPro 133A T82C694X] Intel 486/66MHz CPU[onboard sound] 40MB RAM [2x16, 2x4]PIII 500E [flip chip] 500MB Conner HddPNY 128MB PC100 RAM 3 1/2, 5 1/4, 2x CDROMOEM 128MB PC133 RAM 3com Etherlink II [Ext.Transcvr]Stealth III S540 Video Windows 95 [v4.00.1111]LinkSys NC100v2 Ethernet pcAnywhere 9.2Adaptec AHA-1535A SCSI [so I can leave it in the closet]Quantum Fireball 10.3GB Hdd 2 DEC SCSI Hdds [~3.5GB total] NEC 3x SCSI CDROM [Ext.w/Caddy] HP A4331D 20" Monitor Logitec MouseMan [Compaq] ^in about 12 peices on my floor^Win2K Server [v5.00.2195, SP-1] [Will be installing Linux][format => clean install] Norton AntiVirus 2000 Covad 768kbps sDSL w/3com switch & Flowpoint Router [sharedx6] [This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 12 September 2000).]
  20. Down8

    From to Pro to Server: easiest way to change

    so, I come home from clas today, and guess what's waiting for me? Windows ME, Commemorative Edition. I won it from Microsoft. Guess it'c time to do ANOTHER reinstall. Guess it's time for a dual boot. -bZj
  21. Down8

    From to Pro to Server: easiest way to change

    Well, I wiped the drive and installed Server. It sucked, and I am still re-installing all my apps, but I really wanted Server. Strangest damn tihng, even on this install, I can get Eudora working. Same freeze on start-up problem. -bZj [This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 12 September 2000).]
  22. Also, if you have already installed Win2K, you will have to 1) install win98, then reinstall Win2K, so its bootloader will know that Win98 is there, or 2) install Win98, and change your boot.ini file to notice that Win2K is there. I don't knw exactly how to do this, but I'll find out and post again. -bZj
  23. Down8

    From to Pro to Server: easiest way to change

    Thanks for the info. Oh well, I guess I have my plans for the weekend. Off to work I go, -bZj
  24. Down8

    Carmageddon 2: no networking?

    I just picked up a [legal] copy of Carmageddon 2, and it runs fine, but the networking doesn't seem to work. When ever I host a game, it just says it is waiting for other players, and never goes anywhere. I can go back to the menu, but nothing ever happens. This happens on both open and closed games. I did install IPX, and nothing changed. My friend has WinME, and he gets the same thing. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks, -bZj PS: I'm posting this to "Games" and "Networking" ------------------ Code: =====ThugBox===== =====GimpBox=====Home built system: Just for fun:Soyo SY-7VCA Mainboard AST Bravo LC 4/66d[VIA ApolloPro 133A T82C694X] Intel 486/66MHz CPU[onboard sound] 40MB RAM [2x16, 2x4]PIII 500E [flip chip] 500MB Conner HddPNY 128MB PC100 RAM 3 1/2, 5 1/4, 2x CDROMOEM 128MB PC133 RAM 3com Etherlink II [Ext.Transcvr]Stealth III S540 Video Windows 95 [v4.00.1111]LinkSys NC100v2 Ethernet pcAnywhere 9.2Adaptec AHA-1535A SCSI [so I can leave it in the closet]Quantum Fireball 10.3GB Hdd 2 DEC SCSI Hdds [~3.5GB total] NEC 3x SCSI CDROM [Ext.w/Caddy] HP A4331D 20" Monitor Logitec MouseMan [Compaq] ^in about 12 peices on my floor^Win2K Pro [v5.00.2195, SP-1] [Will be installing Linux][format => clean install] Norton AntiVirus 2000 Covad 768kbps sDSL w/3com switch & Flowpoint Router [sharedx6]
  25. Down8

    Carmageddon 2: no networking?

    I had no promlems installing and running it. It worked fine the first time, every time. just threw in the disk. I haven't really done anything to tweak my system, so I guess I just got lucky. -bZj