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Everything posted by Down8

  1. Down8


    Man, I've heard this story so many times, and I don't know how or why I got it working just fine under Win2K. I just threw in the CD, and it installed without a hitch. No compatibility mode or anything. I'm glad I heard the stories though, because I've kept it installed to a second drive through three or four installs of Win2K. I just run the old EXE and it plays fine. I'm a lucky fool though, because I didn't like TDR2K. If I wasn't on dial-up, I'd ZIP the directory so you guys could try it. -bZj
  2. Down8

    Hewlett-Packard buying Compaq

    I just saw the exact opposite response at the [H], i.e. "I hope Compaq doesn't make HP support suck." All in who you talk to I suppose. -bZj
  3. Down8

    Hacking Windows98

    Maybe someone at work "hacked" him.... ;( -bZj
  4. Down8

    Upgrading to SMP

    If you want to try the non-reinstall, I'd suggest removing all your motherboard drivers before taking out the old board. That's usually why you get the BSOD, b/c it can't initialize the IDE driver correctly. -bZj
  5. Down8

    How do I get rid of this?

    Is the name of the virus given? That would probably help with diagnosis. -bZj
  6. I am not sold on it yet, but there are some cool new features that don't involve the UI. I do alter my system often, but I'll not be Activating even if I do purchase WinXP. The most useful feature ever award goes to: Fast User Switch. So many times am I warking on something, and don't want to stop os I don't lose my place, and someone else needs the machine. This is a great feature, and much needed for home users. -bZj
  7. Down8

    XP Power toys

    To the above: Mine was in the Add/Remove Programs Dialog. I tried a couple on Win2K: Faster User Switcher: Haven't installed it. Shell Player: Seemed to install fine, but didn't work; uninstalled. Task Switcher: Installed, but gave error at boot, and didn't work; uninstalled. IE Find Toolbar: Haven't installed it. Open Command Window Here: Worked fine, but I already had a Reghack for this. TweakUI: Haven't installed it. [1.33 is fine for now.] PowerToy Calc: Works flawlessly. Bulk Resize for Photos: Haven't tried it yet. -bZj
  8. Down8

    IE6 isn't overly bloated is it ???

    I installed two different betas [for testing]. I uninstalled both of them after weeks of use. I'll stick to IE5.5, SP1. I've found nothing usefull in IE6. -bZj
  9. Down8

    Names in other forums??

    I'm 'Down8' everywhere I go. -bZj
  10. Down8

    Free AMD Stickers!!

    http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=110447 Cyrberstar posted it on the [H] back in May*, hence the semi-flaming thta you received when you posted it in General Mayhem. -bZj *Actually, it was posted before then, but he put all the varried information in order.
  11. Down8

    P4 1.4N? oooooh, shiiinyyy!!!

    845 is the Intel P4 chipset, not the form factor. -bZj
  12. I like to save some of my AIM conversations [the "interesting" ones, anyway], and I like that ICQ keeps it's own 'history' of recent conversations. I was wondering if there is any software that can plug into AIM and do this for me? It's not super hard to save the conversations on my own, but there is the random accidental-window-closure, or system crash that can interup me. I'm searching for software like this right now, too.... -bZj
  13. Down8

    AOL Instant Messenger chat logging software?

    Thanks, man. I'll give that 4.4 a try. -bZj
  14. Down8

    XP Power toys

    Anyone wanna guinea pig any of these on Win2K? I think that ShellPlayer would be quite sweet. Maybe I'll do it, and come whining back here when I break something. -bZj
  15. Down8


    LittleWhiteDog has a good write up of setting up your boot sequence with a dual-Win2K/Linux setup. I personally HATE LILO WITH A PASSION. Admittedly, I haven't tried Grub, but I prefer to use NT's boot loader. -bZj
  16. Down8

    Free AMD Stickers!!

    Damn, Mr. Bossy Pants Brian. It's funny that this hadn't made it over from the [H] sooner. I have my stickers [and poster] waiting for my soon-to-be AMD system. -bZj
  17. Down8

    P4 1.4N? oooooh, shiiinyyy!!!

    That is one of the reason that the P4 was not well recieved by enthusiasts - Intel said form the beginning that they would be changing the form facter, so that older P4 setups [socket 423] wouldn't be compatible with the new form factor [socket 478]. As far as I know, this isn't directly related to the RAM type. -bZj
  18. Down8

    Geekness thread: Do you name your PC(s)?

    ThugBox <= Current main machine: too many 'thug' [generic] parts BirdBox <= AMD machine-to-be: Tbird, duh MeBox <= What's left of TB after BB^: running WinMe GimpBox <= 486/66-router-to-be: old and inept SpudBox <= HP Jornada 548: the little one of the bunch Yeah, I name 'em. I name 'em good. Anyone wanna guess the WORKGROUP? -bZj
  19. A local ISP [link: http://www.mercednet.com/services.asp#wireless*] is offering "2.4 GHz ISM band" wireless broadband ["256K-500K transmission guaranteed!"], and I was wondering if anyone knows some specifics** [that aren't tech specs from IEEE]. I'm too far from the telco to get DSL, and AT&T Assband hasn't brought cable here yet, so I was looking for any broadband alternative to my 26.4kbps dial-up. My concerns are: 1) compatibility/reliability: how do the 'modems' [or dishes] fair in Win2K? in general? 2) bidirectional: is it two-way, or is dial-up required for upstream? 3) security: is it as bad as 802.11b or wireless keyboards/mice? Thanks for any info, -bZj *Go ahead and mock my home-town. I do. **Yes, I am researching on my own, too.
  20. Down8

    Anyone have info on 2.4 GHz ISM band?

    Sounds cool. I talked to the ISP guy, and he forgot to mention that it wasn't bi-directional. I really wanted this to be able to play games, so that is not a good thing. It is not a bad deal [for this area]. $200 install, $60/mo for 256-500kbps. It needs line-of-sight, which is fine, since I don't have many trees around. I asked a friend who is a network admin, and did my own research, and found out this is basically a wide-range 802.11b [which my friend seems to think might not be completely kosher with the FCC]. I'm still looking into it. -bZj
  21. I found a nice list of NT CLI Commands at MS.com: http://www.microsoft.com/WINDOWS2000/en/professional/help/ntcmds.htm -bZj
  22. Down8

    AOL Instant Messenger chat logging software?

    That'll teach me to post before a page loads.... Download.com has a grip of these, if anyone wants to know. Some I've found so far: IMBigBrother AIL - Instant Logger Messneger Backup -bZj
  23. Down8

    Couple questions to bring me up to date

    Some info for ya [from memory, so double check my stuff]: [*]Yes, you need a motherboard that supports DDR SDRAM. It requires different voltages [¿and possibly a different pinout?]. There are many DDR boards out for both the P!!! and the Athlons. Some of the DDR boards have both SDR and DDR RAM slots, which can be nice [you only use one or the other though]. VIA is about to launch a DDR P4 chipset, but Intel is hassling them about licensing, so there are no DDR P4 boards on the market yet. [*]I don't think there are any retail boards with dual P4s, but you may find them at places like ServerWorks [$$$$], or similar. Not 100% sure though. [*]All P4 boards use RDRAM right now. Intel has a DDR/SDR chipset on the way, and VIA has the above mentioned chipset almost ready. I have heard good things about the Abit TH7 [and the TH7-II, for the new P4 PGA478 pinout]. If you really want a P4, I'd say wait for the PGA478 P4, and avoid the current PGA423s, as this will limit your future upgradeability. [*]I don't think there are any 10,000RPM ATA drives out right now, only SCSI [also 15K]. I saw a recent note that Intel just finished the ATA/133 spec., but there aren't any ATA/133 HDDs on the market yet. [*]I prefer TEAC FDDs, but I think Sony and Mitsumi are OK, too. [*]I'm not very knowledgeable about RAID, in general, but I do know that most of the retail boards that boast IDE RAID support only support RAID 0/1/0+1. To get RAID 5 on a retail board, you'll need a second PCI card, and they can get expensive [i like Adaptec, but I hear good things about Promise and Tekram as well], especially when you go SCSI. [*]P4 boards are not ATX [most anyway]. They are MTX [i think that's the new term]. It's a kind of extended ATX, that arranges the board 'upside down' from the ATX spec., and has support brackets for the heatsink, as well as requiring an extra power lead, thus a different power supply - something to look for when you get a case/PSU. [*]As for AMD.... This is an invitation for a holy war. 1) It uses the same RAM as Intel. Actually, AMD has DDR boards for their top systems, but there is no RDRAM chipset for AMD CPUs. 2) There have been incompatibilities with some software/hardware from AMD chipsets, but most of these are fixed now [many related to SoundBlaster Live! cards, FYI]. 3) As for price differences: yes, AMD is cutting low to get marketshare, but I think they are better at 'recycling' older technology, as compared to Intel's constant invention of new tech., so that may explain how they make it by on lower income [their marketing budget is a lot less than Intel's, too]. OT) My next system will be AMD [unless I go for an Apple TiPb w/OS X to get my useable UNIX on - another invitation for flames]. I was anti-AMD after my run-in with a K6-2, but I cede that they have the better value for the buck right now, especially if you're into overclocking. [/list=1] OK, like I said, this is from memory, so don't just take my word for it all, check around some more [hopefully others will comment here as well]. Good luck with your new system, -bZj
  24. Down8

    urgent win2k help!

    Not sure about your network problem, but if you want the best transfer rates from your CD to your HDD, then they should be on different chanels. It looks like they are both on the primary IDE from your picture. When you select 'DMA if available', and restart, does it return to PIO mode? If so, what kind of HDD do you have? -bZj
  25. Um... Start > Run... > themes.exe It's always been there, it just doesn't come with any default themes. -bZj