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Everything posted by Down8

  1. Down8

    WinXP upgrade path?

    Sweet, that's what I wanted to hear. -bZj
  2. Down8

    Carmagedon 2.

    I have it working. I just installed it, no apcomat.exe or anything. I think I got lucky, since everyone else has problems. I have even reinstalled Win2K [both Pro and Server], and I just run it from the old install, w/o re-installing the game [since I'm scared that it might not work next time, after posts like these 8)]. Sorry that I'm no of much help. Good luck to your friend. -bZj
  3. Down8

    Auto login for Win2k server?

    TweakUI works fine in Win2K Server. You will have to be an admin to set it up, I think, though it should be able to auto-log-in any user. -bZj
  4. Down8

    Quick cooling question

    If you're not doing much OCing, I think the Volcano II would be OK. It cool fairly well, isn't loud at all and can be had for under $10. It took my P!!! 500E@700 from 105/115F with the original Golden Orb to 95/105F. By no means te best cooler int he world, but for $12 it's pleased me. -bZj
  5. Down8

    what is the diff between 32 and 64 bit pci

    Well, I can't give you any answers, but this may start you in the right direction: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/P/PCI.html The deffinition is of no real value, but there are links further down that may answer your question. -bZj
  6. Down8

    Movies: Swordfish and Tomb Raider

    I saw Swordfish, and liked it, especially the references to Carnivore. I wanted to see Tomb Raider last night, but missed it - maybe later this week. -bZj
  7. Down8

    Win2k and screensaver

    Do you mean by, "turn on the screensaver," that you are clicking "Preview" in the screensaver options? If so, then that's you problem, you need to "Apply" it, before it gets saved. If that's not what you mean, then I'm sorry, I've never seen this problem. I have had Win2K not be able to start some 3rd-party screensavers, though. -bZj
  8. Down8

    Running Application in HTML

    Ha ha ha ha. -bZj
  9. Down8

    benchmarking hard drives

    There is a program called HDTach, which will give you what you want. I don't remember where to get it, but check Yahoo, download.com or tucows. -bZj
  10. OK, I just reinstalled Win2K & Office2K. I previously lost all my e-mail on my last reinstall, so I've went to length to keep a copy of my Outlook mail. I have a batch file that copies my outlook.pst file every night at 5am, to a file called oldoutlook.pst in my backup folder. Reinstall went fine, I was importing my old settings, and before I could import my old mail back into Outlook [can this be done? I can't find where to import mail from Outlook2K, only OExpress], I set up my batch file to run. But, in the process, I changed it to reflect my new log-in, and went to test it.... Big mistake, it overwrote my old mail, with my new, EMPTY mail. Thus leaving me with nothing. Is there any possible way to recover the old, overwritten file? Waiting & crying, -bZj
  11. Down8

    Here is a tough one

    Is it possible that his ISP is blocking your attempts to create a connection? That'd be my first guess. -bZj
  12. Down8

    Installing VideoCam (kensington) in W2K

    Sorry, I had returned it before I knew of that trick, and I don't dual boot, so I wouldn't have been able to play between Win98 & Win2k. Good luck though, -bZj
  13. Well, I do keep my data backed up to a different partition, but I accidentally deleted my backup - haven't had an install go flawlessly yet. As for the batch file, could you throw me an example? My scripting knowledge is pretty much limited to web design. -bZj
  14. Down8

    TIP: Speed up Windows Installs

    Hell, I thought this was gonna be a post about drinking while you install... oh well, back to the bottle. -bZj
  15. Yeah, I realized that just a while ago - duh, just replace the new file with the old one - sometimes I think too much. Sadly, I think this will be my second [possibly third] complete loss of months worth of e-mail. I need a way to call for the date in yymmdd form, so I can have my batch file make a different copy each night, instead of just overwriting the previous version [which would've made me lose only a days worth of e-mail with my mistake, instead of all of it]. My friend, though, tells me that batch files are too limited to make such a call, so my search for an 'ID-10-T proof' back-up solution continues.... -bZj
  16. Well, do you know where I can get one of these disk explorers? I'd really like to get my mail back. I'm limiting my usage, to avoid having data overwritten in that area. It was on a separate partition from my temp files, and my page file, if that is of any use. -bZj
  17. Down8

    Help with win 98

    Not to be a total bastard, but there is a Win9x/ME section on these boards. People don't mind answering non-NT questions, but you should try to keep them in the correct place. Back to the topic: With RAM so cheap, no one should be running less than 128MB, so tell her to spend the $30 and get some more RAM. Also, get her to defrag that machine - while that may not be the complete cause of the slow down, I'm sure it's adding to it. Also check for random crap she may have installed/running. -bZj
  18. Down8

    Installing VideoCam (kensington) in W2K

    You'll need to use apcompat.exe - it's in the support tools, and should be on your CD somewhere. It will give you the option of thinking you're running everything from Win95 to NT4. Good luck, -bZj
  19. I just bought it, and since it said "Win95 or better", I thought it might work in Win2K, but their website says "Due to an unforseen hardware problem, we will no longer offer support for Windows 2000", and has no drivers for it. I'm downloading the Win98 1.20 drivers right now [avoiding opening the CD, incase I need to return it], which I will be trying shortly [damn 56k!]. Does anyone out in Webland have this thing working in Win2K though? -bZj
  20. That's interesting.... I ended up taking the camera back [i don't have awin98 machine right now anyway], but this sounds pretty cool. thanks for the info. -bZj
  21. I have DiabloII installed just fine. Can play just fine, but only under adminstrator accounts. Problem isn't for me though, problem is for my family members, who are only members of the users group. I get errors about not being able to detect the CD in the drive, but it obviously can see the CD, since the auto-run works just fine, and I can browse its content with out trouble. Anyone know what's up with this? I'd prefer not to promote all my family member's accounts to Administrators just for a game. Thanks, -bzj
  22. Down8

    Smart Tags

    One more reason to stick with Win2K/IE5.5 forever!!1 -bZj
  23. I have heard that Mozilla has been getting better by leaps and bounds, but I don't want to uninstall Netscape 6 [humor me], and I'm pretty sure they'll share some directories [as NS6 already put 'Mozilla' titled directories on my machine]. Does anyone have both browsers insalled? Any conflicts I need to worry about? I guess I could guinea pig myself - I don't mind re-installing NS6 if things get broken - but I thought I'd check. -bZj
  24. That's worth giving a try - I'll play with it later tonight. -bZj