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Everything posted by Down8

  1. How do you mean SHS? I don't want the acocunt to have Administrator rights, since it's my 14 year old borthers account, and I don't want him to have the ability to mess something up. -bZj
  2. Thanks for all the help guys! -bZj
  3. Well, that's good news. The next question would be: where is the key that Diablo needs access to? [i'll go looking for it now, but incase I don't find it, post away.] -bZj
  4. The way I back up my Outlook mail is thru a scheulded batch file. I havea simple btch-file that just copies the oulook.pst to a back up folder every night at 5am [the time I'm least liekly to be on my computer]. Conceivably, you could map one of the drives, write a similar batch-file, and hav it run every half-hour or hour, so as to keep them synced [also allows for having multiple copies, if something were to go wrong]. This isn't a constant sync though, so you may want something different. -bZj PS: Not to be a jerk, but could you shrink you signature a bit? It almost takes up a full page on my 20" monitor. Or, just try to untick the box unless your specs are necessary.
  5. Down8

    "The Plank" and what it WAS used for -pics inside!

    Quote: On another note, (and i know this deserves to be in the case and cooling forum, but what the hell) We have a "case and cooling" forum? -bZj
  6. Down8

    Inconsistent Windows XP UI

    I doubt they'll change it, and I don't think they should - I like messing with them with CSS, and prefer the 'classic' look anyway. -bZj
  7. Down8


    I was using the Enhanced Player. I don't know what caused it, probably just another program running in the background, but it made me very mad having to hard reset my computer 3 times that night. -bZj
  8. Hmmm... so then if I give the users that want to play Diablo access to the registry [can I give them access?], they would be able to play fine? -bZj
  9. Down8


    The movies were nice, but the crashing of my computer after they finished was very uncool. Everytime I finished a movie, my machine would lock-up, forcing my to hit the reset button. BMW can eat me [or send me a car, in attonement for their program's crimes]. -bZj
  10. Silly me. You'd be amazed at what you garner by reading the instructions, huh? I guess I should've went there for help first. Thanks for the heads up, -bZj
  11. Down8

    Making APCOMPAT actually work?

    OK,I'm trying to install MixMan Studio Pro, but it's an older version, so it just checks to see if the system is an NT system, then quits with an error that "Windows NT is incompatible with this program." I know this program will work in Win2K, so I tried APCOMPAT. It doesn't work when run under Win95 or Win98 compatability modes. If I go straight through APCOMPAT, then it just freezes the install, until I kill APCOMPAT, then I get the "incompatible" error, and if I go the way of the shortcut, then it just goes straight to the error. Why put this thing in there if it doesn't work? Let me know if you have any ideas on how to get this to install. Thanks, -bZj [This is posted in the 'Games section, too, but I can't delete it, so post replies here.]
  12. Down8

    Making APCOMPAT actually work?

    OK,I'm trying to install MixMan Studio Pro, but it's an older version, so it just checks to see if the system is an NT system, then quits with an error that "Windows NT is incompatible with this program." I know this program will work in Win2K, so I tried APCOMPAT. It doesn't work when run under Win95 or Win98 compatability modes. If I go straight through APCOMPAT, then it just freezes the install, until I kill APCOMPAT, then I get the "incompatible" error, and if I go the way of the shortcut, then it just goes straight to the error. Why put this thing in there if it doesn't work? Let me know if you have any ideas on how to get this to install. Thanks, -bZj
  13. Down8

    Making APCOMPAT actually work?

    Sorry, I just realized I posted this in the 'Games' section, and it should be in the 'Applications' section. I can't delete the post however, so I'm going to repost it in 'Applications' - reply there if you have any ideas about this. Thanks, -bZj
  14. Down8

    Everything sharing same IRQ in Win2K

    This question should really be in the Win2K FAQ. In fact, I'm surprised it isin't already. -bZj
  15. Down8

    Block Ctrl+Alt+Supr

    Chances are, I don't know what I'm talknig about, but I don't think you can block Crt+Alt+Del. When you logon to an NT box, there is a little help topic explaining that Ctr+Alt+Del send an interupt command to the machine, which is how they keep passwords safe, or something to that effect. But, like I said, I'm not speaking from experience. -bZj
  16. Dude, go into your BIOS and tell it to 'Boot From CD', put the Win2K CD in your drive, and boot. Just follow the instructions. At some point it will ask for your qualifying product, at which point you put in the other CD, then it will tell you to put the win2K CD back in, then more following of instructions, and you're set. Simply put: follow the onscreen instructions. -bZj
  17. Down8

    Two Mice On One Computer

    I don't have SP2 installed yet, but when I installed my IntelliMouse USB, I could still use my PS2 Logitech. Both worked fine. Good luck, -bZj
  18. I'm looking for a simple utility that will give me multiple desktops, a la *nix. I don't want to run a new shell, I just want a little app to handle this for me. I've heard that the RadeonVE comes with one such app, so I'm pretty sure they exist. Anyone know of a good one? -bZj
  19. Down8

    Multiple desktop utility?

    I didn't find anythign like desktops.exe [i searched my Win2K Pro CD for anything containing 'desktop']. I'll chekc out that Stardock app, but I don't want to give them money, so my search continues. -bZj
  20. Down8

    What sound card to buy

    I personally dislike the SB Live!s, but they are fine for most ppl, except for the VAI/AMD/Win2K incompatibilities that pop up on occasion. I'm looking into the Philips Acopustic Edge, and the Hercules Game Theater XP. I still haven't made up my mind on which one to get, since they are tied for the lead. -bZj
  21. Down8

    Multiple desktop utility?

    I'm looking through the support tools, and don't see anything like it. Let me know back here if you remember the name. Thanks, -bZj
  22. Down8

    I am in love with my mouse pad.

    I love my MS Intellimouse Explorer. I had been using a Logitech MouseMan for about a year, and hated the shape, and the fact that I had to clean it so often. While an optical mouse's precision is only rivaled by $100 ball-mice from companies that can't sustain a business, I think one of, and the greatest benefit of optical mice is the lack of cleaning. Yet a third would be ability to use it on almost any surface, and a fourth would be the cool glow of a nice LED under your mouse. -bZj
  23. Down8

    I am in love with my mouse pad.

    You're forgetting to mention the infamous [H]ard|OCP RatPadz! you can see pictures of the new [H] branded one in this thread over at the [H]ard|Forum. I plan on ordering one as soon as they put the new design up for sale. I've already run my Belkin ErgoPad into the ground, and it's only been a month or two. -bZj
  24. Down8

    Duke Nukem Forever Video

    *sniff* I have an S3 video card, but can't get it to workin UT, so I'm stuck with software rendering. *sniff* -bZj
  25. Down8

    Making Transparent Gifs

    Microsoft Photo Editor, which I believe comes with Office, btu may be built into Windows. -bZj